The Village of Hunter
Minutes of The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Public Hearing Held January 9, 2017 regarding Zoning Law Changes

Call to Order: 7:45PM

Members Present: Trustee Alan Higgins and Trustee Michael Tancredi

Also Present: Larry Gardner, Village Attorney and Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Present: Ron DeMartin, Sestilio Botti, Jim Magnuski, Jeff Kammer, and Jim Ray

8:00PM Anna Cianciolo, Daniela Goldberg, Harold Goldberg, Anthony Figiel

8:20PM Gloria Giuliani, Guido Giuliani

Opening Comments:

The following Proposed Local Law to amend Local Law No. 3 of 2013, The Zoning Law, to upgrade campground regulations was discussed at the December 12, 2016 meeting and a resolution was made to modify the local law and forward to the Planning Board for review.


BE IT ENACTED by the Village Board of the Village of Hunter as follows:

  1. Title. This Local Law shall be known as Local Law No. ___ of the year 2017, amending the Zoning Law of the Village of Hunter to upgrade Campground Regulations.
  2. Legislative Intent. Tourism festivals and attractions are an important component of economic development in Greene County mountaintop communities. As these events become more popular the available housing resources in the Village of Hunter have become strained. The intent of this local law is to promote recreational tourism in the Village by expanding the areas where campgrounds are permitted, and to modify the definition of campground to more closely align with New York State Department of Health permitting regulations. This local law will permit campgrounds in the Village Business District and will also standardize the minimum lot size as three acres in all districts where campgrounds are permitted. Camp-grounds in the Village Business District will require a Special Use Permit in order to ensure that they are planned and utilized in a manner that is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of Village residents and visitors.
  3. ARTICLE 11 – DEFINITIONS of the Village of Hunter Zoning Law is hereby amended by replacing the existing Campground definition with the following:
    1. CAMPGROUND – Any parcel or tract of land, and all related building and facilities, providing five or more campsites for tents, travel trailers, recreational vehicles or other types of portable shelter, available for temporary or seasonal overnight occupancy for at least 60 hours in any calendar year. Campsites occupied by the owner, operator, or their immediate family are not included in the five-unit threshold.
  4. SCHEDULE 1 – USE, AREA AND COVERAGE REGULATIONS of the Village of Hunter Zoning Law is hereby amended by the addition of the following:
  5. Effective Date. This Local Law shall become effective immediately upon its filing in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 27 of the Municipal Rule Law.

Trustee Higgins read the intent and definitions and reviewed the proposed changes. Trustee Higgins – The Village Business District which is between the Hunter Mountain bridge and the blinking light, where right now campgrounds are not a permitted use, would become a permitted use and the minimum lot size would be three acres and it would require a special use permit. In the Gateway Business District, where campgrounds are already a permitted use, the lot size would change from five acres to three acres. That is to keep more consistency because in the Recreational District (Hunter Mountain Resort) campgrounds are also permitted and the minimum lot size is three acres.

Public Comment:

Jim Magnuski – That could be in a residential area too. Trustee Higgins – There are no proposed changes to the Residential District.

This proposed amendment was submitted to the Planning Board for review at their December 22 2016 meeting. Trustee Tancredi read the comments and concerns of the Planning Board and the analysis submitted by Chairman Paul Slutzky. Analysis discrepancies in the Village Business District were pointed out. Trustee Higgins – In the Gateway Business District it would be more than seven properties. If you read FEMA’s use of flood zone properties, they actually recommend that campgrounds are a good use of flood zone properties because that is the only thing you can do there. Trustee Tancredi – It is a good utilization of flood zone property.

Trustee Tancredi spoke to Jim Magnuski regarding the distinction between a campground and a trailer park.

Daniela Goldberg – Where are these places that people would want to camp in the business district or in the gateway district that would be so fabulous that people would want to come out of their tent and look at what? Trustee Tancredi – I cannot answer that question. What I can address is that it is already allowed in other districts in the community of which some are on Main Street – the Gateway District. I do not want to preclude anybody else from the other 1500 feet from not being able to do it. Daniela Goldberg – Where is the camping allowed? Trustee Tancredi – In the Gateway District and the Recreational District. Trustee Higgins – From the Hunter Mountain Bridge to the end of The Village heading east, from the blinking light to the end of The Village heading west, from Route 296 to the end of The Village heading north. Trustee Tancredi – and from County Route 83 going south. Pretty much anything around it except the Main Street. Daniela Goldberg – You have a piece of property that would become eligible. Trustee Tancredi – I have no interest in opening a campground. I could recuse myself right now. Daniela Goldberg – That wouldn’t be a bad idea. That would make me happy.

Sestilio Botti – How many campers could I put on my property? Trustee Higgins – The Department of Health regulates this. Sestilio Botti – I think this is more detrimental/negative than positive.

Trustee Higgins again explained that we are speaking about campgrounds NOT trailer parks.

Trustee Tancredi – I want to treat everyone equally. I do not want to preclude anyone. Identify yourself – speak to your objections straight out – yea or nay, so that it is in the minutes.

Harold Goldberg – I would like to ask a question of the attending audience by a show of hands. Does anybody here agree that this would be a benefit to the Village? Raise your hand.

Trustee Tancredi – For the record, we have ten present. Nine did not raise their hands and one says the jury is still out.

Trustee Tancredi – I expressed my feelings a couple of weeks ago with the Mayor and Trustees of Tannersville. They just received a grant, a matching grant. The Hunter Foundation is matching the grant for $500,000. I told them nobody cares about The Village of Hunter anymore. So, it would behoove the people in this room who are concerned with the economic development and the quality of life in The Village of Hunter and in the town to write a letter to The Hunter Foundation and ask what has happened – have they forgotten about us.

Trustee Higgins – I would like to close the public hearing. Thank you for coming and for all of your comments.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins.

Minutes transcribed by:


Kathleen M. Hilbert

17/01/09 tentative public hearing minutes