Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member (absent)

Public Present:

Scott Ouimet P.E., Ron SanFillipo

Open Meeting:

P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:04 PM

Review and Approval of the Minutes of December 23, 2021 Planning Board Meeting:
After review, C. Giangrande made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented.
H. Goldberg seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

Privilege of the Floor: none requested

Old Business: none

New Business:

  • 8050 Main Street, LLC—Sketch Major Residential Subdivision and Site Plan—Tax ID#: 148.17-2-1, Linda Lane, Scott Ouimet, P.E. with Kaaterskill Associates presenting

S. Ouimet presented application, Long Form EAF, Owner’s Authorization Form from Judge Kirby of 8050 Main Street, LLC and multiple copies of sketch major subdivision plan. He reviewed the planned subdivision of the existing 43.64 acre property off Linda Lane, which is proposed to be seven new lots. He advised six of the lots will be improved with new single family residential homes and the seventh lot will remain vacant. He said the single family homes will be connected to Village sewer and water. He advised that Lot 5 will require an Army Corps of Engineers permit for one wetland crossing.

P. Slutzky disclosed that he has an ownership interest in abutting Tax Lot #164.05-8-2.2. As this lot is located on the south side of NYS Route 23A and the Schoharie Creek and is not near any of the proposed home sites he did not believe his recusal was necessary. The Board and S. Ouimet agreed it would not be necessary.

After discussion, as this proposed plan entails the subdivision of four or more lots, the Board agreed it would be classified as a Major Subdivision. P. Slutzky advised the Board would move to take Lead Agency status in a coordinated SEQRA review once a Preliminary Plat has been presented for review. S. Ouimet said permits will be required from NYSDEC (WQC-1 and NOI), NYCDEP (SWPPP) and ACOE (Wetland Permit). P. Slutzky said Greene County Planning would also require a 239 Review Referral for Site Plan as the project is located within 500 feet of NYS Route 23A. After discussion, Board agreed the action will likely be classified as an Unlisted Action under SEQRA.

Board asked S. Ouimet who owns and maintains Point Breeze Ave and Linda Lane. He advised he believes they are Village roads and showed where applicant intends to lengthen Linda Lane, build a cul-de-sac at the end and dedicate the extension to the Village. Board said they will verify with the Mayor if they are currently Village roads. Board and S. Ouimet discussed the availability of Village sewer and water mains being extended to the six new building lots. It was agreed that sewer access appears to be available, but any main extensions and laterals required would be by the developer. Board advised they did not believe from past experience that Village water would be available to these lots. S. Ouimet will investigate this with the Village Water Department and if water is not available then wells will have to be drilled at the individual building lots. Board discussed the topography at the proposed driveways and building sites and agreed that steep slopes did not appear to be an issue. S. Ouimet advised that the grades for the driveways and house sites are less than 15%.

P. Slutzky advised S. Ouimet that when the Board receives and reviews comments from the agencies in response to the circulated information under the SEQRA coordinated review, it will determine if it is necessary for the Board to hire a consultant engineer at applicant’s expense, to assist in the review process.

P. Slutzky asked S. Ouimet to provide the following for the next meeting that they want to be on the Planning Board agenda:

    • Articles of Incorporation evidencing that Judge Kirby can sign for 8050 Main Street, LLC.
    • Major Residential Subdivision Preliminary Plat
    • Any existing restrictive covenants and/or easements that flow with the deeds that originally comprised the acreage of this project, and any newly proposed restrictive covenants or easements
    • Check for fee for subdivision review in amount of $1350 and for site plan review in amount of $400.
  • The Pro Ski and Board Shop—7535 Main Street–Sketch Site Plan Review—2 Story Addition, Ron SanFillipo presenting

R. Sanfillipo presented sketch plans of the proposed 2 story rear addition and reviewed them with the Board. After discussion the Board determined; due to proximity to NYS Rte 23A, the project is subject to Greene County Planning 239 Review: project is located in the Gateway Business District and the proposed action is a permittable use; project is subject to review under Village Architectural Review Law; the site plan review fee would be $100.

After discussion of the appropriate classification under SEQRA, C. Giangrande made MOTION to classify as a Type II action since it involved the “construction or expansion of a primary or accessory/appurtenant, non-residential structure or facility involving less than 4000 square feet of gross floor area”… R. Volpi seconded the MOTION which was carried by all.

R. SanFillipo advised the only new lighting would be at the entrance door to the addition and it would be downward directed.

Board reviewed the project under the Village Architectural Review Law and agreed that as the siding and roofing materials and colors would be similar to existing, and as the addition is to be located at the rear of the existing ski shop, there would be minimal visual impact from route 23A. R. Volpi made MOTION to approve under Architectural Review Law. H. Goldberg seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

Board discussed the need for a public hearing and agreed the project impact on any abutters or others was very minimal. H. Goldberg made MOTION not to hold a public hearing. G. Goodrich seconded the MOTION, which was carried by all.

P. Slutzky advised that no motion for site plan approval could be made until response to the Greene County Planning 239 Review Referral is received. He advised he will send out the 239Review Form as soon as possible and advised applicant to contact him prior to the March Planning Board meeting to see if the 239 Review response has been received.

Chairman’s Report:

P. Slutzky gave updates on the Hunter Peaks and Zamek House Wine Bar projects.
C. Giangrande reviewed progress on efforts to deal with several seriously dilapidated buildings and various existing sign law violations.


H. Goldberg made MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM. MOTION seconded by R. Volpi and carried by all.

Transcribed by:
P. Slutzky