Regular Meeting – September 12, 2016

Members Present:
Mayor William Maley
Trustee Michael Tancredi
Trustee Alan Higgins

Also Present:
Village Attorney Larry Gardner; Substitute Transcriber of Village Board Board Minutes Carol Ferrara,, Town of Hunter Officials Dolph Semenza, David Kukle, Daryl Legg and Anthony Coiro,
Attorney Tal Rappleyea

Public Present:
William Palsgraf, Jim Ray, Paul Slutzky, Jim Magnuski, Tom Larison, JD, Marc Chodak, Glennon Travis

Annexation of Lands owned by Sestilio Botti located in Town of Hunter into the Village of Hunter. Brief discussion was held on the application and issues brought up in the Public Hearing were discussed and Annexation was approved.


Update on Main Street trailers – Jim Magnuski inquired if there was any development at all. Mayor Maley and Attorney Gardner both advised that since issue is in litigation, they cannot discuss the matter at this time.

Campsite Description – William Palsgraf introduced himself as the new owner of Iva Sidall’s house. Mr. Palsgraf inquired what constitutes a campground and if one is allowed within the Village of Hunter. Mayor Maley advised that one can have up to 4 tents or RVS on their property but that beyond that, it triggers the NYS Department of Health and it becomes a campground and ruled by different requirements. Jim Magnuski, Jim Ray and Mr. Palsgraf had a lengthy discussion with the Board about the pros and cons of camping. Mayor Maley advised that he would like to do a workshop on camgrounds and Trustees Tancredi and Higgins agreed. A notice will be put in the newspaper and it will be an open meeting and anyone can weigh in their comments and concerns.

Condition of the bricks on sidewalk – Jim Ray stated the possible problem of someone tripping or falling on the bricks. Trustee Tancredi advised that all it takes is pulling the bricks up, putting sand down and putting the bricks back. It was suggested the Village workmen could handle this or maybe the Village could get some trustees from the Greene County Jail to come down and do the repairs.

New Business

  1. NYMIR letter dated August 1, 2016 – Loss control recommendation – regarding lost correspondence – Mayor Maley advised this has been taken care of.
  2. NYSDOT letter dated August 19, 2016 – funding made available through TAP and CMAQ. This will be taken care of.
  3. Application for Active Membership in the Hunter Fire Co. No. 1, Inc. – Eugene Ostrander. Application approved
  4. Scribner’s Catskills Lodge, LLC – Liquor License – Glennon Travis and Marc Chodock – Mr. Travis and Mr. Chodock introduced themselves to the meeting. Motion approved for Mayor Maley to sign letter.


  1. NY Releaf Workshop – Thursday, September 22, 2016
  2. Notice of 30-day period for public request for inclusion in Agriculture District No. 124.
  3. Notice of Public Auction – 82 A-10 Liftside Drive
  4. NYCOM – Free Seminar – Conducting Meetings, SEQR, County Referrals and Drafting
    Decisions: How to Avoid Common Pitfalls of ZBAs and Planning Boards.
  5. Greene County Council on the Arts – Invitation to Annual Garden Party, Saturday, September 17, 2016


Resolution # 2016- 046
Approval of Annexation of lands of Sestilio Botti
From Town of Hunter into
Village of Hunter

Offered by TrusteeTancredi : Seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees approves the annexation of

Certain lands owned by Sestilio Botti in the Town of Hunter into the Village of Hunter.

The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and was carried, which resulted as follows:

Mayor William Maley voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Resolution # 2016 – 047
Approval of Active Membership in Hunter Fire Co. No. 1, Inc
Of Eugene Ostrander

Offered by Trustee Tancredi ; Seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees approves the active membership application of Eugene Ostrander into the Hunter Fire Co., No. l, Inc.

The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and was carried, which resulted as follows:

Mayor William Maley voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Resolution # 2016 – 048
Approval of Scribner’s Catskills Lodge, LLC. Liquor License
Application by Glennon Travis and Marc Chodock

Offered by Trustee Tancredi; Seconded by Trustee Alan Higgins

RESOLVED that the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees approves the application for

Glennon Travis and Marc Chodock’s for Liquor License and have authorized Mayor

Maley to sign the letter of application.

The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote and was carried, which resulted as follows:

Mayor William Maley voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting yea
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon duly adopted.

Voucher #’s Abstract #s

General Operating Fund V-130 to V-159 4
Water Operating Account F-35 to F-45 4
Sewer Operating Account G-53 to G-76 4
Water Supply Capital Project H-3 H-3
Colonel’s Chair Debt Service GCC-1 GCC-1

The above vouchers were audited and ordered paid.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M. by Trustee Michael Tancredi; Seconded by Trustee Alan Higgins

Carol Ferrara
Substitute Transcriber of Minutes