The Village of Hunter
Board of Trustees Emergency Meeting held Tuesday, February 17, 2018

Members present: Mayor Higgins and Trustee Geri Marino

Also Present: Kathleen Hilbert

Absent: Trustee Michael Tancredi

Call to Order: Mayor Higgins: At this time, we will call to order the emergency meeting for the purpose of hiring a Code Enforcement/Building Inspector to replace Dominick Caropreso who recently retired. We have applications from two individuals, one is Wade Spanhake and the other is Carl Giangrande.

At this time, I am ready to make a motion to hire Wade Spanhake. Trustee Marino: I second that.

All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Mayor Higgins: I make another motion. We agree that we will start Wade at an annual salary of $10,000 while he is uncertified – he has 18 months to receive his certification. He will be here on Thursdays from 9AM to 5PM and whatever other time he can be here. He mentioned that he could do inspections and paperwork at different times if called upon. This would all be included in his annual salary. When the time comes that he is fully certified for the position, we will increase his salary to $12,500 at that time.

This is an appointed position. We are appointing Wade for a three-month period, initially. We will check on his progress. We will make sure that he is fulfilling his tasks.

I make a motion that we set his salary at $10,000 per year until he provides us with full certification and at that point we will raise him to $12,500 per year. Do I hear a second to that motion? Trustee Marino: I second that.

All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Mayor Higgins: We are looking for a full-time Deputy Clerk/Treasurer.

I make a motion that we offer that full-time position with all its duties to Tammy Schumacher, who currently works part-time. Do I hear a second on that motion? Trustee Marino: I second that.

All were in favor. Motion was carried.


Trustee Marino: I make a motion to adjourn this emergency meeting. Mayor Higgins: I second that. All were in favor. Meeting was adjourned.

Transcribed by:
Kathleen M. Hilbert

18/02/27 Emergency Minutes Tentative