Minutes of The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Meeting held
Monday, November 14, 2022

Call to Order: 7:00PM. Pledge of Allegiance

Members Present: Mayor Mike Papa, Trustee Benjamin Sommers

Also Present: Village Clerk/Treasurer Kathleen Hilbert, Wastewater Treatment plant Todd Murphy, Water Department Joseph Myers, DPW Alan Higgins, Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer Carl Giangrande

Quorum established

Minutes: Minutes 10/28 Mayor Papa motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Trustee Grasso. accepted unanimously.

Minutes 10/11 will be reviewed at next meeting—Trustee Sommers needs time to review

New Business:

Privilege of the floor:

Rich Bepher Application for water on parcel with 2 homes.  He states the plan is to have water hook-up only on the larger home (58 Central Avenue).  The smaller home would continue to use well water. Decision after discussion was that Cross connections are not allowable with water use law. Plan is for the contractor to speak to Joe Meyers and Dept of Health about water use law and having a cross connection. An Engineered plan of Septic and well on property is needed.

Gail ShegeriganLetters were submitted to request more Christmas trees at Dolans Lake for next year, with 5 more electrical outlets on the poles.

IT-Marc Czermerys:

-Presented projection costs for his IT services –$250/monthly retainer * see attached 2 pages

-Project work troubleshooting/repair and installation of new systems will not be included in the monthly retainer.

-Discussed battery back-up so that the system will come back up. Phone lines may need to be on a

– Notify Marc when new copier arrives so he can check the connections.

-Office 365 subscription is recommended because it keeps updating.

-Initial set-up of email would be an outside person –Marc can recommend someone.

-Mayor Papa made a motion to accept the cost of $45/yr. and $60 per 3 years to obtain both domain names, seconded by Trustee Sommers. Unanimously approved.

-Mayor Papa made a motion to allow Marc to inform Digital Toepath, via letter, about the switch to another domain, seconded by Trustee Grasso. Unanimously approved.

-Decision on his retainer and the rest will be decided later.

-Alan Higgins had a question about saved emails on towpath before we switch domains—Marc plans to transfer data to outlook first, to get emails transferred prior to stopping towpath.

-Nate Jones school superintendent

– The school is short on parking now—He discussed the plan to buy a lot of land adjacent to the existing parking lot—this would change the main entrance –buses have their own separate loop –The property would have to be appraised—title search etc.  He stated that this change would be safer for the children.  This would add approx. 40 parking spots and the area would only be used for parking.

-Carl Giangrande questioned whether this would be the final review before the property is owned by the DOE. Discussion about whether this should be presented to the planning board—-Mayor Papa requested that this be discussed with the planning board.

-Alan Higgins stated that this would be an asset to the public because its’s listed as an emergency shelter with the state.

-Mayor Papa made a motion to approve appraisal to be done on the property, Trustee Sommers seconded. Unanimous approval for appraisal.

-Kathleen Hilbert will contact Michelle Yost to get names of appraisers and follow up with board.  If approved, the project would take place in the summer of 2025.

-Alan questioned should there be an easement so that we can get access to the property for tree trimming etc.

NYCOM meeting tomorrow (zoom)—reminder

Dec 15 date changes Planning board meeting & public hearing

-Holiday Party Town of Hunter Holiday party 12/2 invitation at Colonial Golf Course

Emma Glynn Intern— degree in international business offered services for a few weeks –in village hall.   Discussion about the need for her to complete an application and resume.  Also, there would need to search for other applicants before she can be considered. The village needs to have other applicants before she comes There won’t be time to complete this process because she begins her job at Hunter Mountain soon.

Budget transfers/amendment Bob Pattinson—needs approval * see attached page

Discussed –Resolutions will be made later in the meeting.

Water & sewer application—Kevin Serafin not here—application in packet –multiple ways to connect to that line without impeding on other properties—he doesn’t need a right of way —this needs to be approved by the board so that engineer drawings can be completed.

This property is not in Village, but the water system and sewer are.  Carl Giangrande will write a letter stating that sewer and water are available, but an engineer’s report is needed to identify the hookups before approval of board. Tabled returning check not prepared to submit application

NYS ARPA—roof on this bldg.—change use funds for this.  Need special assessment—so not ready to do roof yet

Motion to change $24,000 use of NYS ARPA funds to remodel village hall, barring any restriction from ARPA –need to look at restrictions.

Carl will draw up a plan for the village hall renovation before this plan is approved.

Holiday celebrations-

-Village annual celebration—tree lighting, choir, Alan will set up bathrooms etc., fund for celebrations in village

–Discussion about planting a tree by the basketball court, a Norway Spruce (approx.$450—the tree grows about 1 foot a year and will be off Hunter mtn property.  Alan Higgins will investigate getting a tree.

-Penny Sikalis Spring asked about Main St decorations –we have lit wreaths, but we need more, we also need more new flags–Ms. Spring will Follow up.


-Budget transfers:

– Motion made by Mayor Papa to accept the General fund budget transfer from A13251 treasurer personnel $9,916.00 and A14101 clerk personnel $9,916.00 to A13204 accountant; to accept the Water fund budget transfer from F83101 clerk personnel $19,833.00 to F831033 accountant; and to accept the Sewer fund budget transfer from G811011 clerical personnel $19,833.00 to G811045 accountant seconded by Trustee Grasso, unanimously approved.  

-The General fund budget amendment and the Water fund budget amendment will be followed up by Mayor Papa, Kathleen Hilbert and the accountant.

Building Department Carl Giangrande:

– Signs at bagel shop-The signage is now limited to what is acceptable and the garbage problem is resolved.

-7913 Main Street LLC -A CO was issued to convert a 2 family home to a one family residence—Board approval Mayor Papa motioned to approve sewer & water billing for 1 family  home to be effective  in the next billing cycle, seconded by Trustee Sommers. Unanimously approved.

-Discussion about an Inquiry for an interior lot for owners in same family—The request is to put a swimming pool on the lot –Carl Giangrande will Follow Up.

Dept of Public Works—Alan Higgins

-CHIPS PAVE NY EWR POP -POP submittal deadline 11/22/22 for Dec 15.

-Black top & potholes were taken care of.

-Picnic tables were rebuilt.

-Wine & cheese deck was waterproofed—One section was not completed-Plan is to complete this section on the next warm day.

-All Benches and picnic tables were placed under the pavilion.

-PO for sander $9200

-F50 exhaust manifold gasket needed—A PO will be completed after Mr. Higgins obtains quotes and then these will be submitted to the board.

-Laborer-application –Patrick Holm—Mayor will post on indeed this week for other candidates before hiring.

Fire Company

-Application for active membership -Taylor Cannan—Mayor Papa made a motion to approve Taylor Cannan for active membership to the fire department, seconded by Trustee Sommers. Unanimously approved.

-PO signed by Mayor Papa and Trustee Sommers.

Parks & recreation

-A Memorial Bench is broken -Alan Higgins will follow-up.

Sewer (Todd Murphy)- Nothing to report.

Water (Joe Meyers)- 

-Mayor Papa made a motion to Accept Voucher 3757 to Balsam Mechanical in the amount of $7,083.75, which will be removed from Account F833043 and charged against the Greene County ARPA Funds. Seconded by Trustee Grasso. Unanimously approved.

– Mayor Papa made a motion to approve the following transfers of funds to F834045: $1,150 from F834046, $1,150 from F834048, and $100 from F834044, seconded by Trustee Grasso. Unanimously approved.

-Deposit of $100,000 ARPA funds from Greene County into the water operating account was discussed. Kathleen Hilbert will Follow-Up.

-Village awarded $585,000 from Green Innovation Grant Program

– Water Tank cleaned

-Waiting for a manhole

– Operating on 100% reservoir water—there have been fewer brown water complaints

-No update on water plant project

-Conestoga/Heller Property -Mayor Papa spoke to Matt Curry and Shane Finch at DOH –a plan needs to be submitted for how the property owner is going to separate the 2 houses –he needs a backflow preventer unless it’s totally separate.

Old Business

Marshall & Sterling –Discussed paying the health insurance for the year to avoid problems with lapses in coverage — Mayor Papa motioned to accept the payment of the health insurance for the year, seconded by Trustee Sommers. Unanimously approved.

Request for 1 ¼ inch water line service—Request denied –funds will be returned

No executive session

Mayor Papa made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11pm, seconded by Dorothy Grasso. Unanimously approved.  Meeting adjourned at 11pm

Respectfully submitted,

Dorothy Grasso, Trustee