Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 23, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Board Member (Absent)
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Walter Kubow (The Chazen Companies) and Jeff Prince representing the Hunter Peaks Development Project; Sestilio Botti and Ron DeMartin, representing Four Seasons; Alan Higgins (Hunter Mayor); Jon Harris
Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Review and Approval of Minutes of December 22, 2016:
Motion was made to approve the minutes by H. Goldberg, seconded by G. Goodrich, and carried unanimously.
Privilege of the Floor:
Jon Harris – inquired if there was anything new on the trailers on Central Avenue. Chairman Slutzky advised that once the owners comply with the Village requirements for the utilities, hookups and various easements required, then owners have to come before the Planning Board for architectural review before the Certificate of Occupancy will be issued.
He also inquired about any updates on the Cardboard Box Inn. Chairman Slutzky stated nothing new from us. Mayor Higgins responded that the owner advised he was working on the property but nothing has been done in a while. Mayor Higgins advised he would ask Dominic Caropreso if there was any additional work required to be done.
Old Business:
- Hunter Peaks Residential Development—Tax Lot#164.00-7-3—Sketch Plan for Major Subdivision and Site Plan Review—Jeff Prince presenting.Chairman Slutzky disclosed that he is a Director for The Bank of Greene County which has a loan relationship with the applicant’s ownership and therefore if anyone on the Board or representative of the applicant feels that this presents any conflict of interest, he would recuse himself from the Board and abstain from voting on this review. Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow advised that they did not feel there were any conflicts of interest here and did not feel that Chairman Slutzky should recuse himself from the review.
Chairman Slutzky reminded J. Prince that he still needs to submit the required documents and application fees spelled out in the minutes of the March 23, 2017 Planning Board meeting minutes. In addition, he advised that the site plan application fee of $100 plus $50 per residential lot would need to be paid before the review process could move forward.
Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow reviewed the proposed sketch major subdivision/site plan with the Board and the proposed work to be done. Lot and road layout, grading, sewer and water hookups, utility easements and availability, and various other aspects of the plan were reviewed and discussed. J. Prince said they will be meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers to discuss any wetlands designations on the site. W. Kubow advised he talked with Joe Myers from the Village water company and was advised the applicant needs to go before the Hunter Village Board for approval for the project to be connected to the Village water system.
J. Prince stated one idea the owner was looking into was to make alpine skiing or cross-country skiing available throughout the project where a skier could ski Hunter Mountain and then continue onto the Hunter Peaks property via a trail winding through the project. Members of the Board inquired as to who would retain trail and road ownership and maintenance responsibilities. They also asked about ownership of the proposed water storage tank and storm water maintenance areas. J. Prince advised the applicant/developer would maintain the roads in the subdivision until such time as a to-be-established homeowners association takes over the responsibility.
Chairman Slutzky advised that due to the large scope and complexity of the project, the Planning Board needs guidance in negotiating the site plan and SEQRA review process and to that end he had solicited a quote from Delaware Engineering, D.P. C., which was received on March 14, 2017, for engineering and planning assistance. After discussion, MOTION made by G. Goodrich and seconded by C. Cornelius, to accept the consultant proposal from Delaware Engineering dated March 14, 2017, to assist the Planning Board with professional engineering and planning assistance in the site plan and SEQRA process and to require applicant to furnish an initial amount of $5,000 to be placed in an escrow account with the Village of Hunter to fund the consultant expenses of Delaware Engineering. MOTION was unanimously carried.
The Board began review of the submitted long form EAF. Chairman Slutzky advised this is an unlisted action with involved agencies and interested parties being the Hunter Village Board, NYSDOH, NYSDEC, Army Corps of Engineers, Hunter Highlands Pollution Contol Corp, NYCDEP, SHPO (W. Kubow said he would check with SHPO to see if they need to be advised),Central Hudson and Greene County Planning Department.
MOTION to seek lead agency in a coordinated SEQRA review made by H. Goldberg, seconded by C. Giangrande. MOTION carried unanimously.
New Business: none
Correspondence: None
Motion was made to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. by H. Goldberg, seconded by C. Cornelius, and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
Carol Ferrara