The Village of Hunter
Minutes of The Village Board of Trustees Meeting held March 13, 2017
Call to Order: 8:00PM. Pledge of Allegiance.
Members Present: Trustee Alan Higgins and Trustee Michael Tancredi
Also Present: Charles Sweet, Superintendent of Highways and Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer
Public Present: Ron DeMartin, Jim Ray, Rob Corson, Anthony Figiel, Ana Cianciola, Gary Goodrich, Gail Shegerian, Jodi Larison, Mike Fontanna, Tom Larison, Paul Jones and Anita Ayres
Approval of Minutes: Motion to accept the minutes of The Board of Trustees Meeting held February 13, 2017 changing the time of Call to Order to 8PM and to accept the minutes of the Emergency Meeting of The Village Board of Trustees held February 28, 2017 made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins. All in favor. Motion carried.
Privilege of the Floor:
Gail Shegerian – Can I have two more Christmas Trees? Trustee Higgins – That is very possible. We have to decide where they are going to be placed. What about glass Christmas decorations? Are there any on the trees? When we get high winds, a lot of those decorations blow into the lake where we have a summer camp program and children with bare feet go into the water. We have to consider this. Gail Shegerian – Plastic decorations-no glass. Also, can they fix the outlet on the bridge. Charles Sweet – The outlet has been repaired.
New Business:
- Central Hudson News Release advising local residents to act now to be prepared for the snowstorm. Preparation and communication instructions distributed to the public and posted.
- Adopted Local Law No. 4 of 2017 updating the Zoning Map to incorporate the 2016 Annexations (Mountaintrails at Hunter, LLC, Trailside Inroads, The Village of Hunter and Sestilio Botti) into the Village Residential District. This Local Law amends Local Law No. 3 of 2013, The Village of Hunter Zoning Law. See Local Law No. 4 of 2017.
- Awarded bid for demolition and removal of St. Mary’s Church to Tweedie Construction Services, Inc. See Resolution 2017-010.
- Refuse Day – Pending okay from Greene County Solid Waste, Refuse Day will be Tuesday, May 16, 2017. Trustee Higgins read the notice to the public and it will be posted on the bulletin board and web site.
- Annual SPDES Inspection – Overall satisfactory rating was assigned. Appreciated the installation of an effluent flow meter in the past year. Consider installing a comminutor, auger or some other rag-removal equipment in the pump station in order to protect the pumps and reduce the amount of extra time the operators must spend manually pulling pumps and removing rags. Trustee Tancredi – Notify Cedarwood and tell them to move forward in getting prices and getting that equipment.
- Greene County Emergency Medical Systems, Inc. is looking at our building at the corner of Bridge and Main Streets to relocate paramedic vehicle out of Windham. Trustee Higgins has been trying to contact Mr. Brucato.
- Mountain Jam and Taste of Country Music Festivals Transportation Plans – Tabled until next meeting.
- Mountain Jam and Taste of Country – Safety/Traffic Meeting – 1PM, April 12, 2017; Emergency Management Meeting – 3PM, April 12, 2017.
- Notice of Unemployment Insurance Rate increase to 5.8%.
- Letter of complaint from Joe Kinney – Trustee Higgins will speak to Andre.
- Smart Growth Implementation Application Commitment Letter – Will be typed for Trustee Higgins’ signature.
- Facility Compliance Inspection conducted on February 23, 2017 – All items found to be satisfactory. Trustee Tancredi – We still need to obtain occupancy rating information and some property changes. Code Enforcement Officer to keep file containing Lawful Occupancy Limits for commercial properties.
- Greene County Tax Foreclosure list – Reviewed.
- Computer Support – Authorized Clerk to solicit.
- Authorized the Mayor or a Trustee to open bids. See Resolution 2017-011.
Old Business:
- Catskill Park Wayfinding Sign Project. Harold Goldberg attended the February 28, 2017 meeting. Catskill Watershed will be looking for assistance to install signs. Charles Sweet has been notified and will be available.
- 2017 Schoharie Watershed Summit will be held Saturday, March 25, 2017 at the Hunter Elementary School.
- Notice of Tentative Telecommunications Ceiling for the 2017 assessment roll.
- The Greene County Department of Human Services will hold the Seventh Annual Senior Citizen Day at the Historic Catskill Point on Friday, May 19, 2017 from 12Noon to 3PM.
- Central Hudson invitation to share and discuss natural gas and municipal improvement projects planned for this and future years.
- Catskill Watershed Corporation’s notice of preliminary decisions dated March 7, 2017.
- Cornell Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties’ 2016 Annual Report is available.
Financial Reports:
- Monthly Trash Bag Reconciliation
- Bank Reconciliations
General Fund
Sewer Operating Account
Water Operating Account
Account Voucher Nos. Abstract
General Fund V-352 to V-388 No. 10
Sewer Operating G-165 to G-179 G-10
Water Operating F-112 to F-122 F-10
Trust and Agency TOA-3 TOA-3
The above vouchers were audited and ordered paid.
Local Laws:
Local Law No. 4 of 2017
A LOCAL LAW Amending Local Law No. 3 of the year 2013 – The Village of Hunter Zoning Law
Be it enacted by The Board of Trustees of the Village of Hunter as follows:
This law is enacted pursuant to the authority granted under Section 10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.
The purpose of this local law is to update the zoning map of The Village of Hunter, to incorporate recent annexations which have occurred, adding the annexed parcels to The Village of Hunter’s Zoning Map and specifying the designated zoning district for each annexed parcel.
The zoning map of The Village of Hunter is hereby amended to incorporate and include the following parcels: Tax Map Parcels: 164.00-7-2; 164.00-7-3; Hunter Drive; 164.00-7-1; and 164.07-1-16, all of which are hereby designated to be in the Village Residential District (VRD).
This Local Law shall become effective immediately upon its filing with the Office of the Secretary of State.
Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins
The foregoing local law was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.
Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Local Law No. 4 of 2017 was thereupon declared duly adopted.
Resolution 2017-010
Award Bid for Demolition and Removal of St. Mary’s Church
Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins
RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees accepts the proposed bid of $11,950 from Tweedie Construction Services, Inc. of 90 Crystal Creek Road, Walton, New York, for the demolition and removal of St. Mary’s Church, 7512 Main Street, Hunter, New York.
The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.
Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Resolution 2017-010 was thereupon declared duly adopted.
Resolution 2017-011
Authorization to Open Solicited Bids
Offered by Trustee Tancredi; Seconded by Trustee Higgins
RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the Mayor or a Trustee to open bids received in response to bids solicited by The Village of Hunter.
The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.
Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Resolution 2017-011 was thereupon declared duly adopted.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Tancredi; Seconded by Trustee Higgins. All in favor. Motion carried.
Transcribed by:
Kathleen M. Hilbert
17-03-13 minutes tentative