Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman (absent)
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Jeff Prince, Walter Kubow, Kevin Schwenzfeier, Joseph Vanucchi, Chaim Noe, Ken Altreuter
Opening of Regular Meeting:
P. Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:00 PM.
Review and Approval of Minutes of January 24, 2019:
After review, G. Goodrich made MOTION to approve minutes. MOTION seconded by H. Goldberg and carried unanimously.
Privilege of the Floor: none
New Business: none
Old Business:
- Lot Line Adjustment–Conestoga Investments, LTD—Dolans Lane—Tax Lots #164.10-1-34 & 26—Joseph Vanucchi of Vanucchi Associates, Surveyors, and Chaim Noe presenting
J. Vanucchi presented survey map of proposed lot line adjustment between two parcels on Dolans Lane owned by Conestoga Investments, LTD. C. Noe advised that he has a plan to remove the existing garage on tax lot #164.10-1-39, attach a new multi-car garage to the existing house and a new residential addition to the north side of the new garage. He also advised he has reviewed this plan with the Village Building Inspector and all use, area and coverages requirements for the Residential zoning district will be adhered to.
P. Slutzky said Vanucci Associates had previously forwarded survey lot descriptions for the lots involved in the lot line adjustment and he made them available for Board review.
Board agreed that this action is an unlisted action under SEQR regulations. Board reviewed Part 1 and Part 2 of the Short Form EAF that had been previously submitted and reviewed, and agreed that no moderate to large impacts may occur as a result of the proposed action. H. Goldberg made MOTION for Negative Declaration under the SEQR review, C. Cornelius seconded the MOTION and it carried unanimously.
P. Slutzky signed the mylar and paper survey maps, retaining one copy for Planning Board file and one copy for Building Inspector file.
- Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision–Tax Lot #164.00-7-3—Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review—Jeff Prince and Walter Kubow, P.E., presenting
W. Kubow presented large revised project drawings dated 2/27/19, and reviewed the various revisions made in response to NYCDEP comments dated 2/12/19 and Watershed Inspector General’s office comments dated 2/27/19. He then reviewed in detail Chazen’s responses to the various comments, as outlined in Chazen’s letter of 2/27/19 to James Watkins of NYCDEP. In particular he noted that: Lot #3 has been revised to show the potential house footprint moved to avoid areas of greater than 25% slope; Pond P1 has been revised to accommodate a 12 ft wide maintenance access road; the HOA offering plan will be written so as to fully disclose the HOA’s responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the storm water system; required bonding for infrastructure systems will include financial assurance for the O & M of the storm water system.
H. Goldberg inquired if individual SWPPPs specific to each home lot will be required in order for lot owners to secure building permits. W. Kubow advised this would be the case as these SWPPPs can’t be completed until actual home and site plans are designed for each individual lot owner. It was agreed that the Building Inspector would not be able to issue building permits until the lot owners had secured regulatory approval of their individual storm water plans.
Board discussed bonding requirements for infrastructure build out, including roads, utilities and storm water system. It was agreed that Chazen would furnish estimated costs to build out all the infrastructure and these estimates would then be reviewed by the Village’s consultant engineer to determine the amount of necessary bonding to be furnished by project sponsor.
W. Kubow advised he will respond directly to Watershed Inspector General’s office comments in their letter of 2/27/19.
After discussion, G. Goodrich made MOTION to rescind Board approval of 1/24/19 deeming the Preliminary Major Subdivision Plat to be complete and to approve the Preliminary Major Subdivision Plat dated 2/28/19 as complete. C. Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which carried unanimously.
The Board once again reviewed the FEAF which was last revised 1/21/19, in light of the various project changes made by project sponsor in response to NYCDEP and Watershed Inspector General’s most recent comments. After discussion, C. Giangrande made MOTION to approve the Resolution for the Reconfirmation of the Determination of Significance (SEQR) for the Hunter Peaks project, dated March 7, 2019 (copy attached hereto). H. Goldberg seconded the MOTION and all five Board Members in attendance voted in the affirmative on a roll call vote. P. Slutzky and K. Schwenzfeier, as preparer, then signed Part 3 of the FEAF.
After discussion, Board agreed that a separate site plan approval was no longer required for the project, as all the non-residential facilities, including the clubhouse, multiuse path and water storage tank had been removed from the project plans and only single family homes remained in the project, and single family residential is not reviewable under the Village of Hunter Zoning Law. It was agreed that approval of the Final Major Subdivision Plat was the only approval now required.
The Board then reviewed a draft of the Resolution for Major Subdivision Approval as prepared by consultant, K. Schwenzfeier. Items discussed included: how many transportation corps would need to be set up by sponsor and when drafts of the transportation corp documents would be available for Board review; who would own the SPDES Individual Permit—the HOA or a separate transportation corp; how soon would applicant’s engineer have estimate of infrastructure and storm water O & M costs available for review by Village designated engineer, in order to establish the required amount for the performance guaranty bonds(s) to be provided by sponsor; when more finalized versions of proposed restrictive covenants, road maintenance agreements and HOA Offering Plan would be available for Board review.
W. Kubow advised that the project SWPPP, as last revised 2/27/19, was submitted to NYCDEP and NYSDEC as of 3/4/19 and the application for Individual SPDES permit has been submitted to NYSDEC. He further advised that maps of Final Major Subdivision Plat will be provided to Board prior next Board meeting on 3/28/19 along with most or all of the other information requested by the Board in order for Board to approve the final plat.
H. Goldberg made MOTION to adjourn at 8:16 PM. MOTION seconded by C. Cornelius and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
P. Slutzky