Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2024
8430 Route 23A
Wastewater Treatment Plan Conference Room
Members Present: Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Ed Kaplan, Board Member
Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member
Also Present: Helen Budrock, Sr. Planner—Delaware Engineering
Public Present: Janet Volpi
Open Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the workshop meeting at 6:00 PM
Workshop on potential updates to Village of Hunter Zoning Law:
Zoning Map Changes: The Board reviewed with H. Budrock the colored zoning map which she had previously forwarded and discussed four properties that were previously annexed into the Village from the Town of Hunter by the Village Board. It was agreed that the three lots annexed as part of the Les Jardine project should be shown as Village Residential District. Chairman Slutzky pointed out that a small triangular lot adjacent to Tax lot # 164.16-1-9, owned by Scribner’s Catskill Lodge LLC, is actually part of the adjacent lot and should be shown as in the Gateway Business District.
Permitted Use Changes: The Board continued the discussion with H. Budrock relative to the metrics to be utilized in the schedules of Area, Use and Coverage Regulations in the Zoning Law for Multiple Family Dwellings and the possible inclusion of this use as a permitted use in the Village Business District. The Board reviewed the colored zoning map provided by H. Budrock which highlighted the vacant parcels in the Village Business District and also the spread sheets she provided showing the parcel sizes. After a lengthy discussion of this use, it was agreed that it would be added to the Village Business District as a permitted use requiring site plan review. It was further agreed that Minimum Lot Size would be 5,000 sf/unit, Mean Lot Width 50 ft, Front Setback 10 ft, Side Setback 5 ft, Rear Setback 15 ft, Maximum Lot Coverage 70% and Maximum Height 45 ft.
It was further agreed that Minimum Lot Size for Multiple Family Dwelling in Gateway Business District should be changed to 5,000 sf/unit with the other requirements remaining unchanged. No changes to this use in the other zoning districts were contemplated.
The Board discussed parking requirements in the Gateway and Village Business Districts as it pertains to Multiple Family Dwellings and H. Budrock said she would have some sample wording that could be utilized and incorporated in Article 9-Supplementary Regulations of the Village Zoning Law.
Board and H. Budrock agreed to hold another workshop meeting to continue these discussions at 6:00 PM on September 26 prior to the Regular Planning Board Meeting.
Giangrande made MOTION to Adjourn at 8:18 PM. E. Kaplan seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.
Transcribed by: P. Slutzky