Village of Hunter Planning Board
Public Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes
June 22, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member (Absent)
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Jeff Prince representing Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC; Mark Chodock , Glennon Travis (co-owners of Scribners) and Chad Lindberg of Taconic Engineering representing Scribner’s Catskill Lodge; Ron DeMartin and Sestillio Botti representing Four Seasons Land; Greg Lubow, Esq. representing The Scribner Hollow Homeowners Association; Jodi Larison; Geri Marino and Charlie
Knopp representing SnowBird Ski Shop.
Public Hearing: Scribner’s Catskill Lodge, 13 Scribner Hollow Road—Site Plan Revision “B”, construction of event venue:
Chairman Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 pm. He then advised he has been furnished the return receipts of Notice of Public Hearing sent to abutters by applicant. C. Lindberg advised all receipts of mailing delivery but the one sent to Hunter Inn Mountain Corp. were returned.
C. Lindberg, P.E. reviewed the proposed site plan revision which details the construction of an event venue west of the existing lodge and pool. He described the proposed work for creation of stone patio surface at event venue, walkways connecting event venue to pool and lodge, firepit to south of venue, and conduit lines for future electric and gas. C. Giangrande asked if water lines were being installed. C. Lindberg stated there are lines currently there coming off the line at the hotel. C. Lindberg said there is very minimal revision to existing grades required. C. Lindberg explained that the landscape plan shows location of bollard lights which would be the same lights detailed in previous revision to Site Plan. He advised that erosion and sediment control measures during construction are detailed on plans but the aggregate area of ground disturbance would not exceed NYCDEP or NYSDEC thresholds that would require a SWPPP.
Chairman Slutzky asked for any Public Comments:
(1) G. Lubow, Esq., representing the Scribner Hollow Homeowners Association, provided a letter dated 6/22/17(hand delivered), that listed concerns of the HOA and stated the items in his 4/26/17 letter to Board on this matter have not been fully addressed. He indicated that issues of noise from site and proposed uses and hours of operation of site were HOA’s main concerns. He evinced concerns about on site kitchen, size and type of tents to be utilized, fire protection access and location, if any, of temporary bathrooms. Chairman Slutzky stated the locations of the temporary bathrooms are located on the site plans.
(2) S. Botti representing Four Seasons inquired about the size of the project and use of the project. He questioned why water and sewer lines were shown on site plan. C. Lindberg stated the project is for outdoor events consistent with the current use of the property as a resort area and that it made sense to put in utility lines to site now to eliminate the need to dig up site in the future.
S. Botti inquired how far the event venue site is from property line. C. Lindberg gave him the approximate distance in feet.
There being no other comments or concerns raised, Chairman Slutzky closed the public hearing at 7:28 pm.
Regular Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:28 p.m.
Review and Approval of Minutes of March 23, 2017, April 27, 2017, May 18, 2017 (special meeting) and May 25, 2017:
MOTION to approve all four (4) meeting minutes made by G. Goodrich, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously with the exception that P. Slutzky abstained from voting on approval of Minutes of 4/27/17 and 5/25/17.
Privilege of the Floor: none
Old Business:
- Scribner’s Catskill Lodge—13 Scribner Hollow Road—Site Plan Revision “B”– creation of event venue—Chad Lindberg, P.E., of Taconic Engineering, presenting.
Chairman Slutzky advised that Greene County Planning approved the 239 review for this project on May 24, 2017.
C. Lindberg, P.E., started by answering S. Botti’s questions first; regarding the utility lines, it was decided to put in these lines now rather than come back again to the Board in future to get approval. He said they are running electric lines now so that they don’t need to use portable generators for events in front of the townhomes in the future; he reiterated that the project is 100 feet from property line of Four Seasons to the west. C. Lindberg stated the gas line could be used for barbecuing in future rather than setting up portable grills.
R. Volpi questioned about the noise that would or could be generated at events. C. Lindberg stated the events would end at 10:00 p.m. for which Mr. Volpi asked that this information be listed on the plans. Marc Chodock then stated the area will have different events located at this site such as: crafts fairs for local people to bring in and sell their crafts, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, birthdays, farmer’s market events for local farmers to bring in vegetables, flowers, etc, to sell. R. Volpi said the noise and visual situations need to be mitigated. M. Chodock stated there may possibly be up to 150 people at any event.
G. Lubow, Esq., concerns – Chairman Slutzky asked the Board to refer to G. Lubow’s April 26 letter (copies of which were previously distributed), and stated that most of those concerns have been dealt with.
The Board then reviewed and discussed with applicants the various concerns detailed in the 4/26/17 and 6/22/17 letters from G. Lubow that had not been previously addressed.
R. Volpi asked if there was any other viable location on Scirbner’s property to construct the event venue. M. Chodock replied that due to the steep grades on most of their unused property, this was the only viable location.
G. Travis said that, regarding concerns about hours of operation and noise from event site activities, the Village of Hunter Noise Ordinance will govern and they would adhere to a 10:00 p.m. cutoff for outdoor events. M. Chodock further advised they would agree to adhere to the cutoff hours for noise generation spelled out in the Noise Ordinance.
G. Travis stated that the lodge property already was an event venue as part of the hotel operation and the intent of this site plan is to upgrade facilities.
M. Chodock said any tents used on the site would be erected only for the short term duration of outdoor events as they occur. He said maximum height of tents would be about 25 feet. He also said they planned to restrict outdoor events at this site to occupancies of one hundred fifty people or less.
G. Travis indicated location of proposed future temporary bathrooms and said their look would be consistent with their current design aesthetics for the lodge.
Chairman Slutzky asked the Board if they felt an engineered noise study needs to be made, to which the Board unanimously agreed that would not be necessary. R. Volpi asked if modular sound panels could be used if there are bands or D.J.s playing at the site. After discussion, the co-owners stated that since they have people staying in their own hotel, they would be subjecting themselves to the same noise concerns if it went on after 10:00 p.m.
Chairman Slutzky stated that after reviewing the concerns enumerated in the April 26 letter, most of the 7 issues detailed in the June 22 letter have already been reviewed.
Chairman Slutzky stated that if we put conditions on site plan approval, we could bring this review to a conclusion. G. Lubow, Esq., stated noise and visual impacts are going to be the primary concerns of the Scribner HOA.
Chairman Slutzky stated that we would like to summarize potential conditions of approval as follows:
(1) Adherence to Village Noise Ordinance for hours of operation and noise levels
(2) Applicant to maximize mitigation efforts relative to noise transmission and visual issues
(3) Chef’s table be located to west end of any potential tents with cooking odors mitigated to maximum reasonable extent
Chairman Slutzky moved on to SEQRA review of this unlisted action located in the Village’s
Gateway Business District. After review of Part 1 Project Information in the Short EAF, Board agreed all questions appear to be answered appropriately. Board then reviewed questions 1 thru 11 of Part 2—Impact Assessment, and unanimously agreed there are either no such designated impacts or only potential small impacts that will be mitigated.
After discussion, R. Volpi made MOTION for negative declaration of this unlisted action under SEQRA, which was seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
After review, MOTION for approval under Architectural Review Law made by C. Giangrande, seconded by G. Goodrich and carried unanimously.
Chairman Slutzky asked the Board if all questions and concerns have been addressed. Board unanimously agreed they had been. MOTION made by P. Slutzky to approve the project site plan for construction of event venue as shown on plans last dated May 25, 2017, with the following conditions of approval: (1) Adherence to Village Noise Ordinance for hours of operation and noise levels; (2) Applicant to maximize mitigation efforts relative to noise transmission from site and visual impacts on Scribner Town Homes; (3) Food service area to be located at west end of any events or tents and cooking odors to be mitigated to maximum reasonable extent. MOTION was seconded by R. Volpi and carried unanimously.
- Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision Tax Lot # 164.00-7-3—Sketch Plan for Major Subdivision/Site Plan Review – Jeff Prince presenting
Jeff Prince advised that at last meeting they revised the preliminary plat and talked about putting in condos and after reviewing with the principals, they decided it would be easier to move forward as single family residences. Applicant has taken townhouses/condos out of site plan and put in only single family lots. J. Prince presented and reviewed revised Major Subdivision/Site Plan sketch plat and Long Form EAF dated June 19, 2017. He said it now is based on a proposed 34 lot subdivision consisting of 27 single family home lots, 5 storm water management lots, 1 clubhouse lot, and 1 water tank lot. He advised the stormwater plan is several hundred pages, so he will have Chazen Engineers submit a digital copy which is easier to look at. P. Slutzky said Board still needs documents that show who is authorized to act on behalf of Mountaintrail at Hunter LLC and letters of authorization for representatives to act on behalf of the LLC. Board also requires the site plan and subdivision fees as well as $5,000.00 fee to be escrowed for consultant engineer, before the project can move forward beyond sketch plan phase.
Board discussed use of proposed clubhouse and pool and who would have access to these facilities. P. Slutzky advised J. Prince that if these facilities were envisioned as being open to the public on a fee basis in future, developer will need to apply for a variance to redesignate the site district under the Village Zoning Law as the Village Board formally assigned the site to the Residential District, when it was annexed into Village from Town of Hunter.
J. Prince stated he wanted this project to be on Board agenda for July meeting.
New Business:
- Scribner’s Catskill Lodge – 13 Scribner Hollow Road – Site Plan Revision “C”– Construction of utility shed, storage shed and expansion of parking surface Marc Chodock, Glennon Travis and Chad Lindberg, P.E. presenting.
C. Lindberg, P.E., presented revised site plan last dated 6/22/17 and described the two sheds proposed to be constructed for garbage and utility storage, and the expansion of the parking surface. M. Chodock described the proposed construction of the two sheds and advised their materials and colors would be consistent with the look of the renovated lodge. He advised that the existing tennis court surface would be removed and the space converted to an herb and vegetable garden for use in the restaurant.
Chairman Slutzky said he previously sent the 239 review form and project information to Greene County Planning and they approved it on 6/22/17.
Board reviewed Part 1—Project Information of Short EAF and agreed all questions were answered appropriately. Board agreed that this is an unlisted action under SEQRA. Board reviewed Part 2–Impact Assessment and agreed that no environmental impacts or small impacts would occur. After further discussion, MOTION for negative declaration under SEQRA made by G. Goodrich, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
After discussion, MOTION to approve under Architectural Review Law made by C. Cornelius and seconded by R. Volpi and carried unanimously.
Chairman Slutzky asked if any Board member wanted to motion for to schedule a public hearing. No such motion was offered.
MOTION for site plan approval by made by R. Volpi, seconded by C. Cornelius and carried unanimously.
- Snow Bird Ski Shop – 7451 Main Street – Site Plan and Architectural Review for Façade Renovations – Charlie Knopp and Geri Marino presenting
Charlie Knopp described the proposed work and reviewed the submitted building elevations (existing and proposed) and site plan. He said the intent of the project was to make the building look more alpine. He then described the materials to be used and the proposed closed entrance vestibule, and dumpster enclosure.
C. Knopp added that they will reuse the existing sign lettering in the same place, but with new attachment hardware.
After further discussion, Chairman Slutzky asked the Board if they feel the changes rise to the need for a public hearing. Board members agreed that there was no need and no such motion was offered.
Board agreed the proposed action was an unlisted action in the Village’s Gateway Business District. After review of the submitted Short EAF Part 1—Project Information and consideration of Part 2—Impact Assessment, Board agreed the proposed action would result in no, or small environmental impacts. MOTION was made for negative declaration under SEQRA by R. Volpi, seconded by Chairman Slutzky and carried unanimously.
After review of the submitted, proposed materials to be used and the elevation sketch, Chairman Slutzky made MOTION to approve under the Architectural Review Law. MOTION was seconded by G. Goodrich and carried by all.
MOTION was made by G. Goodrich and seconded by C. Cornelius for approval of site plan
with the conditions of locating on site plan the location of dumpster, listing on the plan the siding colors and material being used, and there being no objections to proposed plan by Greene County Planning, to whom 239 Review form and information was previously sent.. MOTION carried unanimously.
- Catskill Mountain Foundation – 7971 Main Street – sign permit application for Piano Museum
Board reviewed sign permit application for Piano Museum. Chairman Slutzky added that fee has been paid. MOTION to approve application by C. Giangrande, seconded by G. Goodrich and carried unanimously.
- Hunter Village Square – 7950 Main Street, review of sign permit application to move existing sign from wall mounted to ground mounted
Discussion was held on revised location of sign. MOTION to approve sign permit application made by P. Slutzky, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Correspondence: None
Motion was made to adjourn at 10:00 p.m. by G. Goodrich, seconded by C. Cornelius and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
C. Ferrara