The Village of Hunter
Minutes of the Village Board of Trustees Emergency Meeting held
Friday, January 26, 2018
Members Present: Mayor Alan Higgins and Trustee Geri Marino
Call to Order: Mayor Higgins called the meeting to order.
Mayor Higgins: The purpose of this emergency meeting is to pay two (2) Property Tax Bills, owned by the Water Company that we had not received prior to our January meeting. Mayor Higgins made the motion to pay the two property tax bills owned by the Water Company. Trustee Marino: I second it. All in favor. Motion carried unanimously.
Account Voucher No. Abstract
Water Operating F-143 F-8A
Adjournment: Mayor Higgins: I make a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Marino: I second it. All in favor. Mayor Higgins: Meeting is adjourned.
Transcribed by:
Donna E. Edmonds
Deputy Clerk
18-01-26 emergency mtg. tentative