Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2016

Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Board Member
Gary Goodrich, Board Member (Absent)
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member (7:10 pm)
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member

Public Present: Chad Lindberg, PE; Glennon Travis, Marc Chodock (all representing Schibner Lodge); Jeff Prince representing Mountain Trails of Hunter, LLC ; Ron DeMartin representing Four Seasons Land Corp.

Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Review and Approval of Minutes of February 25, 2016:
was made to approve the minutes by H. Goldberg, seconded by R. Volpi and carried unanimously.

Privilege of the Floor: none

Old Business:

New Business:

  • Scribner’s Catskill Lodge –19 Scribner Hollow Road- Preliminary Site Plan Review –
    Co-owners Glennon Travis and Marc Chodock along with Chad Lindberg, PE, from Taconic Engrg, presenting Chairman Slutzky advised that the property is in the Gateway Business District and Site Plan Review Application indicates no change in use is proposed.Chad Lindberg, PE, gave a very thorough description of the proposed work to be done at Scribner, and all facets of the changes were discussed by the Board and the owners and Engineer Lindberg.Chairman Slutzky advised that County 239 review is required because the site is within 500 feet of NYS Route 23A as well as the municipal boundary between Town and Village of Hunter. He also advised he will complete the 239 Review Form and mail it to the Greene County Planning Board and should have a response before next month’s Planning Board meeting. The Board then posed various questions and concerns about the proposed work and PE Lindberg and the owners satisfactorily addressed the questions regarding dumpster enclosure, propane storage tanks, handicap access to building, delivery access to kitchen, conifer trees and fence to be placed to keep town home owners and single family home owners from direct access to Lodge parking lot, drainage issues, signage, exterior lighting and parking space sufficiency. PE Lindberg advised that the Scribner Hollow HOA and other single family homes adjacent to the Scribner property have their own private access road leading directly to Scribner Hollow Road.Chairman Slutzky advised that due to its proximity to and visibility from Route 23A, the project also requires review under the Village Architectural Review Law. PE Lindberg then presented to the Board a colored drawing showing the existing and proposed elevation of the south façade of the lodge.

    The Board then reviewed the Short EAF submitted by applicant. PE Lindberg said that the project totaled less than one half acre of ground disturbance with a .15 acre increase in total impervious surfaces and the project therefore did not rise to the level of necessitating a storm water plan submission and approval by NYSDEC or NYCDEP. He said there would be no increase in stormwater flow on the project site. It was agreed by the applicant and Board that there were no other agency permits required for this site plan review.

MOTION was made by Chairman Slutzky for the Village of Hunter Planning Board to serve as Lead agent for the uncoordinated SEQRA review of this unlisted action, and seconded by H. Goldberg. MOTION carried unanimously

MOTION to hold Public Hearing for site plan review at 7:00 pm on May 26, 2016 at Planning Board meeting was made by H. Goldberg and seconded by R. Volpi. MOTION carried unanimously.

Chairman Slutzky advised applicants that for next month’s meeting a minimum of five copies of the final proposed site plan, including the Planning Board endorsement block on the title page and a sheet with proposed exterior lighting details, should be presented for review.
Chairman Slutzky advised he will email PE Lindberg a Notice of Public Hearing that needs to be mailed out return/receipt to all abutting landowners identified by the Board, and that proof of mailing must be brought to the Public Hearing.

Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC – Hunter Drive (Hunter Highlands Condos)

  • Tax Lot # 164.00-4-21.11 – Sketch Plan review for two lot Minor Subdivision – Jeff Prince presenting

J. Prince presented Minor Subdivision application, sketch survey map for two lot Minor Subdivision review, completed Short EAF and set of proposed Grading and Drainage Plans for Board review. He then reviewed the proposed subdivision with the Board.

Chairman Slutzky disclosed that he is a Director of the Bank of Greene County, where Mountaintrail owner, Les Tanner, has a banking relationship, and he would recuse himself from the review if applicant or any Board members fell this presents any conflict of interest on the Chairman’s part. Applicant’s representative and Board agreed that no conflict of interest was present that required Chairman Slutzky’s recusal.

R. Volpi inquired as to whether the Mountaintrails parcels would be subject to the Hunter Highlands road maintenance agreement. J. Prince said they were and he would bring copy of agreement to next meeting. After discussion, R. Volpi requested that an easement for the Village water main, which runs under a portion of proposed Lot 1, be incorporated on the subdivision plat along with any other utilities.

Mr. Prince advised that a stormwater control plan has been submitted to NYCDEP by applicant’s engineer and they believe this plan will be approved prior to next Planning Board meeting. He further advised that a house is currently under construction on Lot 1and should be completed by October. J. Prince added there is currently no plan for development of the sixty one acres remaining in Lot 2. He said there are no deed restrictions or restrictive covenants on either of the two proposed lots.

Chairman Slutzky gave Mr. Prince a form to have signed by Mountaintrail owner, Les Tanner, designating Mr. Prince his authorized representative to represent Mr. Tanner in this subdivision review process.

The Board began the SEQRA process with a review of the submitted Short EAF. The Board designated the proposed subdivision an unlisted action under SEQRA. The Board then determined that the newly annexed Mountaintrail parcel had not as yet been assigned by the Village Board to a Zoning District. After discussion, it was agreed that assigning the parcel to the Residential District would be most appropriate.

MOTION to request the Village of Hunter Board to assign the Mountaintrail parcel, tax lot #164.00-4-21.1, to the Village Residential District was made by H. Goldberg and seconded by C. Cornelius. MOTION carried unanimously.

MOTION for the Planning Board to serve as lead agent for the uncoordinated SEQRA review of this unlisted action made by H. Goldberg and seconded by R. Volpi. MOTION carried unanimously.

Chairman Slutzky advised there will be a mandatory Public Hearing held at next month’s meeting on May 26, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. He advised J. Prince he will e-mail him the Notice of Hearing, which will need to be mailed return/receipt to all the Board designated abutting neighbors and that proof of mailing will need to be brought to the Public Hearing. He reminded J. Prince to bring the proposed Final Minor Subdivision plat maps, with changes as requested by Board, copy of road maintenance agreement, signed authorized representative form, application fee of $100.00, and copy of approved stormwater plan to next Planning Board meeting.

  • Slutzky Subdivision – 19 Division Street – Tax Lot # 164.05-6-8 – Sketch Plan Review for Two lot Minor Subdivision – Paul Slutzky presenting
    Chairman Slutzky recused himself from the Board and Deputy Chairman Volpi took over the meeting. P. Slutzky presented application form, the sketch map of proposed two lot Minor Subdivision, Short EAF and $100 check for application fee. P. Slutzky advised that he is a minority owner in the parcel proposed for subdivision. He said the purpose of the proposed subdivision was to enable the future sale of the residential single family home on Lot1without encumbering it with the storage barns on the remainder of the parcel. He said there are no plans for any development on the proposed Lot 2.The Board reviewed the sketch plat with the applicant. It was determined that the existing 5.02 acre parcel is located in the Village Business District. P. Slutzky said there are no easements or restrictive covenants existing or proposed for the subdivision parcels. Deputy ChairmanVolpi stated this is an unlisted action under SEQRA and no other permitting agencies are involved.MOTION was made by R. Volpi and seconded by C. Cornelius for Planning Board to serve as Lead Agent under SEQRA in an uncoordinated review. MOTION carried unanimously.

    MOTION made by H. Goldberg and seconded by C. Cornelius to hold Public Hearing for the proposed two lot Minor Subdivision at next month’s 7:00 pm. MOTION carried unanimously.

  • The Board reviewed and discussed several potential sign law violations and miscellaneous Architectural Review Law and building code violations located along Main Street.

Correspondence: None

was made to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. by H. Goldberg, seconded by C. Giangrande, and carried unanimously.

Transcribed by; C. Ferrara