Village of Hunter Planning Board
Minutes of Special Workshop Meeting of
April 19, 2024
Members Present: Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpe, Deputy Chairman
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board Member
Ed Kaplan, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member
Also Present: Christine Lucey, Secretary
Public Present:
Ron San Fillipo, Harout Dermenjian, Rob LaForte, Cassondra Britton representing IDP Realty
Open Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the special workshop meeting at 4:00 PM
New Business:
Potential Updates to Village Zoning Law – Chairman Slutzky started the discussion of potential changes to the Village’s zoning law, including additional permitted uses, changes to area use and coverage requirements, multi-family dwellings, and properties annexed into the Village since the current zoning law was adopted.
Chairman Slutzky said that Helen Budrock, a senior planner at Delaware Engineering, has been assigned to assist with the updates to the zoning law, but she was not able to attend the day’s workshop.
Members of the Board talked about permitted uses they wish to either include or exclude from various zones. These uses included spas, event space venues, ground-mounted solar facilities, cannabis growing facilities and dispensaries, kennels or animal boarding and breeding facilities, and windmills.
Carl Giangrande reminded the Board that every rule needs an understandable definition and limitations in order to be enforceable.
Ed Kaplan said it would be beneficial to open up the Village Business District to more types of business, and said he wishes to see some uses currently permitted only in the Gateway Business District become permissible in the Village Business District. He cited as an example child day care.
The Board discussed the intentions behind the Gateway Business District and the Village Business District, such as working with smaller lot sizes and setbacks, and pedestrian access.
Chairman Slutzky said he would wish to see more professional services, such as doctors and dentists, within these Districts.
The Board discussed “walkability” in terms of concentration of commercial businesses to encourage pedestrian traffic.
The Board also discussed changes to the flood plain maps and the plan to replace the Bridge Street bridge.
The Board agreed generally that child day care and recreational facilities should be permitted within the Village Business District, with suitable revisions to the lot size and setback requirements in that District.
A discussion took place between the Board and member of the public about the zoning rules governing multiple-family dwellings within the Gateway Business District, and the fact that no multiple-family dwelling are permitted in the Village Business District.
The Board reviewed the current definition of:
DWELLING, MULTIPLE FAMILY – A building or portion thereof containing three or more entirely separate dwelling units and designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other.
The group acknowledged that more affordable year-round housing should be encouraged, and agreed that definitions should be more consistent across all Districts.
Ed Kaplan suggested setting a requirement for a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet per dwelling for multiple-family dwellings, instead of the current 10,000 square feet required currently in the Gateway Business District.
Rich Volpe reminded the group of the importance of establishing adequate parking.
Harout Dermenjian discussed with the Board his vision to create one- and two-bedroom units in the Gateway Business District for long-term rental to people who wish to work nearby. He emphasized that business cannot reliably hire staff because it costs too much to live in the area.
Rob LaForte agreed, saying he and Mr. Dermenjian are committed to bringing in businesses, and that an affordable way to do that is to live above your business. Being able to walk to Hunter Mountain is a bonus, he said.
Cassondra Britton spoke about IDP Realty’s desire to tear down an existing building within the Gateway Business District and rebuild with four multiple-family dwelling units. This project cannot proceed under the current square footage requirements of the Gateway Business District, she said.
Chairman Slutzky asked Mr. Dermenjian if he could provide a conceptual sketch of the project he wants to build, applying a rule-of-thumb of 5,000 square feet per dwelling unit. Mr. Dermenjian said he can have something ready in a month or two.
Ms. Britton said that IDP Realty wants only long-term rentals in the multiple-family dwelling construction it envisions.
The Board discussed ground-mounted solar arrays in the Gateway Business District, and the potential for ambient noise and vibration if windmills are permitted.
Chairman Slutzky thanked the participants for their contributions, and said he would probably call another workshop meeting, hopefully including Delaware Engineering.
There being no further business, Richard Volpe made a MOTION to adjourn. Carl Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which was unanimously approved and carried at 6:07 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Christine H. Lucey