Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
July 25, 2024
8430 Route 23A
Wastewater Treatment Plan Conference Room
Members Present: Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpe, Deputy Chairman
Carl Giangrande, Board Member (absent)
Ed Kaplan, Board Member (absent)
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member (absent)
Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board Member
Public Present:
Ron San Fillipo representing Hunter Retreat, Janet Volpi, John Bley Jr.
Public Hearing: Hunter Retreat LLC—Temporary Pre-fab Residences—Tax Lot #164.05-4-3—Site Plan Review
Chairman Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:00 PM. Ron San Fillipo presented certified mail receipts for Notices of Public hearing that were mailed to all the Board designated abutters.
John Bley Jr. inquired about previous water runoff events from the project site running down the bank at southern end of property and onto NYS Route 23A. Ron San Fillipo advised that this situation was brought to his attention by Village CEO, Carl Giangrande, and drainage flow from the property was corrected.
There being no other comments from the public, Chairman Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:09 PM.
Open Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:10 PM
Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Special Workshop Meeting and Planning Board Meeting of June 27, 2024:
After review, Rich Volpi made a MOTION to approve the minutes for both meetings as presented. Penny Sikalis-Spring seconded the MOTION, which was approved and carried.
Privilege of the Floor: none requested
Old Business:
- Hunter Retreat, LLC—Temporary Pre-fab Residences—Tax Lot #164.05-4-3—Site Plan review
Ron San Filippo presentingJohn Bley Jr. advised that his concerns were adequately addressed during the Public Hearing.Board reviewed Part 2-Impact Assessment of the Short EAF, and agreed that no moderate to large environmental impacts were likely to occur as a result of the proposed action. Rich Volpi made a MOTION for Negative Declaration under SEQR. Penny Sikalis-Spring seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.
After discussion, Chairman Slutzky made a MOTION to approve the project site plan contingent on approval by the NYSDOH of the (3) individual fill and pump septic tanks for the pre-fab buildings, before any project work commenced. Rich Volpi seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.
Chairman Slutzky asked Ron San Fillipo to furnish a minimum of two additional site plan sets for approval signatures.
New Business: none
Chairman’s Report: none
Correspondence: none
There being no further business, Penny Sikalis-Spring made a MOTION to adjourn. The MOTION was seconded by R. Volpi, approved, and carried at 7:20 PM.
Transcribed by:
Paul Slutzky