The Village of Hunter
Minutes of The Village Board of Trustees Meeting held February 13, 2017

Call to Order: 8:00PM. Pledge of Allegiance.

Members Present: Trustee Alan Higgins and Trustee Michael Tancredi

Also Present: Larry Gardner, Village Attorney and Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Present: Mary Lou Quinn, Joe Jove, Betsy Pellitteri, Christine Gucker, Bill Gucker, Ann Cianciolo, Anita Ayres, Keith Holmquist, Harold Goldberg, Daniela Goldberg, Jon Harris, Karen Stanbrook, Giordano Radelich, Jim Ray, Fran Clark, Chuck Tomajko, Anthony Figiel, Karen Malen, John Malen, Carl Giangrande, Kathleen Giangrande, Tim Shoffler, and Ron DeMartin

Bid Opening: Trustee Higgins opened and read the only bid submitted for the fire truck. Resolution 2017 – 003

Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of:

Public Hearing held January 9, 2017

Board of Trustees Meeting held January 9, 2017

Public Hearing held January 18, 2017

Public Hearing held January 26, 2017

Public Hearing held January 26, 2017

Public Hearing held January 26, 2017, and

Board of Trustees Special Meeting held

January 26, 2016

Motion to accept the above-listed minutes made by Trustee Higgins; seconded by Trustee Tancredi. All in favor. Motion carried.

Privilege of the Floor:

Trustee Tancredi – Before we go any further, I just want to address Anita Ayres with one thing. Do you rent part of your house out? Do you do rentals? Anita Ayres – Yes, I do. Trustee Tancredi – Did you know that there was a concerted effort for us to change the law to outlaw that? Just so you know, I stood here and took a lot of heat because my position was that it was not good for the Village. I am not doing anything that is detrimental to the Village. That is not my thought process. Besides spending fifteen years putting the infrastructure in place, I have spent all my waking time trying to figure out how to revitalize The Village of Hunter.

Trustee Higgins – We have had a public hearing as it pertains to the amendment that was proposed for the Zoning Law. We will take comments tonight even though we have already had the public hearing and it is closed. Comments will be limited to five minutes. Trustee Tancredi – If you want to make a comment, please identify yourself.

Anita Ayres – Who proposed this, why was it proposed, who will benefit the most from these changes? We haven’t even had an opportunity to express our opinion.

Harold Goldberg – You did have the opportunity at the Public Hearing.

Trustee Higgins – The amendment on this change, mistakenly, by Delaware Engineering who drafted this, was sent to the County Planning Board. It was not authorized nor approved by The Village Board. It means nothing. There has been no vote by The Village Board. There is no amendment by The Village Board. The County Planning Board is not going to be able to amend our Zoning Law without us approving those changes. This was brought to my attention by Harold Goldberg and I told him I would clear this up.

Harold Goldberg – It cannot go before the County Planning Board unless it was approved by the Village. The mistake was it never should have been sent.

Carl Giangrande – Were the comments of the Planning Board entered into the minutes of that meeting? Trustee Tancredi – There was a letter from Paul Slutzky that was read at the meeting. I read it out loud. Carl Giangrande – Would it be appropriate to put this up for a referendum? Trustee Tancredi – I do not think so. Attorney Gardner – This is not allowed. Certain things by statute are subject to a mandatory referendum. Certain other things that are subject to a permissive referendum and unless it is one of those items you are not allowed to. You cannot do it. Unidentified female – Mike, there was a question that was not answered. Why were the comments of the Planning Board not reflected in the minutes or even brought up? Trustee Higgins – It was not submitted at the Public Hearing, however… Trustee Tancredi – I read it out loud at the Public Hearing. Unidentified male – your comments did not make the minutes. Trustee Tancredi – I think they did. Is that the problem? Bring in your headphones and listen to the tapes. When people start to say we are up to something suspicious, I am going to go at you. Nobody has worked harder to advance the Village than I have on many, many different levels. Bill Palsgraf came to the Mayor and inquired about the camping, Mayor Maley came to me. He went to Trustee Higgins. I do not have a horse in this race. I am not interested in camping on my property.

For informational purposes: Minutes are not required to be and should not be a verbatim account of the meeting. Nor should the minutes include a reference to each comment made during the meeting. The minutes must indicate which members of the public body were present at the meeting and contain a summary of all motions, proposals, resolutions and any other matters voted upon and the actual votes. [NYCOM Handbook for Village Officials (2015) Chapter 6, 6.2]

Bill Gucker – Who thinks this would improve the Village? Trustee Tancredi – This would be a business decision on the part of a property owner interested in doing this. It is already an allowed regulated activity. I am not in the business of making business decisions for other people. That is not what we are doing here. Trustee Higgins – Let me reiterate. It is already allowed and not happening.

Jonathan Harris – We designed the zoning to protect the homeowners in The Village of Hunter from the amendment you want to propose. I think on behalf of everybody, we want to stop that amendment. It will not increase the tax base of the Village. It will only increase the profits for whoever has the property. We do not want that. I also think there are conflicts of interest between the Board Members and this law. Paul Slutzky and the whole Planning Board is against it. Trustee Tancredi – Maybe we should rescind it – change the law so that it is not allowed anywhere in the Village. Then ask me if Paul Slutzky is in opposition to that. Don’t tell me about conflicts of interest. Furthermore, Jon, I was the only one who promoted the development of the zoning document when everyone was scared of it. Jonathan Harris – It’s working. Trustee Tancredi – Then, it didn’t protect us because we have three hideous properties on Main Street. Jonathan Harris – That’s because we don’t have code enforcement in this Village. You have vinyl signs flying all over the Village and nobody’s doing anything about it because we don’t have code enforcement, so how is this going to get enforced? Who is going to enforce it? We don’t want the amendment. This amendment is detrimental to the Village.

Harold Goldberg – What is the status of the amendment right now? Trustee Higgins – We had a Public Hearing. It has not gone any further than the Public Hearing of January 9, 2017. It has not been discussed since then until now. Harold Goldberg – So, what is the next procedural step that will take place to address this amendment? Trustee Tancredi – The Village Board votes on it. Jonathan Harris – Do you take into consideration what the people feel? Trustees Higgins and Tancredi – That was the idea of the Public Hearing. Trustee Higgins – And, that is the idea of me allowing the public to comment on it tonight even though it is not required. I do want to hear your comments.

Tim Shoffler – I want it put on the record the definition of what glamping is. I think that is important. Trustee Tancredi – I would only be supportive of this if there was very specific language in the document. Tim Shoffler – If we have camping on Main Street, I want to know if the property owner is going to be responsible for security.

Joe Jove – Read a letter written by his wife, Jolanta Jove, Realtor.

Chuck Tomajka – I previously submitted a four-page letter to you that elaborates all of the concerns that I have. The application to the County Planning Board was the motivation for me because it looked like something was moving forward and I had heard nothing about it up to that point in time. That is what got me going. I am comforted by the fact that you have not voted on that. I am one-hundred and ten percent against having Roseberry’s having the ability to do camping there. There isn’t anything that he’s done that has been what he said he was going to do or that he ever does in a very positive way. I would support keeping the zoning document the way it is.

Daniele Goldberg – If you bring it up to five, what’s to prevent two people, who are neighbors, who each have three and two acres to get together and there is the five acres. Trustee Tancredi – I am not in the business of making business decisions for private individuals. If two neighbors want to collaborate and decide that they want to join properties, that is their business. Daniele Goldberg – The community does not want this.

Harold Goldberg – Would the Board consider another public hearing to review the semantics? Trustee Tancredi – I don’t think it’s necessary. Harold Goldberg – After what you heard tonight, you don’t think it’s necessary?

Fran Clark – When are you going to vote on this?

Karen Malen – During the festivals, I do not really get that much more business, but I do get them coming in and using my facilities. They wash in there. They use it as their sponge bath. They throw their garbage out. They leave my outside tables full of garbage. My place is the only place in the Village with a public rest room.

Jonathan Harris – I want to ask you how much property you have in the business district and would you consider putting campers and stuff on your property – both you and your father. Trustee Higgins – I do not have enough property to that. Jonathan Harris – You and your Dad together would. Trustee Higgins – Our separate properties are separated by another individual. They are not connected. I do not qualify. He does not qualify.

Trustee Higgins – I think everyone is consistent in their comments.

Trustee Tancredi – If anyone has any great ideas on how to get economic development in the Village, call us. If you have ideas, then you have to identify how to get the money to do the idea.

Trustee Higgins – We are going to move on with our meeting. I am right now making a motion to amend Local Law No. 3 of 2013 The Zoning Law of The Village of Hunter to upgrade campground regulations. Trustee Tancredi – I second. Trustee Higgins – All in favor: Trustee Tancredi – Aye. All opposed: Trustee Higgins – Nay. Motion is not carried.

Trustee Higgins – I will remake my motion to amend Local Law No. 3 of 2013 The Zoning Law of The Village of Hunter to upgrade campground regulations. Trustee Tancredi – I second the motion. All in favor: None. All opposed: Trustee Higgins: Nay. Trustee Tancredi: Nay. Jonathan Harris – We are going to file an Article 78. Attorney Gardner: It was voted down. It is over. Trustee Higgins – The amendment did not pass. I listened to the public. I have not heard one person who was for this. I would like to thank everyone for being here to voice your concerns. We must continue with our regular meeting. Please stay if you wish.

Anthony Figiel – Whose responsibility is it to shovel out the fire hydrants? Trustee Tancredi – The Water Company. Anthony Figiel – Does anyone enforce this? Trustee Higgins – Charles Sweet is on it. We are going to get them cleaned out. I have to review the contract with Joe Myers’ water service. Regardless of the responsibility in that contract, we will be clearing out the fire hydrants. Anthony Figiel – Can we also clear out the remainder of the sidewalks that never got done from the past three storms because as you know Hunter Mountain is extremely busy. Trustee Higgins – There is a sequence as to what gets done first.

New Business:

1. Commercial EDU Assignments, Lawful Occupancies, Water Usage, Wastewater Flow. Cedarwood Environmental Services needs to know occupancy, size and other details of commercial property to reanalyze how much flow each commercial property is generating. Chief Operator at the WWTP met with Code Enforcement Officer with zero solution. Request made by NYC DEP, who funded the WWTP by approximately $550K for our 2016-2017 fiscal year. Cedarwood asking us to help facilitate this process.

2. Pavilion Rentals – Rental rates remain the same for the time being. Should the rates change, we will honor the rate in effect at the time of the booking. Trustee Tancredi – The $25 now charged does not even cover the cost of hauling the garbage away. Trustee Higgins – I feel the rental should increase to $100. Trustee Tancredi – There should be a delineation on rental fees between local residents, Village taxpayers and non-Village taxpayers. Trustee Higgins – As far work happening there, I do not know that we are moving forward with that yet.

3. Summer Program – Deputy Treasurer’s Report indicates $1,313.72 plus unaccounted for by Program Director. Trustee Tancredi – I will have to put some checks and balances in place and I will do the purchasing. Trustee Higgins – Include the cost of activities in the cost of the camp registration. Trustee Tancredi – I will look at that. Typically they identify the trips prior to the beginning of camp, so that would be pre-registration. Trustee Higgins – The director must send the proper cost information home with the child for the parents and make sure they collect the fees. Trustee Tancredi – Right. So we will have to print something up prior to the registration and have this all organized so that way if they kids have not paid, then obviously they are not going. All unpaid/unused tickets to events must be returned to the Village Hall. I will work on the procedural issues. I think that the t-shirts should be brought into the Village Hall and purchased from here.

4. Greene County Resolution No. 27-17 Authorizing Municipalities to Participate in County Highway Purchases. Attorney Gardner – We will send a letter.

5. Notice of 2017 Tentative Special Franchise Full Values – February 20, 2017 deadline for complaints.

6. Appoint Village Election Inspectors – Resolution 2017-004.

7. Election Day Paper Ballots – Resolution 2017-005.

8. Authorize the hiring of Milone and MacBroom to develop a Local Flood Hazard Mitigation Analysis (LFHMA). Trustee Tancredi – That is related to the local flood analysis that we are partaking in with the Village of Tannersville, The Village of Hunter, and the Town of Hunter and that is the consulting firm we have retained through a collaborative decision making process. It is not the firm that we voted for but they are very qualified – Resolution 2017-006.

9. Election Poll Site Agreement – Primary and General Elections poll site location to be changed to the Fire House at 17 Bridge Street, Hunter, New York. All elections run by the County will be held at the Fire House. Trustee Higgins – The Fire House is so much better equipped for handicapped accessibility that it makes sense to have it there. Also, we do not need our employees in the Village Hall to not come in because the County is running an election. Village Election poll site location to remain at the Hunter Village Hall. Trustee Tancredi – Sounds like a good idea. All Trustees agree to this.

10. Schoharie Watershed Advisory Committee letter dated January 25, 2017 – Appoint/Reappoint primary and secondary members for the two-year term (2017-2018) – March 24, 2017 deadline. Trustee Michael Tancredi and Trustee Alan Tancredi are currently the Village’s primary and alternate representatives. Reappoint and advise SWAC by March 24, 2017.

11. Catskill Park Wayfinding Sign Project – Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC) letter dated January 27, 2017 – Appoint person to attend 6PM, February 28, 2017 meeting at Mountain Top Library in Tannersville (March 1 snow date). Harold Goldberg was appointed to attend this meeting on behalf of The Village of Hunter.

12. Post-Accident Substance Testing Procedure

13. Central Hudson Municipal Briefings – Contact Information. Change to Trustee Higgins and Charles Sweet.

14. Employee Medical Insurance Renewal – Discussion held. What is the deadline?

15. Snow Removal – Snow removal at Mary Warren’s still not satisfactory at crosswalk. Trustee Higgins will speak to Charles Sweet.

16. Shared Services Agreement – Resolution 2017-007.

17. Application for Re-Instatement of Adam R. Goodrich for Active Membership in The Hunter Fire Co., No 1, Inc. – Is he still on disabled list? Why active membership and not associate membership? Tabled.

Old Business:

1. DOS 2016 Bridge NY Program – January 30, 2017 letter – Overlook Drive and Riverside Drive over Trib. of Schoharie Creek application – Not selected for funding.

2. DOS 2016 Bridge NY Program – January 30, 2017 letter Glen Avenue over Mad Brook to Schoharie Creek application – Not selected for funding.

3. Policies for Vacation, etc. – Resolution 2017-008. Tabled last month. Discussion was held regarding changes to previous policy. Time previously rolled over will be honored. We will pass this tonight but will continue to pay for Donna Endy’s family plan through March 31, 2017. We will amend at a later date and work on a clothing allowance policy for the Highway Department.

4. St. Mary’s Church – Unsafe/Hazard Notice. Put notice in the paper that we are going to be accepting bids for demolition and removal. We are going to save the foundation – Resolution 2017-009.

5. Fyodorov Doublewides – Mayor approached Delaware Engineering so the Village will pay Delaware Engineering and then will bill the Fyodorovs.


1. Facility Compliance Inspection of The Village of Hunter – Letter from NYC DEP

2. Notice of Preliminary Decisions of the Catskill Watershed Corporation – February 8, 2017 e-mail from Suess.

Financial Reports:

1. Deputy Treasurer’s Summer Program report

1. Monthly Trash Bag Reconciliation – not submitted

2. Bank Reconciliations

General Fund
Sewer Operating Account
Water Operating Account


Account Voucher Nos. Abstract

General Fund V-297 to V-351 No. 9

Sewer Operating G-139 to G-164 G-9

Water Operating F-100 to F-111 F-9

Water Supply Capital Project HF-7 HF-7

The above vouchers were audited and ordered paid.


Resolution 2017-003
Accept Commander Equipment Supply Bid for Fire Truck

Motion made by Trustee Alan Higgins; seconded by Trustee Michael Tancredi

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to accept the bid from Commander Equipment Supply and to purchase the fire truck for $199,000 subject to the review and approval of the specs by The Hunter Fire Co. No. 1, Inc.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 004
Appointment of Village Election Inspectors

Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees appoints Susan Holcomb as Village Election Inspector Chairperson at the rate of $120 per day, appoints Mary O’Connor as Village Election Inspector at the rate of $110 per day and Christine Kohler as Alternate Village Election Inspector at the rate of $110 per day for The Village Election to be held on Tuesday, March 21, 2017 between the hours of 12:00Noon and 9:00PM at the Hunter Village Hall.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017-005
Election Day Paper Ballots

Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees hereby orders the Clerk to use paper ballots to be counted by hand for The Village of Hunter’s General Election to be held March 21, 2017.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 006
Authorize Hiring of Milone and MacBroom, Inc. to develop a Local Flood Hazard Mitigation Analysis

Authorizing the hiring of Milone and MacBroom, Inc to develop a Local Flood Hazard Mitigation Analysis (LFHMA) for the Hunter Corridor communities (Town of Hunter, Village of Tannersville and Village of Hunter) that will assist the municipalities and its residents in understanding flood risk, evaluating whether potential feasible mitigation options exist to reduce flooding problems, and identifying hazard mitigation grant programs that may apply to implement cost effective mitigation measures.

Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins

WHEREAS; The Village of Hunter is located within the Schoharie Watershed basin in the northern Catskill Mountains, and

WHEREAS; Issues related to community flooding, private property protection, and water quality have been the subject of many discussions and are a common interest of the Village of Hunter and the surrounding Mountaintop communities, and

WHEREAS; The Village of Hunter recognizes it is in the citizens’ interest to understand flooding impacts on the municipality’s infrastructure, private and public property, and water quality in order to proactively plan and respond to such impacts, and

WHEREAS: The Village of Hunter supports participating in the Local Flood Hazard Mitigation Analysis to better understand the nature of flood events and risks and where the potential exists through structural and non-structural alternatives to reduce surface water flooding in the study area, and

WHEREAS; The Village of Hunter entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Village of Tannersville, the Town of Hunter and the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District (GCSWCD) to conduct the LFHMA including applying for funding through the Stream Management Implementation Program, and

WHEREAS; The Village of Hunter under the guidance of the GCSWCD put a Request for Proposal out on October 28, 2016 to solicit bids from qualified companies to conduct the LFHMA; and

WHEREAS; GCSWCD received five bids ranging in price from $94,991 to $245,450 and, after review of the proposals, the scoping and selection committee, on which the Village of Hunter is represented, recommended interviewing four of the five firms, and

WHEREAS; The scoping and selection committee interviewed those firms on January 18, 2017 and on January 23, 2017 and after deliberating on the qualifications of each decided to retain the services of Milone and MacBroom, Inc, now

Therefore Be It Resolved that:

­­­William Maley, Mayor of the Village of Hunter, or his/her successor in office, is authorized to work in cooperation with Milone and MacBroom, Inc, Consultant hired to conduct the LFHMA, and the GCSWCD Stream Management and Watershed Assistance Programs as facilitators to ensure a thorough Local Flood Hazard Mitigation Analysis is developed that will be directed by the three municipalities and their Flood Advisory Committees to identify mitigation options that will safeguard the health and welfare of its residents. The Village of Hunter recognizes and agrees that GCSWCD will manage the contract with Milone and MacBroom, Inc. on behalf of the Village of Hunter and the other participating communities.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


I, Kathleen M. Hilbert, being the Clerk of The Village of Hunter and the official recording officer of The Village of Hunter records do hereby certify that the above resolution was approved at the meeting of The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees on February 13, 2017, that the resolution is true and correct and in full force and that an official record of this action is on file in the Village’s minutes book.

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: February 13, 2017
Village Clerk

Resolution 2017-007
Authorization to sign Shared Services Agreement with NYSDOT

Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of authorizes Trustee Alan Higgins, to sign Shared Services Agreement between NYSDOT and The Village of Hunter for a term of two years from February 13, 2017 to February 13, 2019.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 008

Supersedes Resolution 96-08

Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; Seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees adopt the following policies and procedures:

Village Office Staff

The Village Office will be open Monday through Friday between the hours of 9AM and 5PM.

Regular full-time Village Office employees are scheduled to work a standard 35-hour week. Standard work day for the Village Office Staff – 9AM to 5PM with a one-hour lunch break scheduled between the hours of 11AM and 2PM. Changes to scheduled lunch breaks to be approved by Clerk/Treasurer. Employees are not permitted to forego the lunch period to shorten the work day. Employees are expected to report to work on time and continue to work until the end of the work day.


Holidays for full-time office staff are as follows:

New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran’s Day
Election Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

Should a holiday fall on a Saturday, it will be observed on Friday; should a holiday fall on Sunday, it will be observed on Monday.


Vacation time for full-time office staff is ten (10) days after one year of employment with an additional five (5) days after five years of employment. Request for vacation time must be made in writing and approved by the Clerk/Treasurer.

Vacation time will be pro-rated should employee be out on unpaid leave. Earned vacation time must be used during the fiscal year and cannot be accrued.

Personal Time

Personal time for full-time office staff is five (5) days per year. Newly hired employees shall be entitled to personal days as follows: One day after the first month of employment; one additional day after two months of employment; one additional day after three months of employment; one additional day after four months of employment; and one additional day after the fifth month of employment.

Personal time may be used at any time for any purpose at employee’s discretion.

Personal time will be pro-rated should employee be out on unpaid leave. Earned personal time must be used during the fiscal year and cannot be accrued.

Sick Leave

Sick time for full-time office staff is five (5) days per year. Newly hired employees shall be entitled to sick days as follows: One day after the first month of employment; one additional day after two months of employment; one additional day after three months of employment; one additional day after four months of employment; and one additional day after the fifth month of employment.

Sick leave should be used only for days you are unable to work. If accumulated, it will provide you with income protection when you are ill or injured. Any sick days not taken by the end of the fiscal year (May 31) will be carried into the next fiscal year. Upon termination of employment, all unused sick days will be paid at the employee’s then existing rate of pay.

Absence of individuals can interrupt the continuity of services and place additional responsibility on other employees in the work place. If you are absent due to illness or injury, notify the Village Clerk/Treasurer prior to the start of your work day, if possible. The Village Clerk/Treasurer must be contacted on each additional day of absence. If you are on sick leave for three calendar days, you must provide The Village with a Doctor’s statement at that time. When absenteeism or lateness becomes excessive, regardless of the reason, it may become grounds for disciplinary action. In this case, disciplinary action is based on the Village’s need to ensure continuity of staffing. Employees should view any action taken in this situation as an attempt to advise you that a problem is noted which is causing concern and not as punitive in nature.

All time off must be designated as Vacation, Personal or Sick time at the time taken.

Medical Coverage

All full-time employees are eligible for paid medical coverage after the first ninety days of employment. If the employee would like coverage for their spouse or dependent children, the employee will be required to pay The Village the full price of the additional premiums which will be a payroll deduction. Medical coverage will be pro-rated should employee be out on unpaid leave.

Cell Phones

Cell Phone use including texting is prohibited. Cell phones should not be brought into the office.

Village Highway Department

The Village Highway Garage will be open Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00AM and 3:30PM.

Regular full-time Village Highway Department employees are scheduled to work a standard 40-hour week. Standard work day for the Village Highway Department employees –7:00AM to 3:30PM with a one-half hour lunch break. Employees are not permitted to forego the lunch period to shorten the work day. Employees are expected to report to work on time and continue to work until the end of the work day.


Holidays for full-time highway staff are as follows:

New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

Should a holiday fall on a Saturday, it will be observed on Friday; should a holiday fall on Sunday, it will be observed on Monday.


Vacation time for full-time highway staff is ten (10) days after one year of employment with an additional five (5) days after five years of employment. Request for vacation time must be made in writing and approved by the Superintendent of Highways.

Vacation time will be pro-rated should employee be out on unpaid leave. Earned vacation time must be used during the fiscal year and cannot be accrued.

Personal Time

Personal time for full-time highway staff is ten (10) days per year. Newly hired employees shall be entitled to one personal day after the first month of employment and one additional day after each month of employment for the next nine (9) months.

Personal time may be used at any time for any purpose at employee’s discretion. Earned personal time must be used during the fiscal year and cannot be accrued.

Sick Leave

Sick time for full-time highway staff is five (5) days per year. Newly hired employees shall be entitled to sick days as follows: One day after the first month of employment; one additional day after two months of employment; one additional day after three months of employment; one additional day after four months of employment; and one additional day after the fifth month of employment.

Sick leave should be used only for days you are unable to work. If accumulated, it will provide you with income protection when you are ill or injured. Any sick days not taken by the end of the fiscal year (May 31) will be carried into the next fiscal year. Upon termination of employment, all unused sick days will be paid at the employee’s then existing rate of pay.

Absence of individuals can interrupt the continuity of services and place additional responsibility on other employees in the work place. If you are absent due to illness or injury, notify the Superintendent of Highways and the Village Clerk’s Office prior to the start of your work day, if possible. The Superintendent of Highways must be contacted on each additional day of absence. If you are on sick leave for three calendar days, you must provide The Village with a Doctor’s statement at that time. When absenteeism or lateness becomes excessive, regardless of the reason, it may become grounds for disciplinary action. In this case, disciplinary action is based on the Village’s need to ensure continuity of staffing. Employees should view any action taken in this situation as an attempt to advise you that a problem is noted which is causing concern and not as punitive in nature.

All time off must be designated as Vacation, Personal or Sick time at the time taken.

Medical Coverage

All full-time employees are eligible for paid medical coverage after the first ninety days of employment. If the employee would like coverage for their spouse or dependent children, the employee will be required to pay The Village the full price of the additional premiums which will be a payroll deduction. Medical coverage will be pro-rated should employee be out on unpaid leave.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017-009
Solicit Bids for Demolition and Removal of St. Mary’s Church

Motion made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees authorizes Clerk to publish a legal notice to solicit bids for the demolition and removal of St. Mary’s Church.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – absent
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Tancredi; Seconded by Trustee Higgins.

Transcribed by:


Kathleen M. Hilbert