The Village of Hunter
Minutes of The Village Board of Trustees Organizational Meeting held April 10, 2017

Ceremonial Swearing in of Elected Officials: Alan W. Higgins was sworn in as Mayor of The Village of Hunter

Call to Order: Pledge of Allegiance.

Members Present: Mayor Alan Higgins and Trustee Michael Tancredi

Also Present: Village Attorney Larry F. Gardner, Charles Sweet, Public Works Superintendent and Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Present: Ana Cianciola, Ron DeMartin of Four Seasons, Bobby Abrahamsen of Catskill Mountain Foundation, Jim Magnuski, Paul Slutzky, Gary Goodrich, Jodi Larison, Tom Larison, Jon Harris and Anthony Fiegiel

Privilege of the Floor:

St. Mary’s Church – Unidentified person – Does the Village own the Church and Cemetery? Attorney Gardner – The Village of Hunter owns the Church and Cemetery. It was one deed with two tax map parcels. There was a perimeter description that runs around the entire property. It was all deeded to the Village.

Flowers – Jon Harris – Are you going to do real flowers on the posts this year? Trustee Tancredi – No. It costs a couple of thousand dollars for the flowers and in addition it costs approximately $12,000 to maintain them, to water them every day, seven days a week. We did purchase fresh flowers last year for the CMF because they promised to maintain them. But that did not work out. Mayor Higgins – The artificial flowers will be put up again this year. They are high quality. As far as real flowers, if some people got together that wanted to have a volunteer organization to water the flowers it might not be out of the question. Trustee Tancredi – Each of the 65-70 hanging baskets needs about four to five gallons of water per day. It is a full-time job. Bob Abrahamsen – I agree. The Foundation was supposed to water the plants and we did a horrible job. Trustee Tancredi – The artificial flowers cost $13,000. Jon Harris – Could we earmark a few specific areas in the Village like the bridge going to the mountain. Trustee Tancredi – That is maintained by the Lions Club.

Fire Department – Jon Harris – There was an article in The Daily Mail about the Town of Hunter Board Meeting regarding the consolidation of fire departments on the mountain top. Is the Village included in that? Mayor Higgins – Tannersville Fire Department has gone to The Village of Tannersville and The Town of Hunter because they want to form a fire district. It is not a consolidation of anything. I believe they might be going to a vote on that. A consolidation of all of the fire departments in the town would be a fantastic idea, including Hunter, Tannersville, Hainesfalls and Lanesville. Trustee Tancredi – That would be ideal. Mayor Higgins – It would get people the most for their tax dollars. It would spread the cost of all the equipment over all the town taxpayers. There would not be the duplication of items that must be kept in each firehouse by four times. We are in full support of a town-wide district.

Open Trustee Position – Jon Harris – What is involved in filling your vacant spot. Mayor Higgins. I will be speaking to people of interest. It is an appointment to be made by the Mayor. Stay tuned.

Unpermitted Building Addition/Alterations – Jodi Larison – The Village of Hunter needs to look at reassessing as some people have doubled the size of their houses or added on. Trustee Michael Tancredi explained the process for additions and alterations. Jodi Larison – I understand the method but there are people who have not filed for the appropriate building permits. Jim Magnuski – It is tax revenue that you are losing. Trustee Tancredi – If you see or know of these violations, please notify us. Jodi Larison – My issue is fairness. People who do not do the right thing are supported by people who do the right thing. Jim Magnuski – They are being subsidized by the people who do the right thing. Attorney Gardner explained what a reevaluation is. Jodi Larison – Also, people have two-family homes that are on the books as one-family homes. Are they supposed to pay two sewer bills and two water bills? Trustee Tancredi – Yes, they are.


Resolution 2017 – 012

The following appointments were made by Mayor Alan Higgins:

Larry F. Gardner, Village Attorney (Term Expiration – 4/18)

The foregoing appointment was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

Charles R. Sweet, Public Works Superintendent (Term Expiration – 4/18)

The foregoing appointment was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer (Term Expiration – 4/20)

The foregoing appointment was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

Tammy Schumacher, Deputy Clerk (Term Expiration – 4/18)

The foregoing appointment was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The Mayor’s appointments were thereupon declared approved.

A motion was made for the following appointments by Mayor Alan Higgins; seconded by Trustee Michael Tancredi:

Kathleen M. Hilbert – Registrar of VitalStatistics (Term Expiration – 4/20)

The foregoing appointment was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

Tammy Schumacher – Deputy Registrar (Term Expiration – 4/18)

The foregoing appointment was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The Board of Trustees appointments were thereupon declared approved.


Resolution 2017 – 013
Official Newspaper

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins.

BE IT RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees hereby designates The Daily Mail as the official newspaper for The Village of Hunter.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan W. Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted

Resolution 2017 – 014
Regular Meeting Schedule

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

BE IT RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees hereby establishes that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees regular monthly meetings will be held on the second Monday of each month at 8PM in the Hunter Village Hall.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan W. Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 015
Next Organizational Meeting

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

BE IT RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees hereby establishes that the next Organizational Meeting will be held on April 9, 2018.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan W. Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 016
Rules of Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees recognizes that a good set of meeting procedures is necessary to ensure that meetings of public bodies are efficient and productive;


Section 1. That the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees adopts the following General Rules of Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment:

General Rules of Procedure

The Mayor presides at the meeting. In the Mayor’s absence, the Deputy Mayor presides.

The presiding officer may debate, make motions and take any other action that other Board members may take.

Motions require a second.

A member, once recognized, may not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to call him or her to order. If a member is called to order, they must cease speaking until the question of order is determined. If the member is in order, he or she may proceed.

A member may not be limited in the number of times he or she speaks on a question.

Motions to close or limit debate require a two-thirds vote.

Guidelines for Public Comment

The public may speak only during the meeting’s Public Comment period and at any other time a majority of the Board allows.

Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer.

Speakers must stand up and give their name and organization, if any.

Speakers must limit their remarks to five minutes on a given topic.

Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker.

Board members may, with the permission of the Mayor, interrupt a speaker during their remarks, but only for the purpose of clarification or information.

All remarks must be addressed to the Board as a body and not to individual Board members.

Speakers must observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may also address the Board by written communications.

Section 2. That this resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 017
Procurement Policy

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

WHEREAS General Municipal Law Section 104-b requires a municipality to pass a resolution that sets forth the internal policies and procedures to be used when competitive bidding is not required; and

WHEREAS The Village of Hunter adopted a Procurement Policy known as Resolution #26-91 effective January 1, 1992; and

WHEREAS Municipalities are required to annually review their Procurement Policies and Procedures;


Section 1. That The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees has reviewed Resolution #26-91 The Village of Hunter Procurement Policy.

Section 2. That said Procurement Policy remains in full force and effect.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 018
Advance Approval of Claims

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has determined to authorize payment in advance of audit of claims for public utility services (electric, gas, fuel, water, sewer and telephone,) postage, freight and express charges; and

WHEREAS all such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit;


Section 1. That the Board of Trustees authorizes payment in advance of audit claims for public utility services (electric, gas, fuel, water, sewer and telephone,) postage, freight and express charges. All such claims must be presented at the next regular meeting for audit.

Section 2. That this resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted

Resolution 2017 – 019
Mileage Allowance

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has determined to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to Village Officers and employees who use their personal automobiles while performing their official Village duties;


Section 1. That the Board of Trustees will approve reimbursement to such Village Officers and employees at the rate of 53.5 cents per mile.

Section 2. That this resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 020
Attendance at Schools and Conferences

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

WHEREAS there are to be held during the coming official year, training schools hosted by NYCOM, OSC and PERMA and certain conferences and association meetings; and

WHEREAS attendance by certain municipal officials and employees at one or more of these meetings, conferences or schools benefits the municipality;


Section 1. That the following Officers and employees are authorized to attend the appropriate schools and conferences:

Mayor Alan W. Higgins
Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Section 2. That this resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 021
Meal Allowance

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

WHEREAS General Municipal Law § 77-c authorizes villages to determine by resolution to pay meal expenses of their officers and employees on a per diem basis in conjunction with travel on official village business;


Section 1. That the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees authorizes reimbursement of actual and necessary meal and incidental expenses to employee and officers in conjunction with the attendance of approved conferences, not to exceed the standard meal allowance for business-related travel prescribed for federal income tax purposes. See attached schedules “Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Breakdown” and “FY 2017 Per Diem Rates for New York.”

Section 2. That is resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 022
Official Bank Designation

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins.

WHEREAS the Board of Trustees has determined that Village Law § 4-412(3)(2) requires the designation of banks or trust companies for the deposit of all Village monies;


Section 1. That the Board of Trustees designates The Bank of Greene County as depository of all moneys received by the Village Clerk/Treasurer and Receiver of Taxes.

Section 2. That this resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 023
Sexual Harassment Policy

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins.


Section 1. That The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees has reviewed Resolution #49-99 The Village of Hunter Sexual Harassment Policy approved May 8, 2000.

Section 2. That said Sexual Harassment Policy remains in full force and effect.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 024
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Employment Policy

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins.


Section 1. That The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees has reviewed Resolution #50-99 The Village of Hunter Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy approved May 8, 2000.

Section 2. That said Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy remains in full force and effect.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 025
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins.


Section 1. That The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees has reviewed Resolution #51-99 The Village of Hunter Equal Employment Opportunity Policy approved May 8, 2000.

Section 2. That said Equal Employment Opportunity Policy remains in full force and effect.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017 – 026
Telephone System

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins


Section 1. That the Board of Trustees authorizes the Mayor to accept the proposal from CrossPoint Connect, Inc. for the purchase and installation of an ESI 50L telephone system.

Section 2. That this resolution is effective immediately.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Resolution 2017-027
Appropriate Funds from Line Items with an Excess to Line Items with a Shortfall for Fiscal Year 2017/2018

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees authorizes the appropriation of funds to line items with a shortfall from line items with an excess and from Fund Balance Unassigned for fiscal year 2016/2017 for the General Fund, the Water Operating Fund and the Sewer Operating Fund.

General Fund

A1910.4 Unallocated Insurance $ 533.00

Fire Department

A3410.2 Equipment $199,248.00

Highway Department

A3520.4 Animal Control $ 100.00
A5110.4 Maintenance of Roads Contractual $ 1,334.00
A5110.45 Maintenance of Roads Mat. & Supplies $ 86.00
A5112.2 Road Construction-Capital Outlay $ 7,158.00
A5182.1 Street Lighting-Salary $ 218.00
A5182.4 Street Lighting-Contractual $ 1,086.00
A5680.4 Equipment Contractual $ 142.00
A7110.2 Dolan’s Lake Equipment $ 86.00
A8160.4 Refuse & Garbage-Contractual $ 553.00

Summer Programs

A7111047 Pavilion Refunds Prior Year $ 25.00
A7310.4 Summer Program Contractual $ 950.00
A7310 Summer Other $ 128.00
A7989.4 Council on the Arts $ 100.00

Sewer Operating Fund

G811032 Office Supplies $ 64.63
G8110.42 Insurance $ 515.00
G812006 Repairs & Maintenance $ 11,841.00
G812010 Telephone $ 379.00
G8130.40 Equipment-Contractual $ 1,156.00
G8130.82 Turbidimeters $ 1,285.00

Water Operating Fund

F8310.41 Telephone $ 88.00
F8320.43 Repairs $ 655.00
F8340.1 Village Road Crew Labor $ 132.00
F8340.41 Subcontractor $ 770.00

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan W. Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

Approval of Minutes: Motion to adopt the minutes of the Public Hearing held March 13, 2017 and the minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting held March 13, 2017 made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins. All in favor. Motion carried.

New Business:

2017 Final Special Franchise Full Values – Reviewed.

Sprouts Program, Greene County Council on the Arts (GCCA) – Mayor Alan Higgins – They are asking for an increase in our level of support. Trustee Michael Tancredi – Increase it to $150.00. Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi to authorize Village Attorney to prepare contract with Greene County Council on the Arts in the amount of $150.00. Seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins. Attorney Gardner – I will draft it and have it ready for the next meeting.

Town of Jewett Assessment Values – Reviewed the new increased assessments. Attorney Gardner states the appraisal on Parcel 163.00-2-27 has been ordered.

Catskill Mountain Foundation – Application for Village Sewer Service. Mayor Alan Higgins – Did Delaware Operations inspect the work that you did? Trustee Michael Tancredi – There should be someone from Cedarwood inspecting. Bobby Abrahamsen – All parties inspected the other side before we closed it up. Trustee Michael Tancredi – I have no problem with this application. Mayor Alan Higgins – Have the proper parties see the work being performed and inspect it.

Resolution 2017- 028
Approval of Sewer Service Application – Catskill Mountain Foundation

Motion made by Trustee Michael Trustee; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees approves the sewer application submitted April 6, 2017 by applicant, Catskill Mountain Foundation, 7950 Main Street, Hunter, New York for property identified as Tax Map No. 164.06-01-21 which is in The Village of Hunter at 7950 Main Street, with the understanding that the actual cost of the connection is paid by the property owner.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted

NYMIR – Annual Meeting May 5, 2017. Attend or complete Proxy Card and return by April 26, 2017.

Old Business:

Refuse Pick-Up Day – We received County approval. As previously discussed, refuse pick-up day will be May 16, 2017.

Mountain Jam and Taste of Country Music Festivals Transportation Plans – Tabled from March 13, 2017 meeting to give Trustees more time to review. Trustee Michael Tancredi has not yet looked this over. Attorney Gardner – Let’s put it on record, so that we do not have to have a special meeting, that if another state agency requires a letter from The Village of Hunter to grant its consent, that we reviewed and we approve of their plan as submitted. Provided it is the same as last year, you can have a motion right now that would authorize the Mayor to sign the letter granting consent. Trustee Michael Tancredi – I will make that motion. Mayor Alan Higgins – I second the motion. All are in favor. Motion carried.

Insurance for Emergency Services Program (Fire Company) – Marshall and Sterling would need to be the Broker of Record in order for them to negotiate on our behalf.

Fyodorov – Attorney Gardner – The son of the Fyodorovs came to my office on Saturday morning with the landscaping plans and estimates/proposals which includes paving. I am holding $10,000 in escrow. Copies given to Trustee Michael Tancredi. Clerk Hilbert -They have paid Delaware Engineering. Mayor Alan Higgins – I know they are signed off on the sewer and they did the utility easement. Attorney Gardner – both sewer and electric. Trustee Michael Tancredi – He has done everything we required of him and he would like to get the CO. Tell Dominick he can issue the CO. Attorney Gardner – He committed that his contractors would be finished with the work by July 1. Mayor Alan Higgins – I will call Dominick tomorrow and let him know he can issue the Certificates of Occupancies.

Reinstatement to Fire Company – Application for Reinstatement of Adam R. Goodrich for Active Membership in The Hunter Fire Co., No. 1, Inc. Anthony Figiel – Last month you tabled this reinstatement application. Mayor Alan Higgins – I spoke to the applicant and told him we would like to have a letter of medical clearance. Trustee Tancredi – That needs to be brought in to the office.

Resolution 2017-029
Conditional Approval of Reinstatement of Adam R. Goodrich for Active Membership in The Hunter Fire Co., No. 1

Motion made by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins

Motion is hereby made to authorize Adam R. Goodrich be put on the roster pending receipt of acceptable letter of medical clearance.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor Alan Higgins voting – yea
Trustee Michael Tancredi voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted


Darris – November 4, 2016 letter to Attorney Gardner. As we discussed the last time she contacted the Village, we can send her a letter saying this is a law on our books. It is not an old law, it is a current law. It is an active law. We would not exempt a property right at the gateway to the village. We do not exempt any properties.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Michael Tancredi; seconded by Mayor Alan Higgins. All in favor. Motion carried.

Transcribed by:

Kathleen M. Hilbert

17-04-10 tentative minutes