Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2024
8430 Route 23A
Wastewater Treatment Plan Conference Room

Members Present:     Paul Slutzky, Chairman

Richard Volpe, Deputy Chairman

                                    Carl Giangrande, Board Member

                                    Ed Kaplan, Board Member

                                    Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member

                                    Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board Member (absent)

Public Present:
Ron San Fillipo representing Hunter Retreat, Janet Volpi, Alexa Kwiatkowski

Open Meeting:  Chairman Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:04 PM

Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Planning Board Meetings of May 23, 2024:

After review, Ed Kaplan made a MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. Rich Volpe seconded the MOTION, which was approved and carried.

Privilege of the Floor: none requested

Old Business:

  •  Potential Updates to Zoning Law: Board agreed to table further discussion until after the scheduled July 25, 2024 workshop meeting on this matter.
  • Hunter Retreat, LLC—Temporary Pre-fab Residences—Tax Lot #164.05-4-3—Site Plan review

Ron SanFilippo presenting

Chairman Slutzky advised that a response to the 239 Referral was received from Greene County Planning dated June 11, 2024. It was marked “No Action”. He added that the required $250 Site Plan fee was mailed to Village by applicant, Rad Roubeni, on June 27, 2024.

Board reviewed the revised Short EAF, which was signed by Ron SanFilippo. After reviewing the corrected Part 1, the Board reviewed Part 2, Impact Assessment and agreed that no moderate to large environmental impacts were likely to occur as a result of the proposed action. Chairman Slutzky asked that no SEQR determination be voted on until after a Public Hearing is held.

After discussion, R. Volpi made MOTION to hold a Public Hearing on the proposed action at 7:00 PM on July 25, 2024 prior to the regular July Planning Board meeting.

New Business:  none

Chairman’s Report:

Chairman Slutzky advised he had no additional information on any of the other projects under current review. C. Giangrande said he received an application for a temporary banner to be placed across Route 23A by the Catskill Mountain Foundation to advertise a live performance of Shakespear’s Julios Ceasar. After discussion, E. Kaplan made MOTION to approve the temporary placement of the banner in accordance with the provisions of  the Village of Hunter Sign Law.  R. Volpi seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

Correspondence:  none


There being no further business, G. Shegerian made a MOTION to adjourn. The MOTION was seconded by R. Volpi, approved, and carried at 7:30 PM.

Transcribed by:
Paul Slutzky