The Village of Hunter

Minutes of The Village Board of Trustees Emergency Meeting held January 22, 2025 at the Hunter Village Hall

Call to Order: 9:00AM. Pledge of Allegiance.

Members Present: Mayor Alan Higgins, Trustee Benjamin Sommers and Trustee Jason Dileo

Also Present: Kathleen Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Present: None

Purpose of Emergency Meeting: To pass a resolution supporting the submission of a request for grant funding from NYS Department of State for a $1,250,000 Local Government Efficiency Grant to construct a shared regional community and municipal service center.

Comments by Mayor Higgins: The Town will be applying for this grant and we will be supporting it and be listed as a partner to the grant. There is, in the grant, a requirement of a 10% match and the Town has already passed a resolution to commit up to $138,889 in local matching funds. That amount is more than 10% of what they are looking for. This will be of no cost to The Village of Hunter. We are simply passing the resolution to support the application of the grant.



Resolution Supporting Submission of Request for Grant Funding from NYS Department of State for a $1,250,000 Local Government Efficiency Grant to Construct a Shared Regional Community and Municipal Service Center

Motion made by Mayor Alan Higgins; seconded by Trustee Benjamin Sommers

WHEREAS, the New York State Department of State Local Government Efficiency (LGE) Grant Program is intended to incentivize new actions among local governments and community partners that will reduce the cost of municipal operations and modernize the delivery of local services, thereby limiting growth in property taxes; and

WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of The Village of Hunter has the responsibility and duty to provide for the long-term efficiency of public services and provide for the health, welfare, and safety of all residents; and

WHEREAS, continued climate change has resulted in impacts that must be addressed, including community gathering space and heating and cooling trends; and

WHEREAS, the project partners, consisting of the Town of Hunter, Village of Tannersville, The Village of Hunter, Hunter Tannersville Central School District and
Greene County approve and endorse the proposed project described below; and WHEREAS, the Town of Hunter and its co-applicant partners including The Village of
Hunter are desirous of constructing and sharing the following mountaintop regional and local facilities, equipment and/or personnel:

  • New Regional Mountaintop Community and Municipal Service Center including large community gathering space and meeting hall (Town and Villages)
  • Climate-Resilient Countywide Heating & Cooling Center and Emergency  Shelter (all partners)

WHEREAS, the 2024-2025 NYS Department of State Local Government Efficiency Grant Program will potentially provide $250,000 per partner, up to $1,250,000
maximum, in capital funds to the Town of Hunter and its co-applicant partners to advance these shared services components; and

WHEREAS, the NYS Department of State Local Government Efficiency Grant Program requires that Implementation Grants be matched by 10% of the total project cost in local funding; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Hunter will commit up to $138,889 in local matching funds over the next 2-5 years;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Board of Trustees of The Village of Hunter approves and strongly endorses the proposed project for construction of a new
shared regional community and municipal service center and authorizes the Mayor to enter into an intermunicipal agreement with the Town of Hunter that addresses shared services that will benefit The Village of Hunter consistent with this resolution and NYS LGE Grant Program Requirements.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Benjamin Sommers voting – yea
Trustee Jason DiLeo voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted on January 22, 2025.

Other Business that came before the Board: Clerk Hilbert distributed the initial proposal from MTC Cable in the amount of $186.55 for the Hall’s telephone and internet needs, stating that we are currently paying Ringsquared and Spectrum almost $550 a month. Trustee DiLeo questioned Cable TV. Cable TV and managed wifi are a comped service and we will receive a municipal discount of $173.85. Mayor Higgins inquired about Pitney Bowes line. Clerk will look into this and make sure proposal includes static IPs. Clerk stated that this proposal was given before she met with the technicians on December 18 th and she hopes to have a new proposal before the February Board of Trustees Meeting. MTC will need a 30-day lead time for the new fiber optic installation.

Adjournment: Mayor Higgins made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by
Trustee Sommers. Meeting was adjourned at 9:14AM.

Transcribed by:

Kathleen M. Hilbert