Village of Hunter Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman (Absent)
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member (Absent)
Carl Giangrande, Board Member (arrived 7:48pm)
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E. representing Hunter Peaks LLC; Ronald DeMartin; Annie Borgenicht; Keith Holmquist
Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Privilege of the Floor: none
Review and Approval of Minutes of July 27, 2017:
After review, G. Goodrich made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION seconded by C. Cornelius and carried by all.
New Business:
- Borgenicht, Two-Lot Minor Subdivision, 132 Garfield Avenue, Tax lot # 164.06-1-31.11-
Ann Borgrnicht presenting
Chairman Slutzky advised we have received preliminary subdivision plat prepared by L. Vanucchi, application for two-lot minor subdivision, completed Short Form EAF, $100.00 check to Village of Hunter, and a notarized authorization form signed by Roger and Louis Borgenicht authorizing Ann Borgenicht to make application for this minor subdivision.
Board reviewed preliminary plat with applicant. It was determined that subdivision presented no setback issues under the Village Zoning Law for Residential District and no lot access issues were identified. Chairman Slutzky asked if there were any existing or proposed restrictive covenants in the deeds. Ms. Borgenicht stated there were none. She said there is a road through Lot 1 into Lot 2, which is overgrown and she may give easements over that road to her two brothers.
MOTION for public hearing at 7:00 p.m. at the October 26, 2017 meeting was made by C. Giangrande, seconded by C. Cornelius and carried unanimously. Chairman Slutzky informed applicant he would email her Notice of Public Hearing which she would have to mail return/receipt to the designated abutters and bring the mail receipts to the Public Hearing.
Board reviewed the submitted Short EAF Part 1 under the SEQRA review. Applicant advised there is no proposed disturbance on the site and no development is planned for either lot at this time. Board had no questions or concerns relative to Part 1.
Ms. Borgenicht inquired if the new lot will have its own tax number and tax bill. Chairman Slutzky advised that after approved subdivision maps are filed at County Clerk’s office, County Real Property will assign new lot numbers to each lot and then separate property tax bills would be generated for each lot.
Chairman Slutzky advised Ms. Borgenicht to have L. Vanucchi put the Planning Board endorsement block on the Final Subdivision Plat Maps for signatures, as they won’t be accepted for filing at the County Clerk without it.
Sign Permit Application – The Pro Ski N’Sports, Inc. – Keith Holmquist presenting.
Chairman Slutzky stated we have $50.00 sign application fee and permit application to replace the existing “Greene Acres” portion of existing sign with a new sign for his shop. Sign is to be two sided with downlit lights on both sides.
After discussion MOTION was made by C. Giangrande, seconded by C. Cornelius to approve the new sign with a size variance to allow the proposed Apex Boot Demo Center sign to replace existing Greene Acres sign. MOTION carried unanimously.
Old Business:
High Peaks Major Residential Subdivision: Tax Lot # 164.00-7-3 – Major Subdivision
Preliminary Plat and Site Plan review – Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E. presenting.
Chairman Slutzky stated that at last meeting, we enumerated a variety of additional information to be incorporated on the preliminary plat. W. Kubow advised this will be done. Chairman Slutzky advised the Board still needs paperwork showing the transfer of the property from Mountaintrail at Hunter LLC, the original owner and applicant, to Hunter Peaks, LLC. He also advised the Board still needs the balance due of $250 for subdivision/ site plan fee.
Chairman Slutzky stated we have received responses from NYS DEC, NYS DEP and Greene County Planning to the request for Lead Agency status letter that was sent out July 25,2017. He then reviewed the received responses with the Board. After review and discussion, MOTION was made by Chairman Slutzky to rescind the former Board classification of project as “unlisted action” under SEQRA and reclassify the project as a Type 1 action. MOTION was seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
W..Kubow then discussed in detail the 19 comments and concerns enumerated by NYC DEP in their letter to Board of August 23, 2017 and reviewed Chazen’s responses to those comments as spelled out in Chazen’s letter to Board of September 26, 2017.
Chairman Slutzky asked W. Kubow to send copies of the Chazen responses to NYC DEP and NYS DEC, and other involved/interested parties, for their review, as well as revised Long Form EAF, revised subdivision/ site plan maps, revised SWPPP and all other revised and newly generated project information.
Correspondence: None
Motion made to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. by G. Goodrich, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
Carol Ferrara