Village of Hunter Planning Board
Public Hearing
Meeting Minutes
October 26, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member (Absent)
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member (Absent)
Public Present: Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E. representing Hunter Peaks LLC; Ronald DeMartin; Annie Borgenicht, Bob Abrahamson representing Catskill Mountain Foundation, Florentina Florescu
Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:07 p.m.
Public Hearing: Borgenicht – Two-Lot Minor Subdivision, 132 Garfield Avenue
Chairman Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:08 p.m. and stated the Public Hearing is for the Board to receive comments, concerns and/or questions raised by property abutters and members of the public relative to the proposed subdivision on Garfield Avenue. Annie Borgenicht was present to answer any questions. Chairman Slutzky stated that at last month’s meeting, Ms. Borgenicht presented
the Board with a Letter of Authorization executed by her two brothers authorizing her to represent their interests in this review. Ms. Borgenicht then gave the Board the certified receipts of mailing she received from the Board designated abutters, regarding Notice of Public Hearing. Chairman Slutzky asked if anyone had any questions or concerns about the proposed two-lot subdivision. Since no one offered any questions or concerns, Chairman Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., but stated he would reopen it if someone came in with questions later in the meeting.
Privilege of the Floor:
Bob Abrahamson stated the Catskill Mountain Foundation wanted to rent rooms to the public at the Hunter Village Square building, which would turn Hunter Square from not for profit to commercial, which would put the property back on the tax rolls. Chairman Slutzky advised Mr. Abrahamson he would need to come back next month with site plan application filled out to amend the existing site plan as to change in use. He said the required forms for review would be: application, site plan review fee of $100.00, short form EAF.
R. Abrahamson said a new business sign(s) would be required as well. P. Slutzky advised him to locate the proposed new sign(s) on the revised site plan and bring in a completed sign application form along with the $50 application fee.
Review and Approval of Minutes of September 28, 2017:
After review, H. Goldberg made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously. .
New Business:
Florescu–Two-Lot Minor Subdivision Sketch Plan, 22 Looking Glass Road, Tax Lot # 164.06-2-2 – Florentina & Chris Florescu presenting
Florentina Florescu presented copies of proposed preliminary subdivision map drawn by Vanucchi Associates and described the proposed two-lot subdivision. She stated the existing house at the west side of the lot is hooked up to the Village sewer and has its own well. After discussion, Chairman Slutzky advised Lot 2 has to be reviewed to verify if it’s a buildable lot. He will check with Village Board to make sure proposed Lot 2 can be connected to Village sewer system and will check with Village water department to find out how far up Glen Avenue the new water main, that is presently under construction , will go. He also advised Ms. Florescu to verify if the water course which forms the western boundary of proposed Lot 2 presents any restrictions to building a structure on the narrow lot due to NYCDEP regulations.
Chairman Slutzky advised Ms. Florescue to bring the completed application, subdivision fee of $100, copies of final subdivision plat and completed Short EAF to the next Planning Board meeting at which she would like to be on the agenda. He also advised her to have L. Vanucchi include the Board’s approval block on the subdivision plat and that a Public Hearing would be scheduled at a future meeting.
Old Business:
Borgenicht – Two-Lot Minor Subdivision, 132 Garfield Avenue, Tax Lot # 164.-06.1-31.11
Annie Borgenicht presenting
Chairman Slutzky said that no one came forward at the Public Hearing with any questions or concerns. Chairman Slutzky stated that we have the proofs of mailing for the public hearing notice, and the subdivision maps that L. Vanucchi dropped off don’t show any changes from the preliminary sketch plan.
Board reviewed Part 2—Impact Assessment of the Short Form EAF and agreed the proposed action presented no significant environmental impacts.
MOTION for negative declaration under SEQRA was made by H. Goldberg, seconded by R. Volpi and approved unanimously.
MOTION that subdivision plat be accepted as complete was made by Chairman Slutzky, seconded by R. Volpi and approved unanimously.
MOTION to approve subdivision plat was made by R. Volpi, seconded by C. Giangrande, and approved unanimously.
Chairman Slutzky advised he would sign the approved plat maps and leave all but two copies at the Village Hall for Ms. Borgenicht to pick up for filing at County Clerk’s office.
Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision: Tax Lot # 164.00-7-3 – Major Subdivision
Preliminary Plat and Site Plan review – Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E. presenting.
Walter Kubow, PE gave an overview of the various new and revised documents and drawings that were mailed out to all the enumerated Interested/Involved Agencies on October 23, 2017, including:
- Revised Long Form EAF, which includes Lot#2 and project name change to Hunter Peaks
- Revised Preliminary Plat
- Full size drawings
- Geotechnical Report—27 holes dug at random site locations—most indicated rock depth at 0’-4’
- Engineer’s Water and Sewer Reports—Highlands Pollution Control Corp has to apply to NYCDEP & NYSDEC to extend their collection system—Chazen may have to do the workup for the application for them—If can’t move forward with Highlands Pollution Control, plan B is to install a direct line to hook in to the Village sewer system on County Route 83—Hunter Peaks, LLC owns the road all the way to County Route 83—Details on hook in to Village water system will be fleshed out in near future based on discussions with Village Board, Village water Department and their engineers
- Revised SWPPP—data for Lot #2 now included in Major Subdivision SWPPP
- Revised Joint Permit Application—mailed to ACOE on October 25, 2017—revised to include data from ACOE site visit—may need to come to a mitigation agreement with ACOE as no place to relocate disturbed wetlands on site
Chairman Slutzky reminded Board that at last month’s meeting, the Board changed this proposed project from an unlisted action to a Type 1 action. He said he had been copying agency and applicant correspondence and submittals to Board consultant, MaryBeth Bianconi of Delaware Engineering. H. Goldberg suggested we schedule a workshop with Delaware Engineering to go thru the outline of the SEQRA process. Chairman Slutzky said he would contact Ms. Bianconi to schedule a workshop or her attendance at our next meeting.
MOTION was made by Chairman Slutzky and seconded by H. Goldberg to change next month’s meeting date from Thursday, November 23, 2017 to Thursday November 30, 2017, due to Thanksgiving. MOTION carried unanimously.
Letter dated10/10/17 from Greg Lubow, Esq to the Village of Hunter Board and Dominick Caropresso was discussed among the Board. Board asked Chairman Slutzky to advise them of the conditions of approval relative to hours of operation and noise levels that were included as part of the motion approving the Scribner’s Catskill Lodge project site plan revision for construction of the event venue.
MOTION to adjourn at 9:45 pm by H. Goldberg, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
Carol Ferrara