Village of Hunter Planning Board
Public Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2023

Public Hearing and Planning Board Minutes

Members Present:                             Paul Slutzky, Chairman

                                                            Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman

                                                            Ed Kaplan, Board Member

                                                            Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board Member (absent)

                                                            Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member (absent)



Public Present:         Scott Ouimet, P.E. Kaaterskill Associates, Ron San Fillipo, Neal Harris, Alexa Kwiatkowski, JoAnn Ginivan, John Ginivan, Mike Papa, Geraldine Papa, Greg Lubow

Public Hearing:  7925 Main Street—Site Plan Review—Change of Use

Chairman Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:00 PM. Applicant, Mike Papa, reviewed the proposed change of use of the house to restaurant and bar, and the physical changes to the building. He presented proofs of notice and receipts of delivery for the Notice of Public Hearing that was mailed to the Board designated property abutters.

Alexa Kwiatkowski asked what the intended hours of operation would be and if live music was planned.

Neal Harris asked what the required minimum distance of a licensed bar is from schools or houses of worship was.

JoAnn Ginivan asked how much parking was available.

Chairman Slutzky advised Jon Harris had sent a text message to the Board to express his “concerns regarding high intensity lighting, noise, especially after 10 PM and garbage if there is to be any seating out front on the Main Street side.”

There being no other members of the public wishing to offer comments, Chairman Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:09 PM.

Open Meeting:

Chairman Slutzky opened the regular Board meeting at 7:09 PM

Review and Approval of the Minutes of August 24, 2023 Planning Board Meeting:

After review, R. Volpi made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented.

E. Kaplan seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

Privilege of the Floor: none requested

Old Business:

·         7776 Main Street—Sketch Site Plan & Major Residential Subdivision—Les Jardine de Hunter—S. Ouimet, P.E., presenting

S. Ouimet reviewed the revised project site plan dated 9/21/23. He advised that the first 900 linear feet of project entrance road, which goes to just past the entrances to the parking lots of the proposed condominiums, would be constructed to Village road standards and would be intended for dedication to the Village. All project roads beyond that point would be private road, owned and maintained by the single family homes Homeowners Association. He said the proposed Village road portion would be 18 feet of pavement width with five foot shoulders on each side and swales as necessary. The private roads would be constructed with 20 foot of pavement width and concrete curbs on both sides.

R. Volpi said he was not in favor of the cross section design of the private road section as it would not allow for on street parking or safe pedestrian passage. S. Ouimet advised the private road portion would have catch basins and piping to efficiently transfer storm water runoff to storm water retention facilities. He said that constructing the private roads in this manner meets the requirements of the Village road standards and greatly reduces the area of disturbances that would have to be accounted for in the Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan that would have to be approved by the NYCDEP.

S. Ouimet said the footprints of the houses shown on the proposed lots would range from 1250 to 1500 square feet and would typically be two or two and a half stories high. Many would likely have parking on the lower level.

S. Ouimet reiterated that the project is intended to utilize connections to Village water and sewer systems. He advised he discussed the availability of Village water with the Village engineers some time ago and needs their input before the water system can be designed.

Board discussed with S. Ouimet issues of fire hydrant placement, possible necessity of a water tank at the top of the development, road maintenance agreement(s), snow push areas and truck turn radiuses at the cul de sac. S. Ouimet advised the cul de sac has a diameter of 70 feet, which should be sufficient for plow truck and fire engine passage.

After further discussion, Chairman Slutzky advised he would discuss the availability of Village water with the Village engineering firm.

·         Lot Line Adjustment—Nevana Properties LLC—181 & 189 Garfield Avenue

Chairman Slutzky advised that all the conditions imposed by the Board when they approved the lot line adjustment at their August meeting, had been met. The $50 application fee was paid, lot descriptions for the revised two lots have been received and survey maps with signature block have been received.

Chairman Slutzky advised he would sign the new survey paper and mylar maps and advise Greg Lubow when they can be picked up.

·         7925 Main Street—Site Plan Review—Change of Use & Architectural Review Law Review—Michael Papa, owner, presenting

Chairman Slutzky advised he received the Greene County Planning Board response on September 8, 2023 to the 239 Referral review form he sent them for this project, and that it was marked “No Action”.

In response to questions asked at the Public Hearing, M. Papa said: exterior lighting on route 23A side would be soffit lighting directed downward; eight paved parking spots are available adjacent to the building with additional on street parking on both sides of Main Street in front of the building; there would be outdoor seating on the back deck and possibly some seating on front porch; he may on occasion have live music inside or out, but he would always endeavor to be a good neighbor. M. Papa advised he is seeking a full liquor license from the Liquor Authority and believes he has no issues with required distances from elementary school or houses of worship.

Board reviewed the various proposed changes to the structure including raising it by two and a half feet to get it out of the floodplain. After discussion, E. Kaplan made MOTION to approve the project under the Village Architectural Review Law. R. Volpi seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

After further discussion, R. Volpi made MOTION to approve the project site plan drawn by LaBella and dated April 10, 2023.  E. Kaplan seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

Chairman Slutzky had M. Papa sign the site plans and advised him to supply two more copies of the site plan with endorsement block on front sheet for the Chairman’s signature.

·         Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision and Site Plan

Chairman Slutzky advised that Article 5, Section 3., B., 6. Of the Village Subdivision Law specifies that conditional approvals of Major Subdivision Plats expire 180 days after date of resolution of conditional approval. As the conditional approval was granted by the Board on April 27, 2023 the 180 day time period would end October 24, 2023.  He said that the Department of Health has taken many months to conduct its review of the project water system and Realty Subdivision and first responded to project engineer, Walter Kubow, on September 13, 2023. The Board then reviewed the NYSDOH response letter. To be safe Walter Kubow has therefore requested a 90 day extension on the term of the conditional approval.

After discussion, E. Kaplan made MOTION to grant a 90 day extension to the term of the conditional approval of Major Subdivision. R. Volpi seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

New Business:


·         8294 Main Street—New Accessary Building Site Plan Review and Architectural Review—Ron San Fillipo presenting


R. San Fillipo reviewed the proposed site plan with the Board. He advised the building footprint is 4,400 square feet, pathway bollard lighting and light post lighting would be all downward directed, there would be six parking spaces and one handicap parking space in addition to the close by parking in front of the existing motel units, and the proposed building elevations would be different than previously shown at the August Planning Board meeting.

Board determined that as the project site is within 500 feet of NYS Route 23A, a 239 Referral Review form would need to be sent to Greene County Planning Board.

Board determined that as the building footprint is over 4000 square feet it cannot be classified as a Type II review under SEQRA. After discussion, P. Slutzky made MOTION to classify the project as an Unlisted Action under SEQRA review. E. Kaplan seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all. Board reviewed the submitted Short Environmental Assessment Form and noted a couple inconsistencies that R. San Fillipo will correct. Chairman Slutzky advised that decision under SEQRA can’t be made until after a public hearing on the project is held.

Board reviewed project under the Architectural Review Law. Board determined that applicant will need to present colored renderings of the proposed south, east and west elevations along with details of proposed façade materials and proposed landscaping.

After discussion, R. Volpi made MOTION to hold a public hearing on the proposed project at 7:00 PM on October 26, 2023. E. Kaplan seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all. R. San Fillipo said he would let Board know if he will be ready for the public hearing at the October Planning Board meeting before the Notice of Public Hearing is placed in the legal ads.


Chairman’s Report:


Chairman Slutzky advised that Village resident, John Viviani, had requested the Planning Board to review if the glaring lights attached to the old Forrester Motel building were consistent with the approved site plan for that project when the building was rebuilt by Mr. Heller. The Chairman said he would discuss it with the Code Enforcement Office.

R. Volpi inquired as to why the oversize, non-conforming sign at the Bluebird Hotel has not yet been replaced with the Planning Board approved sign. The Chairman said he will ask the Code Enforcement Officer to look into the matter.




E. Kaplan made MOTION to adjourn at 8:30 PM.   R. Volpi seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.


Transcribed by:

Paul Slutzky