Village of Hunter Planning Board
Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2017
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman (Absent)
Richard Volpi, Board Member
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Jeff Prince representing the Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC; Mark Chodock , Glennon Travis and Brian Clapper of Taconic Engineering representing Scribner’s Catskill Lodge; Ron DeMartin representing Four Seasons Land; Robert Abrahamson representing Catskill Mountain Foundation; Greg Lubow, Esq. representing The Scribner Hollow Homeowners Association; David Mack.
Opening of Meeting: Richard Volpi as Deputy Chairman opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Privilege of the Floor: none
Old Business: none
New Business:
- Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC–Hunter Drive, Tax Lot #164.00-3-7–second 2-Lot Minor Subdivision—Jeff Prince presenting
J. Prince stated they are looking for approval for the second 2-lot minor subdivision so they will have a project to work on while they are going through the more lengthy approval process for the major subdivision. J. Prince said Chazen has run this by Joe Damreth of NYCDEP and he is okay with it as long as a stormwater plan for the new 1.197 acre lot is submitted to and approved by the NYCDEP.
J. Prince stated stormwater plan will show where retention pond will be located. Deputy Chairman Volpi stated Board requires the application fee of $100.00 and that the water system hook-in fee is $1,500 payable to Village of Hunter if application is approved by Hunter Village Board. J. Prince stated sewer will be connected to the Hunter Highlands Plant and water connected to the Village system. R. Volpi stated that the road maintenance agreement was previously discussed and is the same as Hunter Drive. J. Prince stated they are in the process of picking out the right house to put on property. C. Giangrande inquired if there were any wetlands on the property and J. Prince advised there are none. J. Prince stated after house is built, a retention pond will be installed as a rain garden to filter runoff water in accordance with the to-be- approved SWPPP.
Short EAF Part 1 was reviewed and Part 2–Impact Assessment discussed. MOTION for negative declaration under SEQRA made by H. Goldberg, contingent on minor clarification to Part-1 section 17. B. MOTION seconded by G. Goodrich and carried unanimously. J. Prince advised the amended Short EAF would be given to Chairman Slutzky and added all easements will be specified on plat.
R. Volpi asked the Board if they thought this called for a public hearing. The majority of the Board stated no public hearing required. No motion made.
MOTION to approve the Minor Subdivision plat made by H. Goldberg, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
- Scribner’s Catskill Lodge—13 Scribner Hollow Road—Site Plan Revision for pool area renovations—Brian Clapper of Taconic Engineering presenting.
B. Clapper reviewed the revised site plan, which included modifications to the pool area, paths for food, etc and bar supplies from kitchen to pool, grading, terraces and drainage plan. Lighting is the same as the previous submission. R. Volpi asked if there will be any spot lights or pool lights. Brian Clapper stated no, just bollard lighting and added the event venue will have tents for the events which will be temporary for each event. After discussion, Mr. Clapper advised topographic lines will be added to the plan. They will also show the required setbacks on the plan. H. Goldberg asked if there will be any permanent services at the event patio, such as gas and water, for future uses and was advised not at this time.
R. Volpi said if you are using Port-O-Lets at the patio area for events, please locate them on the plan. The owners, Mark Chodock and Glennon Travis, stated they would like to get the pool area accepted as soon as possible. R. Volpi stated approval will be contingent on updated drawings.
Greg Lubow, Attorney for the Scribner Homeowners Association stated there are concerns about visual impacts and sound levels that will be created at the temporary events. There was a brief discussion on the different ways to block the sound and placing of the tents.
- Hunter Village Square, 7950 Main Street – review of sign permit application to move existing sign from wall mounted to ground mounted – Robert Abrahamson presenting
R. Abrahamson stated they need to move the existing wall mounted sign as trees planted by the Village are blocking view of the sign. They would like to move the sign to the wagon cart. There was a brief discussion about why sign could not be placed there as wind might turn cart over. R. Volpi stated if they affixed the sign to the cart, the cart would have to be anchored in the ground by sonotubes or counter weights, or sign could be freestanding and anchored in ground.
New Business: none
Correspondence: None
Motion was made to adjourn at 8:45 p.m. by C. Cornelius, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
C. Ferrara