Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2024
8430 Route 23A
Wastewater Treatment Plan Conference Room

Members Present:     Paul Slutzky, Chairman

Richard Volpe, Deputy Chairman (absent)

                                    Carl Giangrande, Board Member

                                    Ed Kaplan, Board Member 

                                    Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board Member

                                    Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member

Public Present:

John Sharkey, Architect with Rhinebeck Architecture

Open Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:00 PM

Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Workshop Meeting and Planning Board Meeting of August 22, 2024:
After review, Penny Sikalis-Spring made a MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. Ed Kaplan seconded the MOTION, which was approved and carried.

Privilege of the Floor: none requested

Old Business: none

New Business:

  • HTC Elementary School—Lot Line Adjustment—Tax Lots #164.10-1-17 and 164.10-1-15
    John Sharkey presentingJohn Sharkey presented full size drawing of survey map of tax Lot #164.10-1-15, which is in the process of being acquired by HTC School District from the Village of Hunter. Chairman Slutzky advised that Planning Board Application, signed Owner’s Authorization Form, Long Form EAF, and description of lot to be acquired were previously furnished by Mr. Sharkey and emailed to Board.
    Chairman Slutzky advised that in accordance with SEQR 617.5, Type II Actions (c) (16) no further SEQR review is required for this action. He further advised that Site Plan Review of the portion of the project located at the Hunter Elementary School would need to be conducted in the future when plans are available. That review would require SEQR review in accordance with the Long Form EAF that has been presented.

    After discussion, E. Kaplan made MOTION to waive the necessity of a Public Hearing for the proposed Lot Line Adjustment. P. Sikalis-Spring seconded the MOTION which was carried by all.

    After discussion, E. Kaplan made MOTION to approve the Lot Line Adjustment incorporating the .29 acre Village owned lot into the HTC Elementary School lot, after the purchase of the lot by the School has been finalized. C. Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

    Chairman Slutzky advised Mr. Sharkey that the Planning Board’s approval block would need to be added to a the Lot Line Adjustment survey map. He said the school’s authorized representative should sign a minimum of 5 paper prints and 1 mylar print and drop off at the Village Hall. He will then sign the maps and return all copies to Mr. Sharkey except for two paper prints which would be for the Planning Board’s and Building Inspector’s files.

    Chairman Slutzky said a $50 fee was due for the Lot Line Adjustment review and a $100 fee would be due for the Site Plan Review fee when it has been presented to the Board. Checks should be payable to Village of Hunter. Mr. Sharkey said he would take care of that.

Chairman’s Report: none

Correspondence: none


There being no further business, P. Sikalis-Spring made a MOTION to adjourn. The MOTION was seconded by Ed Kaplan, approved, and carried at 7:30 PM.

Transcribed by:
Paul Slutzky