Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Board Member
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Larry Gardner, Esq., Jeff Prince, Jay Prince
Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Review and Approval of Minutes of September 22, 2016:
Motion was made to approve the minutes by R. Volpi, seconded by G. Goodrichi and carried unanimously.
Privilege of the Floor: none
Old Business: none
New Business:
- Paul Chimato Lot Line Adujustment—Tax Lots #147.20-1-6 & #147.20-1-5—Attorney Larry Gardner presentingL. Gardner reviewed the Lot Line Adjustment application and proposed survey map with the Board. He explained the applicant’s intent to enlarge parcel 147.20-1-5 by 1.809 acres by rotating the boundary line between parcels #147.20-1-5 and # 147.20-1-6, both of which parcels are owned by applicant. R. Volpi inquired as to whether there were any restrictive covenants or deed restrictions associated with the proposed adjustment and L. Gardner said there were none.
L. Gardner presented application fee of $50.00, check #3892, made out to Village of Hunter and copy of new parcel descriptions to be recorded with the deeds for the two parcels.
Board reviewed the Short EAF presented by L. Gardner. After discussion of any potential environmental impacts caused by the lot line adjustment, G. Goodrich made MOTION for negative declaration under the SEQRA review of the proposed unlisted action. MOTION was seconded by H. Goldberg and carried unanimously.
After Board discussion, P. Slutzky asked if any Board member wished to make motion to schedule a public hearing for the proposed action. No such motion was offered.
H. Goldberg made MOTION for approval of the proposed Lot Line Adjustment under the Village Subdivision Law. C. Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which carried unanimously.
P. Slutzky then signed Board approval on the paper and mylar prints for L. Gardner and advised him that they had to be recorded at County Real Property within 62 days. - Hunter Peaks Residential Development—Tax Lot#164.00-7-3—Sketch Plan for Major Subdivision—Jeff Prince presenting
Board reviewed letter from Walter Kubow, P.E., of Chazen Companies relative to the submitted sketch plan. J. Prince then reviewed sketch plan at length with Board.Board agreed unanimously that proposed subdivision would be classified as a Major Subdivision as there are more than 32 new lots proposed to be created.P. Slutzky advised that there appeared to be three or more new lots that were not designated as such on sketch plan. He said the ownership of the private roads would have to be designated, as well, and that a road maintenance agreement would have to be spelled out, whether it is incorporated in an approved Homeowners Association document, in the individual lot deeds, or otherwise. He also advised that the private roads in the subdivision would be required to be designed and constructed in accordance with the Village Road Standards (final pavement surface not required). R. Volpi pointed out that lots shown on the sketch plan that share common driveways would also have to have separate road maintenance agreements spelled out and incorporated in the affected lots’ deeds.
Board discussed with J. Prince various other issues that would need to be addressed in preliminary plat, including; certification from Central Hudson that adequate electric power would be available and where it would be coming from; certification from Village of Hunter that adequate potable water was available to service the subdivision and that tying into the Village water system would be allowed; certification from Hunter Highlands Pollution Control Corp. waste water treatment plant that it had the approved capacity to handle the additional load of the proposed subdivision upon full build out and that it would accept the tying in of that load.
P. Slutzky further advised J. Prince that the Preliminary Plat should incorporate the various Requirements spelled out in the Subdivision Law for Major Subdivisions.
Board discussed some of the requirements that would have to be met if the Board should elect to seek lead agency status in a coordinated SEQRA review for the proposed subdivision and who the involved and interested parties to that review might be.
J. Prince advised that Chazen Companies was preparing a Long Form EAF, draft SWPPP, and Preliminary Plat for Major Subdivision that should be ready for March Planning Board meeting.
P. Slutzky asked J. Prince to remember to bring the following items to the March meeting; Documents proving that Lester Tanner or any other individual has the authority to represent the interests of Mountaintraill LLC; Signed and notarized Authorization Forms for J. Prince, Chazen Companies, et al, to represent Mountaintrail LLC for this review process; Signed Major Subdivision Application Form; Application fee of $250 plus $100 per lot; Completed Long Form EAF; Preliminary Plat in accordance with Subdivision Law; Draft SWPPP.
P. Slutzky advised J. Prince that Board will review and discuss the possibility that Board may desire to hire a consultant to aid in the navigation of the SEQRA review process. If that should be the Board’s decision the cost of said consultant would have to be born by the Applicant.
Correspondence: None
Motion was made to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. by H. Goldberg, seconded by R. Volpi, and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
P. Slutzky