WHEREAS the Board of Trustees recognizes that a good set of meeting procedures is necessary to ensure that meetings of public bodies are efficient and productive;
Section 1. That the Village of Hunter Board of Trustees adopts the following General Rules of Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment:
General Rules of Procedure
The Mayor presides at the meeting. In the Mayor’s absence, the Deputy Mayor presides.
The presiding officer may debate, make motions and take any other action that other Board members may take.
Motions require a second.
A member, once recognized, may not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to call him or her to order. If a member is called to order, they must cease speaking until the question of order is determined. If the member is in order, he or she may proceed.
A member may not be limited in the number of times he or she speaks on a question.
Motions to close or limit debate require a two-thirds vote.
Guidelines for Public Comment
Persons wishing to speak must sign in to do so prior to commencement of meeting.
The public may speak only during the meeting’s Public Comment period and at any other time a majority of the Board allows.
Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer.
Speakers must stand up and give their name and organization, if any.
Speakers must limit their remarks to five minutes on a given topic.
Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker.
Board members may, with the permission of the Mayor, interrupt a speaker during their remarks, but only for the purpose of clarification or information.
All remarks must be addressed to the Board as a body and not to individual Board members.
Speakers must observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may also address the Board by written communications.