Village of Hunter
Minutes of Special Meeting of The Village Board of Trustees held October 6, 2016

Members Present: Mayor William Maley and Trustee Alan Higgins

Also Present: Kathleen M. Hilbert

Mayor Maley – The purpose of this meeting is to authorize the hiring of Nicholas Benjamin as a laborer in the Highway Department at a rate of $11.00 per hour.

Resolution 2016 – 050
Authorize New Hire – Highway Department

Motion made by Trustee Alan Higgins; Seconded by Mayor William Maley

RESOLVED that The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees approves the hiring of Nicholas Benjamin as a Highway Department Laborer. Hourly wage: $11.00.

The foregoing resolution was put to a vote and was carried unanimously.

Mayor William Maley voting – yea
Trustee Alan Higgins voting – yea

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Trustee Alan Higgins, seconded by Mayor William Maley.

Transcribed by:
Kathleen M. Hilbert