Village of Hunter Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
November 30, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member (Absent)
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E., representing Hunter Peaks LLC; Mary Beth Bianconi, representing Board consultant, Delaware Engineering
Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:09 p.m.
Review and Approval of Minutes of October 26, 2017:
After review, C. Giangrande made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION seconded by R. Volpi and carried unanimously. .
New Business: none
Old Business:
Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision: Tax Lot # 164.00-7-3 – Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat and Site Plan review – Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E. presenting.
W. Kubow gave an assessment of the current status of the project and reviewed some of the SEQRA concerns raised by involved agencies:
- Most of the NYCDEP comments in letters to Board of 11/9/17 and 11/20/17 are technical issues for permitting purposes and are not Board SEQRA issues. M. B. Bianconi concurred with this assessment.
- Hunter Peaks will need an individual SPDES permit from NYSDEC for stormwater due to point source discharges after construction, which must be renewed periodically every 5-10 years
- Individual SPDES permit can only be held by a municipality, a transportation corp or an individual. M.B. Bianconi added that stormwater features on lots will have to be subject to deed restrictions and covenants to guarantee maintenance of facilities and this also will apply to the multi-use trail. She advised that Hunter Peaks should specify maximum impervious surface areas (building envelopes) that are realistic for each individual lot, to facilitate the NYCDEP review. J. Prince said Hunter Peaks will present proposed deed restrictions and covenants to Board over next few meetings.
- W. Kubow and M.B. Bianconi agreed that Hunter Peaks will need to draft a response to the questions about disturbance of portion of the beech maple-mesic forest area.
- M. Bianconi advised that as Village annexed project site it must make water available to it and that the proposed booster pump on Village land at the Highlands tank would best be built by developer and turned over to Village.
- W. Kubow and M. B. Bianconi had an in depth discussion with Board about various sewer and water issues, including: whether sewer flow would go to Highlands Pollution Control plant or directly to Village collection system; need for creation of transportation corporations; future holder of SPDES permit(s); future ownership of sewer and water mains and laterals; Village’s suitability to take on additional water and sewer infrastructure
Board consultant, M.B. Bianconi, advised she will sort out the agency comments to date as to which ones are permitting issues and which ones are SEQRA issues and also send the Board a summary of the salient points addressed at this meeting and needed to be addressed at future meetings.
Chairman Slutzky reviewed the correspondence with the Board.
Regarding the Jagerberg application for Architectural Review Law review, Board agreed after discussion, that applicant would need to update the existing site plan for the restaurant and present a completed sign permit application
MOTION to adjourn at 9:35 pm by R. Volpi, seconded by C. Connelius and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
Paul Slutzky