Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2024
8430 Route 23A
Wastewater Treatment Plan Conference Room

Members Present: Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Carl Giangrande, Board Member (absent)
Ed Kaplan, Board Member
Penny Sikalis, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member (absent)

Also Present: John Valachovic with Kaaterskill Associates

Public Present: Thomas Cannalonga, Barbara Breest, Wayne Burke

Public Hearing: 8050 Main Street LLC—Major Residential Subdivision and Site Plan—Tax ID #148.17-2-2, Linda Lane
Chairman Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:07 PM.

John Valachovic of Kaaterskill Associates presented the Chairman with proof of mailing and receipts of delivery for all the abutters within 200 feet of the applicant’s property. He then presented full size drawing of the Preliminary Plat for the project and described the proposed subdivision.

Chairman Slutzky asked the public in attendance if they had any questions, comments or concerns about the proposed subdivision:

Barbara Breest asked if all access to project was from the proposed extension of Linda Lane. J. Valachovic said the access for Lots 1 through 6, which each would have one house, was from the extension of Linda Lane. He said the first approximately 300 feet of Linda Lane is owned and maintained by Village of Hunter and this would be extended with a cul-de-sac at the end from which Lots 3, 4, 5 & 6 would have driveways to the homes. Lot 1 would have direct access to the Village owned portion of Linda lane and Lot #2 would have direct access to the extended portion of Linda Lane. The extended portion of Linda Lane would be maintained via a road maintenance agreement between the owners of the five proposed lots that would utilize it for their access. The access to Lot 7 would be via Point Breeze Avenue and the existing unnamed paper street. He said Lot 7 would remain a vacant lot with no home to be built on it.

Wayne Burke asked if the sewer lines from lots 1 through 6 would be tapping in to the existing Village wastewater manhole on Linda lane. J. Valachovic advised each house would use grinder pumps and one and a half inch diameter force mains to access a manhole on Linda Lane.

A back and forth discussion ensued about individual wells proposed for lots 1 through 6.

W. Burke asked how many additional homes might be added to Lot 5 as it was a 23.672 acre lot. J. Valachovic responded that wetlands mapping by Quenzer Environmental determined that a large portion of the center of this lot is an existing wetlands area which cannot be built on, so only one house is proposed to be located on the non-wetlands area of the lot.

Thomas Cannalonga inquired if houses would be built on lot 7 in the future as it is a large lot and it is very close to the home he lives in and is in the process of buying. J. Valachovic replied that due to existing wetlands areas on this lot and because it is in an archeologically sensitive area, no homes are proposed for this lot.

There being no furthers questions from the public, Chairman Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:29 PM.

Open Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:030 PM

Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Workshop Meeting and Planning Board Meeting of October 24, 2024:
After review, E. Kaplan made a MOTION to approve the minutes of both meetings as presented.
P. Sikalis seconded the MOTION, which was approved and carried.

Privilege of the Floor: none requested

New Business: none

Old Business:

  • Potential Updates to Village Zoning Law
    Chairman Slutzky advised that he would be requesting additional funds to be allocated by the Village Board to pay for the Delaware Engineering consulting fees for this project, which is close to wrapping up.
  • 8050 Main Street, LLC—Major Residential Subdivision and Site Plan—Tax Lot #148.17-2-2, Linda Lane
    Chairman Slutzky said he believed all questions from the public about this proposed project which were raised in the Public Hearing had been adequately addressed by applicant’s representative John Valachovic during the Public Hearing.

    Chairman Slutzky stated that responses to the Board’s letter of October 28, 2024 requesting Lead Agency status in a coordinated SEQR review of the proposed action had been received from NYCDEP on November 14, 2024 and NYSDEC on November 26, 2024 and that neither agency had objection to our Board assuming Lead Agency status for this action. Both responses were emailed to all Board members for review when they were received by the Chairman.

    Chairman Slutzky reviewed with the Board Part 1-Project and Setting of the Full EAF that was circulated to the Board on 10/25/24. It was noted that section B.h. Federal Agencies was checked YES but no agencies were listed. John Valachovic clarified that the preliminary plat shows a bridge spanning the stream on Lot 5 in lieu of a culvert and therefore an ACOE permit would not be required.

    After completing their review of Part 1, the Board reviewed the 18 questions contained in Part 2-Identification of Potential Project Impacts and determined that in all cases No, or small impacts might occur and no Moderate to large impacts were identified.

    The Board then reviewed Part 3-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts and discussed the reasons why the impacts identified in Part 2 questions 1, 3, 4, 5 & 10 will not result in significant adverse environmental impacts.

    After further discussion, E. Kaplan made a MOTION to issue a negative declaration for the proposed unlisted action under SEQR. P. Sikalis seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

Chairman’s Report:
As the regular Planning Board meeting for December would fall on December 26, during the holiday week, and there as yet are no proposed agenda items, E. Kaplan made a MOTION to cancel the December 26 meeting. P. Sikalis seconded the MOTION which was carried by all. Chairman Slutzky advised the next Planning Board meeting would be scheduled for January 23, 2025.

Correspondence: none


There being no further business, P. Sikalis made a MOTION to adjourn. The MOTION was seconded by E. Kaplan, and carried by all at 8:31 PM.

Transcribed by:
Paul Slutzky