The Village of Hunter
Minutes of The Village Board of Trustees Meeting held August 14, 2017

Call to Order: 8:00PM. Pledge of Allegiance.

Members Present: Mayor Alan Higgins, Trustee Michael Tancredi, Trustee Geri Marino

Also Present: Attorney Larry Gardner and Kathleen Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Absent: Charles Sweet and Dominick Caropreso

Public Present: Jim Ray, JD, Jodi Larison, Tom Larison, Paul Sluzky, Carl Giangrande, Harold Goldberg, Ron DeMartin, Anthony Fiegel and Jim Manalio

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes of Board of Trustees Meeting held July 10, 2017
Minutes of Emergency Meeting held August 2, 2017

Motion to accept the above-listed minutes made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Marino. All in favor. Motion carried.

Privilege of the Floor:

Jodi Larison – Trustee Geri Marino’s name has not been put on the website.

Anthony Fiegel – Have you made any decision on the new fire house or housing for the new fire truck. The truck fits but the doors need to be wider and taller which is an option. Tony is looking into it and will get me a price to give to you. Trustee Tancredi – You could widen one door.

New Business:

Old Edwardsville Account – Mayor Higgins – Kathleen is seeking permission to close the Old Edwardsville checking account. Larry, what is the procedure on that? It is at a zero balance. Attorney Gardner – Just pass a resolution to close the account. There is nothing else to be done. Resolution 2017 – 050.

Water and Sewer Application – Scott Brandi – Mayor Higgins – This is up on the corner of Botti Drive and Gabi Road at the top. The check is to be hand-delivered on Monday, August 21, 2017. Trustee Tancredi – Is that lot serviced from the little reservoir at the top also. Across from Paul’s house? I have not had any complaints but I think the whole arrangement is substandard. Paul Slutzky – There have not been any issues in quite a while. Joe Myers has taken care of all previous issues. Trustee Tancredi – I have no problem approving this but moving forward in the future, I think this is something we want to consider bringing up to a higher standard to ensure there are no delivery/transmission problems. Resolution 2017 – 051.

Robinson request for consideration for the NYC Flood Buyout Program under the Erosion Hazard category. Trustee Tancredi – It’s a no brainer. Mayor Higgins – I agree with the Chazen study that it will go. Trustee Marino – I looked at the other day. Resolution 2017 – 052.

Town of Hunter Comprehensive Plan – Mayor Higgins – There is no representation from anywhere near The Village of Hunter or Lanesville on the twelve-member committee. The Village of Hunter and Lanesville is a very large portion of the Town of Hunter with two gateways to the Town. Jodi Larison – Basically, 40 percent of the people on the committee are from the Village of Tannersville. Alan was not aware that they were forming this committee. I asked Sarah Killourhy how they made the committee selection. There were no postings stating that they were looking for people to serve on this committee. More shocking is the fact that the Mayor of our Village was not informed. Since we represent at least 20 percent of the population of the Town, we should have at least two people on this committee. I think we should have at least one member who is a business owner and one person who is a full-time or part-time resident. We should be represented in the process of planning how the Town is going to develop over the next fifteen years. Trustee Tancredi – We definitely want people from The Village representing the interests of The Village and helping to drive that process. Mayor Higgins – Paul Slutzky, Carl Giangrande and other members of The Village were at the meeting. Carl Giangrande – I put an application in for membership in the committee. I do not know what the criteria was but when I later inquired, the committee had been formed. Trustee Tancredi – I will stop and see Daryl in the morning. Mayor Higgins – What do you get for your Village taxes? Water District, Sewer District, Lighting District, sidewalks, park and recreation, garbage pickup, fire protection, roads plowed, flowers, holiday decorations. What do you get for your Town taxes? Police protection. Maybe we can get some type of letter on the Town’s agenda about what we discussed here at our meeting tonight requesting that they add two more members who would represent The Village. Jodi Larison – Do you want me to draft a letter for you? Mayor Higgins – I wouldn’t mind that at all.

Town of Hunter – Requesting amount of hydrant fees for their budget preparation. Town of Hunter has eight hydrants at $63.91 each. Keep the rate the same for now. Research when this rate was established.

Pitney Bowes – Renew lease at $117 per quarter for four years. Motion made to renew lease by Trustee Tancredi, seconded by Trustee Marino. All in favor. Motion carried. No resolution needed as per Attorney Gardner.

Sewer 2016-2017 O & M Budget Reconciliation Acceptance – DEP accepted the proposed 2016-2017 Village O & M Reconciliation as submitted by Cedarwood Environmental Services. Motion made to accept this Reconciliation made by Trustee Tancredi, seconded by Trustee Marino. All in favor. Motion carried.

Emergency Repair Authorization – Authorize Mayor to sign Agreement between The Village and Evergreen Mountain Contracting, Inc. to perform emergency repairs at Colonel’s Pond easement, adjacent to parcel number 164.08-7-5, Victor Magnotti’s property. Trustee Tancredi – I received a call yesterday from Schuyler Minew stating they will commence on Wednesday. Mayor Higgins – He also dropped the contracts off today. Motion to authorize Mayor Higgins to sign agreement made by Trustee Tancredi, seconded by Trustee Marino. All in favor. Motion carried. Nor resolution needed as per Attorney Gardner.

Rescind Resolution #28-07 Criteria for Billing Water Renters – Mayor Higgins – in order to change our billing procedures and bill fairly we first need to rescind this resolution. Mayor Higgins – I want to speak with Joe Myers and obtain meter information. A list is being compiled so that changes can be made. Resolution 2017 – 053.

Old Business:

Family Leave Plan – As a municipality we do not have to opt into this plan. Attorney Gardner – There is really nothing we need to do other than state that the Board discussed this and choose not to opt in.

Water and Sewer Application – Hunter Peaks, LLC – Mayor Higgins – Application has not been updated and is incomplete. This is for the second house they want to build up at the top of Hunter Highlands. I will speak to Joe. I do not know where they are going to tie into the main. They need to provide us with some type of drawing and if they are going to cross other properties to get there, they are going to need utility easements in order for us to approve. Trustee Tancredi – Is there a paper copy available of the environment assessment form on this project? Paul Slutzky – The major subdivision? Trustee Tancredi – Yes. Paul Slutzky – All paper copies have been mailed out to involved agencies for the SEQR Review. There is a disc available and it has been e-mailed to you. They have submitted a storm water pollution protection plan to the DEP which is on disc. It is several hundred pages. Trustee Tancredi – What about the water? Are they relying on us? Paul Slutzky – Copy of the plans are available here in the Village Hall. Their plans call for a 100,000-gallon tank at the top of this development with all new lines which will be paid for by the developer.

Appraisal – Attorney Gardner has received appraisal of former Wood property between the school and park. He will provide us with copies. Mayor Higgins – Let’s get the other appraisal completed for the parcel where the trailer used to be. Trustee Tancredi – What is the parcel size? Attorney Gardner – It is fifty-eight feet wide and a couple hundred feet deep.


  1. Athens American Legion Post 187 invitation to the Annual Flag Retirement Ritual Ceremony at their post on October 14, 2017 at 9:30AM. Anyone interested please RSVP by October 1, 2017.
  2. Hunter Highlands Certified Letter RRR received July 31, 2017 regarding underground water leaks. Bob Geisman called about response on August 8, 2017. Attorney Gardner – I spoke with Attorney Jim Burns, who is representing the Village with regard to litigation there. I have direction from him on how to respond to that but we should not discuss the substance here but in Executive Session. I will be writing a letter with a copy to the Village which will go into a confidential file here. It will be consistent with the position the Village has taken in that litigation. Mayor Higgins – We will be moving into Executive Session and we will discuss it then.
  3. Anthony Heller e-mail requesting a street light. Mayor Higgins – This pole is not on a Village Road. The Village Road ends at the bottom of the hill. In response, we will not be installing a street light on that pole. This is private property.
  4. New York Civil Liberties Union – Mayor Higgins – We received an e-mail requesting copies of any ordinances or laws the Village has that pertain to the permit process for planning a free-speech rally or vigil. I do not think we have any local ordinances.
  5. Joe Kinney e-mail – Another complaint about neighbor. Mayor Higgins – This is a civil matter. He should call the police.

Financial Reports:

  1. Bank Reconciliations
    General Fund
    June 30, 2017
    Sewer Operating Account
    June 30, 2017
  2. Trash Bag Reconcilation – Not submitted


Account Voucher Nos. Abstract

General Fund V-86 to V-132 V-3B
Sewer Operating G-56 to G-79 G-3
Water Operating F-35 to F-49 F-3

The above vouchers were audited and ordered paid.

A motion was made to go into Executive Session by Mayor Higgins to discuss personnel.

Mayor Higgins – We are reconvening after our Executive Session. We need to do a resolution to appoint Tammy Schumacher to the position of Deputy Treasurer. Resolution 2017 – 054.

Whistletree – Mayor Alan Higgins – Pertaining to Whistletree wanting to come into the Village water system, I will contact Glen Travis, one of the owners, tomorrow. I will let him know that Whistletree needs to obtain a proposal from Delaware Engineering on our behalf. As per our attorney, they will hire our consulting engineers to give them the estimate on how much it is going to cost to come into the Village System. They will be billed directly from Delaware Engineering. I will let him know that he can start the process of annexing properties into the Village now, if he so chooses. He advised us that Greg Lubow said the HOA members are in favor of this. Also, Munson’s house is in that system.


Resolution 2017 – 050

Old Edwardsville Checking Account

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Geri Marino

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees permits the Old Edwardsville checking account to be closed.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Mike Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Geri Marino voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 051

Approval of Water and Sewer Service Application – Brandi

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Geri Marino

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees conditionally approves the water and sewer application submitted on August 8, 2017, by applicants, Scott and Susan Brandi, P. O. Box 928, Tupper Lake, New York 12986, for property to be serviced located at Lot 33, Botti Drive, Hunter, New York 12442 identified as Tax Map No. 164.07-1-14 which is in The Village of Hunter at Botti Drive and Gabi Road. This conditional approval is contingent upon the receipt of $1,500 as a deposit for the water portion of the application and applicant’s understanding that the costs are actual.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Geri Marino voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 052
Application of Allison and Timothy Robinson, 76 Scribner Hollow Road, Tax Map No. 164.16-1-3.2 to participate in The New York City Department of Environmental Protection Flood Buyout Program

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Geri Marino

WHEREAS, The Village of Hunter is subject to flooding that can damage property, close roads, disrupt traffic, and present a public health and safety hazard; and

WHEREAS, at the request of local communities, funding from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is being made available to help property owners who qualify for the NYC Flood Buyout Program (NYCFBO) based on eligibility criteria in five categories – 1) Hydraulic study properties (recommended by engineering analysis), 2) CWC Flood Hazard Mitigation Implementation Program, 3) Community-approved Stream Management Project, 4) Erosion Hazard, and 5) Inundation Hazard, and

WHEREAS, The Village of Hunter has been approached by the homeowner at 76 Scribner Hollow Road, Hunter, NY 12442, Tax Map No. 164.16-1-3.2, requesting consideration for the NYCFBO program under the Erosion Hazard category, and

WHEREAS, technical visits have occurred since 2010 by Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District, Dan Louchs, Geotechnical Engineer, and most recently in May 2017 by The Chazen Companies, an engineering firm retained to evaluate eligibility of properties referred under the erosion hazard category, and

WHEREAS, The Chazen Companies concluded the subject parcel meets the erosion hazard requirements of the NYCFBO program, noting the streambank instability is likely to threaten the home resulting in potential impacts to the Red Kill and surrounding infrastructure within the one to five year time horizon as noted in the Property Evaluation and Selection Process document for the NYCFBO dated June 1, 2016, and

WHEREAS, The Village of Hunter declined ownership of the property choosing instead that the DEP own the property and the Village understands that this City-owned property will be managed by the DEP as open space. Minimal management of the property will be performed, such as maintaining boundary lines, posting signs, and annually inspecting the property, and

WHEREAS, at some point in the future, should The Village of Hunter want the property actively managed, i.e., mowing, snow plowing, constructing and maintaining permissible recreational facilities, the City will consider issuing the Village a revocable land use permit to address these activities or any other maintenance requested by the Village; however, the DEP in its discretion has the right to approve or reject any such request.

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees approves Allison and Timothy Robinson, homeowners of 76 Scribner Hollow Road, Hunter, NY 12442, to apply for the NYCFBO program to permanently remove this flood hazard risk allowing the DEP to begin assisting them in the real estate process.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Mike Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Geri Marino voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
Mayor Alan Higgins


I, Kathleen M. Hilbert, being the Clerk of The Village of Hunter and the official recording officer of The Village of Hunter records, do hereby certify that the above resolution was approved at the meeting of The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees on August 14, 2017, that the resolution is true and correct and in full force and that an official record of this action is on file in The Village of Hunter’s minutes book.

Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ____________
Village Clerk

Resolution 2017 – 053

Rescind Resolution #28-07
Criteria for Billing Water Renters

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Geri Marino

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees rescinds Resolution #28-07 which formalized the criteria for billing non-metered water renters as the structure of this criteria results in unfair and inaccurate billing.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Mike Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Geri Marino voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 054

Appointment of Deputy Treasurer

Offered by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Geri Marino

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter appointed Tammy Schumacher as Deputy Treasurer to fill the current vacancy. Term expires April 2018.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea
Trustee Geri Marino voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Marino. All in favor. Meeting was adjourned.

Transcribed by:

Kathleen M. Hilbert

17-08-14 minutes tentative