Minutes of The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Meeting held
Monday, March 14, 2022
Call to Order: 7:00PM. Pledge of Allegiance
Members Present: Mayor Alan Higgins and Trustee Benjamin Sommers
Also Present: Attorney Larry Gardner, Clerk Kathleen Hilbert, DPW Superintendent Matthew Grossman, Building Inspector Carl Giangrande, Todd Murphy, Waste Water Treatment Plant and Harold Goldberg
Absent: Trustee Anita Ayres
Announcements: The Mayor reminded the public of The Village of Hunter’s General Election tomorrow from Noon to 9PM at the Fire House, 17 Bridge Street, Hunter, New York.
Privilege of the Floor: No Public Comment.
New Business:
Village Attorney Larry Gardner is retiring. Mayor has a call in to Attorney Tal Rappleyea.
The Village Organizational Meeting will be held at 7PM on Monday, April 25, 2022. Motion made by Mayor Higgins, seconded by Trustee Sommers. There will be no meeting on April 11, 2022. Board Members will come in earlier in the month to audit and order claims be paid. Attorney Gardner offered to stay on as Village Attorney until the Organizational Meeting.
Fire Department: Motion made by Mayor Higgins, seconded by Trustee Sommers to approve the application of Jesse Kohler for active membership in the Hunter Fire Co. No. 1, Inc. Motion made by Mayor Higgins, seconded by Trustee Sommers to allow the Fire Company to use the pavilion picnic tables for their block party on August 6, 2022 and authorize the Mayor to sign the Open Container Waiver Application and Landlord Authorization Form for Special Event Permit Application presented by the Fire Company.
Water Department: December presentation was canceled due to Omicron. Presentation will be held shortly. Mayor will participate in the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation water quality infrastructure needs survey.
2022/2023 Water Operating Budget was discussed. Budget decreased to $472,717. Rate per EDU decreased to $199.79. Commercial rates also decreased – one EDU plus .011 per gallon. Motion made by Mayor, seconded by Trustee Sommers to hold Public Hearing regarding the 2022/2023 Water Operating Budget on Monday, March 28, 2022 at 10AM in the conference room at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Public Hearing will be followed by Special Meeting to adopt said budget. Ordered Clerk to publish Legal Notice.
Sewer Department: Will be submitting two POs for influent pump and chemical pumps.
2022/2023 Sewer Operating Budget: Discussion was held regarding Commercial EDU changes and methodology. Board does not agree with the current process. Changes will remain. Motion made by Mayor, seconded by Trustee Sommers to forward budget to NYC DEP once the discussed line-item changes are made.
Building Department: Discussed expired building permits and loss of income due to not collecting permit renewal fees, status of Certificates of Occupancy and procedures regarding notification of water and sewer hook-ups. Board authorized water billing for:
164.09-1-2 Samusis Pine Lane Retroactive to 1/1/2021
164.11-3-16 Sporton 56 Gaby Road Retroactive to 1/1/2021
164.11-3-10 Cavallaro 40 Gaby Road Retroactive to 7/1/21
date of CO 9/24/21
164.09-2-31 LeVoci Retroactive to 1/1/2021
March 14/2022
Page 1 of 2.
Department of Public Works: Light pole near Melody Woods destroyed. Waiting for Police Report. Will be submitting PO for air compressor. Superintendent advised Board of two accidents during Saturday’s snow storm.
Bills: Claims audited and ordered paid by Mayor Higgins and Trustee Sommers. DPW vouchers still to be prepared and submitted.
March 1, 2022 Month-End Collateral Statement
General Fund Budget v. Actual June 1 through February 28, 2022
Water Operating Budget v. Actual June 1 through February 28, 2022
Sewer Operating Actual June 1 through February 28, 2022
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Mayor Higgins, seconded by Trustee Sommers. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM.
Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer