APRIL 25, 2019

WHEREAS, the Village of Hunter Planning Board has received a site plan application, draft subdivision plat, site plan, Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF), Geo-technical Report, Water Supply Concept Report, and Sanitary Sewer Collection Report for a project identified as Hunter Peaks, and
WHEREAS, the proposed project involves the subdivision of a 59.728-acre parcel into 26 lots consisting of 23 single-family home lots, 2 stormwater management lots, and 1 vacant lot (Lot 1) to be joined with the I previously subdivided 1.197-acre single family home lot and parcel 164.00-7-2, for a total property area of 60.925 acres, and
WHEREAS, the proposed project is situated in the Village Residential Zoning District which permits single-family homes and townhouses and will result in an increase in water usage, wastewater generation, and traffic generation at the site, and
WHEREAS, the project will be accessed by a private road off of Hunter Drive, will receive potable water from the Village of Hunter Water Department, and receive wastewater services from the Hunter Highlands Sewer Treatment Plant, and
WHEREAS, the project involves disturbance of approximately 21.51 acres of land and therefore a NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) SPDES Individual Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity will be required and a full Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared, and
WHEREAS, the Applicant resubmitted the revised version of the Major Subdivision Plat, site plan, project drawings, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan on February 28, 2019 as a response to the comments received from the Watershed Inspector General and NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and
WHEREAS, the SWPPP was approved through a letter received by the Applicant on March 12, 2019 by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, and
WHEREAS, the Applicant has considered the comments of the NYS Watershed Inspector General and has incorporated a substantial decrease in the area of disturbance and an upgrade to the stormwater filtration practices, and
WHEREAS, the project scope has changed from a 34-10t subdivision with 27 singlefamily home lots, 5 stormwater management lots, I clubhouse lot, and 1 water tank lot to a 26-lot subdivision with 23 single-family home lots, 2 stormwater management lots, and 1 vacant lot to be combined with the previously subdivided Lot 2 to the north and the existing parcel to the west, and
WHEREAS, the area of disturbance on steep slopes was reduced by two-thirds for slopes greater than 25% from 14,55 acres to 5.36 acres, and
WHEREAS, the Applicant, as mitigation for the proposed disturbance, purchased 0.225 credits from The Wetland Trust Susquehanna Basin Headwaters and Adjacent Basins In-Lieu Fee Program on September 10, 2018, and
WHEREAS, the Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat has been accepted on March 7, 2019 and meets all of the conditions of the Village of Hunter Subdivision Regulations, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Boai•d held a public hearing on the project on December 28, 2017 and another on December 6, 2018 to January 24, 2019 and received numerous comments from the public, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has issued a Negative Declaration on this action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, and
WHEREAS, the Major Subdivision Final Plat has been received on March 28, 2019 and meets all the conditions of the Village of Hunter Subdivision Regulations, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Village of Hunter Planning Board hereby conditionally approves the Major Subdivision for the Hunter Peaks Residential Development subject to the following conditions:

  1. The Applicant receives the necessary Individual SPDES Permit from NYS DEC for Stormwater Discharge.
  2. The Applicant complies with the conditions of the Operations and Maintenance Plan in Appendix F of the S WPPP.
  3. The Water Transpoftation Corporation will be established for the conveyance of potable water.
  4. The Sewer Transportation Corporation will be established for the conveyance of wastewater.
  5. The Applicant will provide siltation filtering infrastructure on all stormwater facilities.
  6. The Applicant will receive a water and sewer permit endorsed by NYS DOH and NYC DEP and submit sewer details prior to construction.
  7. The Applicant will establish an HOA to fund to the maintenance of the privately held stormwater, roadway, and common land facilities; and the HOA’s responsibility for operation and maintenance of the approved stormwater plan, and for funding said plan, will be fully disclosed in the HOA Offering Plan.
  8. The Applicant will receive a Nationwide Permit from the Army Corp of Engineers for wetland disturbance.
  9. The Applicant will provide construction as-build drawings prior to the receipt of a building permit.
  10. The Applicant will set approved monuments at all corner and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided and at all road intersections, angle points in road lines, point of curve, and such intermediate points.
  11. The Applicant will set permanent corner markers in the ground to existing grade to the satisfactony of the Village Designated Engineer.
  12. The Applicant will provide an estimate of bonding cost to the specifications of the Village Engineer and a financial instrument in the amount and duration approved by the Village Engineer, which meets all the requirements of New York Village Law and the Village’s Subdivision Law, is in place to insure the completion of the proposed stormwater management system and all other required infrastructure improvements.
  13. The Applicant will require each property to receive a General SPDES permit based on the individual design of the site.
  14. The HOA financial assurance for the need of General SPDES Permits for each property sold will be drafted and attached hereto.
  15. Each SPDES permit will need the approval of the Village of Hunter building inspector and the NYC DEP prior to issuance from the NYS DEC.
  16. The Applicant will provide three copies of the Major Subdivision within 180 days of the date of this resolution granting conditional approval: one on mylar; the original and one true copy of all offers of cession and covenants governing the maintenance of un-seceded open space bearing a certificate of approval as to their legal sufficiency by an attorney representing the Village; two prints of all construction drawings shall be presented to the Planning Board at the time of submission; and a CD containing a digital copy of the plat in PDF format is required.
    A MOTION to adopt this resolution was made by Harold Goldberg and seconded by Rich Volpi.


In Favor     Opposed     Absent
x x x x x

Carl Giangrande
Harold Goldberg
Gary Goodrich
Rich volpi
Paul Slutzky
ADOPTED: April 25, 2019
I certify the attached resolution entitled Resolution for Major Subdivision Approval adopted by the Village of Hunter Planning Board April, 25 2019 is a true and correct transcript of the original now on file in this office.

Chairman, Village of Hunter Planning Board