Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member
Public Present: Jeff Prince, Walter Kubow, P.E.; Chad Lindberg, P.E., Sean Howard, Marc Chodoc, Ben Sommers, Chuck Tomajko, MaryEllen McFall, Debbie Pisano, Lev Akhsanov, Bob Geisman, Bob Green, Sestilio Botti, Michael Tancredi, Michael Osterer, Kevin Schwenzfeier
Public Hearing: Hunter Peaks Major Subdivision Final Plat
P. Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. and advised those in attendance of the Planning Board’s Rules and Procedures for Public Hearings. J. Prince presented proof of mailing and receipt of Notice of Public Hearing from the Board designated abutters. W. Kubow, P.E., presented an overview of the project’s current status.
P. Slutzky asked for comments, questions or concerns from the public in attendance:
C. Tomajko asked what the expected square footage of homes to be built would be. J. Prince said they were anticipated to be between 3000 and 5000 square feet in size.
D. Pisano expressed her concern about the project connecting to the existing Hunter Highlands sewer main and damages to Hunter Highland’s land and to Hunter Drive in vicinity of the cul de sac when the connection is made. J. Prince assured her that any damages would be fixed by Hunter Peaks. A discussion ensued about the ownership of Hunter Drive by Daniel Yun, who is the sponsor of the Hunter Peaks project, and the existing road maintenance agreement between the various entities utilizing the road. W. Kubow also advised that Hunter Peaks had undertaken a camera inspection of the Hunter Highlands sewer mains and Hunter Peaks would be performing any necessary repairs at Hunter Peak’s expense.
R. Geisman asked if project still includes access to Hunter Mountain Ski Area via a proposed multi-use trail. W. Kubow advised the multi-use trail was no longer included in the project plans.
B. Sommers expressed his and the Village Board’s concerns about existing turbid stormwater runoff from Hunter Highlands to Dolans Lake and asked if this project would exacerbate that problem. W. Kubow said that condition should not be worsened by runoff from the Hunter Peaks project due to the rigorous design of the project’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. He then described some of the various design features incorporated in the Plan to prevent additional turbid runoff.
M. Osterer asked if project sponsor would be required to furnish indemnification for any damages to Hunter Drive caused by construction traffic, and for any damages caused by runoff from the project. P. Slutzky advised that the bonding requirements for infrastructure development spelled out in the Village Subdivision Law would be discussed when the project review is continued on tonight’s agenda. M. Osterer inquired about project entrance road possibly encroaching on his property. W. Kubow and J. Prince advised the project has been surveyed and the entrance road does not encroach on M. Osterer’s land. M. Osterer again expressed his concern about drainage issues from the project affecting his property. J. Prince said a copy of the approved SWPPP would be made available to M. Osterer for his engineer to review.
B. Sommer inquired as to the anticipated average selling price of homes in the project. P. Slutzky said this is not in the Board’s purview.
There being no additional comments from the floor, P. Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:25 p.m.
Public Hearing: 7883 Main Street Café
P. Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:26 p.m. S. Howard of Taconic Engineering presented proof of mailing and receipt of Notice of Public Hearing from the Board designated abutters.
C. Lindberg, P.E., reviewed the project site plan drawings and architecturals.
P. Slutzky asked if there any comments, questions or concerns from the pubic in attendance:
M. Tancredi asked if the project is ADA compliant. C. Lindberg advised that an ADA compliant electric lift at the back end of west side porch was included in the plan.
C. Tomajko asked if alcohol would be served. C. Lindberg said a beer and wine license would be applied for. C. Tomajko asked what the intended hours of operation would be. M. Chodok responded from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. C. Tomajko inquired if there were any parking restrictions on Main Street. P. Slutzky said they would review this issue in the regular meeting.
M. Tancredi asked what the intended use of the upstairs would be and if there was going to be a new exterior grease trap installed. C. Lindberg advised the upstairs was going to be used as office space for project sponsor and a new interior kitchen grease trap would be installed.
There being no additional comments from the public, P. Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:37 p.m.
Swearing in of New Alternate Member of the Village of Hunter Planning Board:
P. Slutzky advised that due to change in her work schedule, Cheryl Cornelius has resigned from the Board. He acknowledged her years of exemplary service on the Board and advised that the Village Board had approved Gail Shegerian to fill the vacated position of Alternate Member at its April 8, 2019 regular meeting. P. Slutzky then administered the Oath of Office to G. Shegerian.
Review and Approval of Minutes of March 28, 2019:
R. Volpi made MOTION to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION seconded by G. Goodrich and carried unanimously.
Privilege of the Floor:
C. Tomajko advised he is a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals which has not had to meet in several years and he inquired if two other members are still on the Board. P. Slutzky advised that Dan Poley remains on the Board and that the Village Board had appointed Karen Sanderson to fill the other vacated position.
New Business: none
Old Business:
- Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision Final Plat Review—W. Kubow, P.E., & J. Prince presenting
P. Slutzky advised Board he received a copy of the Joint Permit Application that Chazen had filed on 4/18/19 and a CD containing the application and the full SWPPP dated 4/11/19.
P. Slutzky asked W. Kubow if he could discuss the results of the inspection of the Hunter Highlands sewer mains by camera on April 8 with the Board. W. Kubow advised the pipes were plastic and were in pretty good overall condition. He said there was a broken pipe to be repaired, a pipe coming from the ski area that has been capped, and many of the manholes did not have mortared drain channels in the inverts. He advised these and any other necessary repairs would be done by Hunter Peaks at their expense. He further advised that Joe Fabiano of NYCDEP had witnessed the inspection and was pleased that it was undertaken.
The Board discussed the bonding requirements and procedures that would need to be in place before the final plat could be certified and filed at County Office of Real Property.
The Board discussed the final draft of Resolution for Major Subdivision Approval with conditions, which had previously been circulated for review. P. Slutzky then read aloud the proposed conditions to be placed on the approval. After further discussion, H. Goldberg made MOTION to approve the resolution with conditions as presented. R. Volpi seconded the MOTION, which was then carried on a roll call vote with all Board members voting in the affirmative.
P. Slutzky advised a certified copy of the approved resolution will be provided to applicant (and attached to tonight’s minutes) within five days and that this conditional approval of the Major Subdivision plat will expire 180 days after this date unless the requirements have been certified as completed within that time.
- 7883 main Street Café—Site Plan and Architectural Review—C. Lindberg, P.E. & S. Howard of Taconic Engineering, DPC, presenting
P. Slutzky said that he was verbally advised by Greene County Planning today that the 239 Review was approved at their April meeting. C. Giangrande, Village of Hunter representative on the County Planning Board, confirmed this approval.
Board discussed Public Hearing question as to whether the Village has any ordinance in place governing overnight parking on Main Street and if not, could the Village Board put such ordinance in place. The concern was whether cars left overnight on weekends on Main Street in vicinity of café would make parking for café customers difficult. B. Sommers, a Village Trustee, advised he would look into this matter and report back to us.
C. Lindberg advised there were no changes to site plan that was submitted and reviewed at March 28, 2019 meeting. He then presented colored architectural elevation drawings for review and discussed the siding, roofing and window materials to be used. M. Chodoc advised that the CWC grant application for funds to assist in the cost of raising the building is in final review by CWC Board.
Board continued the SEQR review begun at the March meeting. After discussion, the Board agreed that although the existing building is listed on the National and State Historic Registries, it clearly is a Type II action under SEQR 617.5(c)(9) and therefore is not subject to further review under SEQR.
MOTION to approve the project under the Architectural Review Law was made by R. Volpi, seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
MOTION to approve the project under Site Plan Law was made by G. Goodrich, seconded by H. Goldberg and carried unanimously.
C. Lindberg said he would send 5 sets of approved site plans with Planning Board endorsement block to P. Slutzky for Chairman’s signature.
H. Goldberg made MOTION to adjourn at 8:46 PM. MOTION seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
P. Slutzky