The Village of Hunter
Minutes of Emergency Meeting of The Village Board of Trustees held February 28, 2017

Call to Order: 3:30PM.

Members Present: Trustee Alan Higgins and Trustee Michael Tancredi

Also Present: Kathleen M. Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Present: None

Trustee Higgins – We will open the emergency meeting so that the Village can issue payment to Jason Katz for the asbestos inspection for St. Mary’s Church. Time is of the essence so we are having this emergency meeting.

Trustee Tancredi made a motion to make a disbursement of $150 to Jason Katz for the asbestos inspection; seconded by Trustee Higgins.

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Trustee Tancredi; seconded by Trustee Higgins.

Transcribed by:


Kathleen M. Hilbert