Village of Hunter Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2018
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman (absent)
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member (absent)
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member (absent)
Public Present: Jeff Prince & Walter Kubow, P.E., representing Hunter Peaks, LLC; Kevin Schwenzfeier
Opening of Regular Meeting:
P. Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Review and Approval of Minutes of February 22, 2018:
After review, C. Giangrande made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION seconded by G. Goodrich and carried unanimously.
Old Business:
- Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision: Tax Lot # 164.00-7-3—Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review— Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E., presenting
P. Slutzky advised that the primary focus at tonight’s meeting would be the continuation of ongoing SEQR review for this project. He then referenced the revised Full EAF with attachments dated 2/22/18 that the Board received at the February meeting. All Board members in attendance advised they had now reviewed those documents.
P. Slutzky asked Kevin Schwenzfeier, planner with Board consultant Delaware Engineering, to review the drafts he prepared (which were previously emailed to Board members) of Part 2- Identification of Potential Project Impacts and Part-3 Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts.
K. Schwenzfeier first reviewed with the Board the letter received from Matthew Giannetta of NYCDEP dated March 13, 2018 and discussed its erroneous statements that the project would be served by Hunter Highlands Waste Water Treatment Plant and that the Planning Board will be issuing a Draft EIS for public comment.
K. Schwenzfeier reviewed the listed potential project impacts in Part -2, with emphasis given to those impacts that were checked for “Moderate to large impact may occur”, and discussed with the board the applicant’s proposed mitigations for those impacts.
He then reviewed the draft Part-3 and discussed in detail with the Board the reasons supporting a determination of no significant adverse impacts on the environment. Board discussed Supporting Reason 3. Impact on Land, i., and agreed that there would be no impact as applicant either would not need a permit from the Army Corps if the Corps affirms their verbal determination to applicant that the upper wetlands area are isolated , or a new site plan would have to be submitted that does not include the wetlands.
The Board then reviewed the draft resolution entitled “VILLAGE OF HUNTER PLANNING BOARD DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (SEQR)—HUNTER PEAKS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT” . After discussion, G. Goodrich made MOTION to approve the completed Part-2 and Part-3 of the FEAF and the draft resolution including the attached NEGATIVE DECLARATION—NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE. C. Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.
The Board then discussed with applicant’s representatives the next steps in the ongoing subdivision and site plan review process. Board discussed with W. Kubow and J. Prince some of the necessary remaining items, including: formation of transportation corps for development owned water and sewer distribution and collection systems, and for SPDES permit; community road maintenance agreement; bonding requirements for project infrastructure; covenants and deed restrictions. It was agreed that K. Schwenzfeier would put together a memo summarizing the remaining items to be submitted by applicant for review in order to for Board to commence completion of the site plan and subdivision review process. Said memo to be distributed to Board members and applicant prior to April planning Board meeting.
P. Slutzky advised J. Prince that applicant would need to replenish the escrowed funds at the Village for Board’s review process consultant. J. Prince said he would have developer furnish another $5, 000 to be escrowed for this purpose.
New Business: None
Board reviewed the stamped copies of as-built plans furnished by Taconic Engineering, DPC, for all the various site plan revision approvals for Scribner’s Catskill Lodge
MOTION to adjourn at 8:05 pm by G. Goodrich, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
P. Slutzky