Approved: May 9, 2022   Approved: 2022/2023 Budget

Real Property Tax & Tax Items
A1001 Real Property Taxes r/s 1 (87,380,671) 753,221
A1030 SpecialAssessments-NonAdValorem 0
A1081 Catskill Mtn Fnd-Lieu Of Taxes 0
A1082 PILOTs 0
A1087 · Uncollected-PropertyTaxes 0
A1088 · NominalOver&UnderPayment-Taxes 0
A1090 · Interest&PenalitesOnRealPropert 5,000
Total A1000 · Real Property Tax & Tax Items 758,221
A1100 · Non-Property Taxes
A1130 Utilities r/s 6 (628,103) 5,000
A1170 Special Franchises r/s 5 (618,361) 11,000
Total A1100 · Non-Property Taxes 16,000
General Government
A1232 · Tax Collector Fee 60
A1255 · Clerk Fees 0
Total A1200 · General Government 600
Public Safety
A1570 · ChgsForDemolitionOfUnsafeBldgs 0
Total A1500 · PublicSafety 0
A1603 · Vital Statistics Fees 50
Total A1600 · Health 50
Culture & Recreation
A2012 · ConcessionsReceipts&Leases 0
A2020 · Pavilion Rentals 600
A2022 · Park Benches & Plaques 9,000
Total A2011 · Culture & Recreation 9,600
Youth Program
A2086 Youth Program – Donations 0
A2345 Youth Program – Activity Fees 0
A2346 Youth Program – Village Registration Fees 0
A2347 Youth Program – TOHunter Registration Fees 0
A2348 Youth Program – TOJewett Registration Fees 0
A2349 Youth Program – Non-Resident Registration Fees 0
Total A2088 Youth Program 0
Home & Community Service
A2131 · Bulk Garbage fees 0
A2110 · Zoning Fees 0
A2111 · SubdivisionFees-LotLineAdj 0
A2115 · Planning Board Fees 100
A2120 · WaterRdCrew40%Benefits 0
A2121 · Sewer-Road Crew 40%Benefits 0
A2123 · SewerAdm/SewerOp/Dibble/40%Bene 0
A2130 · Garbage Bag Sales 5,500
A2144 · Water Adm Chgs 0
A2188 · Culvert Replacements-Homeowners 0
Total A2100 · Home & Community Service 5,600
Home & Community Service
A2131 · Bulk Garbage fees 0
A2110 · Zoning Fees 0
A2111 · SubdivisionFees-LotLineAdj 0
A2115 · Planning Board Fees 100
A2120 · WaterRdCrew40%Benefits 0
A2121 · Sewer-Road Crew 40%Benefits 0
A2123 · SewerAdm/SewerOp/Dibble/40%Bene 0
A2130 · Garbage Bag Sales 5,500
A2144 · Water Adm Chgs 0
A2188 · Culvert Replacements-Homeowners 0
Total A2100 · Home & Community Service 5,600
A2215 · Election Service Charges 150
Total A2200 · General 150
Public Safety
A2259 Public Safety 0
A2262 · Fire Protection Services/Other 36,529
Total A2259 · Public Safety 36,529
Home & Community
A2386 · NYC DEP-HazardMitigationStudy 0
A2387 · Glen Ave Culvert Project 0
A2388 · BottiDr/4SeasonsM&R-CWC-NYCDEP 1,500
Total A2370 · Home & Community 1,500
Use of Money & Property
A2401 · Interest & Earnings 0
A2403 · InterestIncome-BottiDr/4Seasons 0
A2414 · Sweeper Rental 800
Total A2400 · Use of Money & Property 800
Permits & Licenses
A2555 · Building,Alteration,Demolition 8,000
A2556 – Municipal Search Fees 2,000
A2590 · Sign Permits 0
A2591 · Zip Line License Fees 13,500
A2592 · Vendor Application Fee 0
A2593 · Permits & Licenses – Other STR 0
Total A2549 · Permits & Licenses 23,500
Fines & Forfeitures
A2620 · Forfeited Deposits 0
Total A2600 · Fines & Forfeitures 0
A2652 · Sale of Forest Products-Logging 0
A2655 · Minor Sales 0
A2658 · Sale-SpringCleanUp-ScrapMetal 0
A2659 · Sale of Scrap Metal 500
A2665 · Sale of Equipment 2,500
A2666 · Sale of Fire Equipment 0
A2680 · Insurance Recoveries 0
A2681 · Ins&OtherRecovery-StreetLamps 7,500
A2685 · InsurancRecovery-NYMIR-Interest 0
A2686 · InsuranceRecovery-Worker’sComp 0
A2690 · Other Compensation For Loss 0
Total A2660 · SaleOfProperty&CompensationLoss 10,500
Miscellaneous Income
A2701 · RefundsOfPriorYear’sExpenditure 0
A2702 · RefundPrYrSewerProjReoncile&Int 0
A2705 · Gifts & Donations 0
A2707 · PriorYearCorrection 0
A2708 · RefundPriorYrExp-FirePrevention 0
A2770 · Unclassified (Specify) 0
A2774 · ChristmasTreeRevenue 0
Total A2700 · Miscellaneous Income 0
General Government
A3001 · StateAid-AIM 0
A3005 · StateAid-MortgageTax 7,000
A3089 · StateAid-Other(Specify) 0
A3090 State Aid-Extreme Winter Recovery Program 5,000
A3097 State Aid, Capital Projects 0
Total A3000 · Gen’l Government 12,000
A3501 · State Aid – CHIPS 100,000
A3502 PAVE NY Program 3,869
A3589 · Other Transportation 0
Total A3500 · Transportation 103,869
A3797 · StateAid-Main St Revitalization 0
Total A3700 · StateAid-EconomicAssistance&Opp 0
State Aid – Culture&Recreation
A3820 · State Aid – Youth Programs 0
Total A3800 · State Aid – Culture&Recreation 0
SEMO&NYC-Emergency Disasater
A3960 · State Aid-Emergency DisasterAid 0
A3961 · NYC DEP/Emergency Disaster Aid 0
Total A3959 · SEMO&NYC-Emergency Disasater 0
A4902 · FederalAidHazardMitigationStudy 0
A4960 · Federal Aid-Emergency Disaster 0
Total A4959 · FEMA-EmergencyDisasater 0
Total Revenues $978,379
A1010.1 Trustees-Salaries 13,321
A1010.4 Contractual-Travel/Education 1,000
Total A1010 Legislative 14,321
A1210.1 Mayor-Salary 15,500
A1210.4 Contractual-Travel/Education 500
Total A1210 · Executive 16,000
A1320.4 Contractual-Accountant 5,000
A1325.1 Treasurer/DeputyTreasurer-Salary 21,625
A1325.4 Treasurer/Deputy-Contractual 1,500
A132541 Travel & Education
Total A1320 Finance 28,125
Tax Collection
A1330.1 Tax Collector-Salary 0
A1330.4 Tax Collector-Contractual 5,305
A133040 General
A133041 Travel & Education
A133042 Tax Advertising & Expense
A133043 Office Supplies
A133044 Postage
A133045 Edmunds/ABS (Shared)
Total A1330 Tax Collection 5,305
A1355.1 Assessment 0
A1355.4 Assessment-Contractual 0
Total A1350 Assessment 0
Municipal Staff
A1410.1 Salaries 21,625
A1410.4 Contractual-Travel/Education 5,000
Total A1410 Municipal Staff 26,625
A1420.1 Village Attorney-Salary 4,635
A0000.0 Contingency Fund 3,000
Total A1420 Law 7,635
A1450.1 Election-Salaries 300
A1450.4 Election-Contractual 1,000
Total A1450 Elections 1,300
Village Hall
A1620.1 Salary 0
A1620.2 Capital Improvements/Equipment 24,000
Equipment (Shared)
Delaware Engineering
Renovation Costs
Relocation Costs
A1620.4 Contractual 26,176
A162040 General
A162041 Edmunds/ABS (Shared) MOVED
A162042 Electric
A162043 Water
A162044 Telephone
A162045 Sewer
A162046 Computer Tech/Licenses (Shared)
Total A1620 Village Hall 50,176
Village Garage
A1640.1 Garage-Salary 27,235
A1640.2 Garage-Equipment 0
A1640.4 Garage-Contractual 18,800
A164040 General
A164041 Garage-Travel
A164042 Garage-Electric
A164044 Garage-Telephone
A164045 Garage-Materials and Supplies
A164047 Garage-Propane/Heat
Total A1640 Village Garage 46,035
Central Printing and Mailing
A1670.4 Contractual 1,700
A167040 Supplies (Shared)
A167041 Lease (Shared)
A167042 Postage
Total A1670 Central Printing and Mailing 1,700
Special Items
A1910.4 · Unallocated Insurance-Contract 24,150
A1920.4 · Municipal Dues – Contractual 2,250
A1930.4 · Judgements & Claims 0
A1940.4 · Zip Line Expenses 25
A1950.4 · Jewett Property Taxes 400
A1951.4 · Municipal Property Taxes 0
A1983.4 · Petty Cash Errors/Shortfalls 0
A1984.4 · Expense-Prior Year 0
A1985.4 · Employee or Bank Errors 0
A1986.4 · ADP Errors 0
A1987.4 · Bank Fees 0
A1988.4 · Bank Errors 0
A1989.4 · ADP Fees 5,000
A1990.4 · ContingencyAccount-Contractual 0
Total A1910 · SpecialItems 31,825
Fire Protection
A3410.1 Fire – Salary 1,500
A3410.2 Fire – Capital Outlay 0
A341021 Fire – Building Improvements
A341022 Fire-Capital Outlay & Equipment-Other
A3410.4 Fire – Contractual 67,153
A341041 Fire – Telephone
A341042 Fire – Electric
A341043 Fire – Insurance
A341044 Maintenance and Repairs – Equipment
A341045 Fire – Sewer
A341046 Fire – Heat/Fuel Oil
A341047 Maintenance & Repair-Building
A341048 Fire – Gasoline
A341049 Fire – Water
A341050 · Fire Hydrants
A341051 · Personal Equipment & Physicals
A341053 · Diesel Fuel
A3410.8 Benefits 9,950
A341081 Fire – Workers’ Compensation
A341083 Fire-NYS VolFF CancerBenefitProgram
A34108 Fire – Social Security
A34108 Fire – Medicare
A34108 Fire – NYS Unemployment Insurance
A34108 Fire – FUTA
A34108 Fire – Disability Insurance
A34108 Fire – State Retirement
A9720 Statutory Installment Bonds 22,890
A9722.6 Fire Truck – Principal
A9722.7 Fire Truck – Interest
Total A3410 Fire Protection 101,493
Animal Control
A3520.4 Contractual 900
Total A3520 · Animal Control 900
Building Department
A3620.1 · Building Inspector – Salary 10,000
A3620.4 · Building Inspector-Contractual 300
Total A3620 Building Department 10,300
Vital Statistics 75
A4020.1 Registrar-Salary
A4020.4 Contractual
Total A4020 Vital Statistics 75
Maintenance of Roads
A5110.1 Salaries 30,026
A5110.2 Capital Outlay/Equipment 15,000
A5110.4 Contractual 5,500
A511041 · Materials & Supplies
Total A5110 Maintenance of Roads 50,526
Road Construction (Permanent Improvements)
A5112.1 Salaries 3,500
A5112.2 Capital Outlay/Equipment 120,000
A5112.4 Contractual
Total A5112 RoadConstruction (Permanent Improvements) 123,500
Snow Removal
A5142.1 Salaries 25,645
A5142.2 Capital Outlay/Equipment 10,000
A5142.4 · Snow Removal – Contractual 20,000
Total A5142 Snow Removal 55,645
Street Lighting
A5182.1 Salaries 1,000
A5182.2 Capital Outlay/Lamps and Poles 7,500
A5182.4 Street Lighting-Contractual 30,500
A518241 General
A518242 Electric
Total A5182 Street Lighting 39,000
A5680.1 Salaries 34,493
A5680.2 Capital Outlay/Equipment 40,000
A5680.4 Contractual 19,500
A568043 Maintenance and Repairs
A568045 Materials and Supplies
A568048 Gasoline
A568049 Diesel
Total A5680 Equipment 93,993
Economic Development
A6410.4 Contractual 3,025
A641041 Website-DigitalTowPath
A641045 Publicity-Materials and Supplies
Total A6400 Economic Development 3,025
A7110.1 Salaries-DPW 11,500
A7110.2 Capitol Outlay/Equipment
A711021 Park Benches 9,000
A7110.4 Contractual 6,476
A711041 General
A711042 Pavilion-Electric
A711043 Lake-Electric
A711044 Pavilion-Telephone
A711045 Lake-Telephone (Prev.A711144)
A711046 Materials and Supplies (Prev.A711045)
A711047 Sewer (Prev.A711046)
A711048 Water (New)
A711049 PriorYr.PavilionDepositRefunds
Total A7110 Parks 26,976
A7180.1 Salaries 22,000
A7180.2 Capital Outlay/Equipment
A7180.4 · Lifeguards – Contractual 500
Total A7180 Lifeguards 22,500
Youth Program
A7310.1 Salaries 0
A7310.4 Contractual 0
A731041 Insurance
A731043 General
Total A7310 Youth Program 0
Culture and Celebrations
A7410.4 Library-Contractual 250
A7510.1 Historian 0
A7550.1 Celebrations-DPW Salaries 2,000
A7550.4 Celebrations-Contractual 2,500
A755045 Materials and Supplies
A755048 Gasoline
A7560.4· Performing Arts 0
A7989.4 Council on the Arts 0
Total A7400 Culture and Celebrations 4,750
Home and Community Service
A8010.1 Salary-Zoning Meeting Transcription 500
A8010.4 Zoning-Contractual 500
A8020.1 Salary-Planning Meeting Transcription 500
A8020.4 Planning-Contractual 10,000
A802041 Plannning Contractual
A802042 Short Term Rentals
Total 8000 Home and Community Service 11,500
A8160.1 Salaries 6,900
A8160.4 Contractual 6,000
A816041 Trash Bags
A816048 Disposal
A816049 Bulk Disposal
Total A8160 Sanitation 12,900
Street Cleaning and Unmowed Lawns
A8170.1 Street Cleaning-Salaries 800
A8170.4 Street Cleaning-Contractual 0
A8174.1 Unmowed Lawns-Salaries 600
A8174.4 Unmowed Lawns-Contractual 100
Total A8170 Street Cleaning and Unmowed Lawns 1,500
A8189.1 Salaries 3,910
Total A8189 Recycling 3,910
Drainage and Ditches
A8540.1 BottiDr/4Seasons-Salaries 2,200
A8541.1 GlenAvenueCulvertProject 0
A8540.4 BottiDr/4Seasons-Contractual 0
Total A8540 Drainage and Ditches 2,200
A9010.8 State Retirement 60,000
A9011.8 Employee Benefits-Errors 0
A9030.8 Social Security & Medicare 30,000
A9041.8 Worker’sComp-Village 30,000
A9042.8 UseA341081Worker’sCompFireCo.#1 0
A9043.8 UseA341083NYSVolFFCancerBenefitProg 0
A9050.8 Unemployment Insurance 8,200
A9055.8 Disability Insurance 430
A9060.8 Hospital,Medical,DentalInsuranc 50,000
A9089.8 Child Support 1,500
A9090.8 Accrued Sick Pay Expense ($22,708) 4,509
Total A9010 · Benefits 184,639
Total Appropriations $978,379