
The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Meeting  

November 13, 2023 


Call to Order: Pledge of Allegiance 

 Moment of Silence: Ila Goodrich 


 Privilege of the Floor: Public Comment 

 New Business: 

  1. Adopt Local Law – Annexation of 7776 Hunter Realty LLC parcels
  1. Water and Sewer Applications:

 Daniel L. Anderson 28 Mountain Drive Tax Map No. 164.09-2-44 

 Dennis E. McArdle 26 Mountain Drive Tax Map No. 164.09-2-45 

  1. Award for Water Meter Project
  1. Award for I and I Project
  1. Hunter Peaks Sewer Company, Inc. – Request for consent to form proposed sewage-works


  1. Proposed Resolution to Submit CWC Application for additional Hydraulic Modeling

Building Department:  


Department of Public Works: 

  1. 2023-04 CHIPS, PAVE-NY, EWR and POP – December 14, 2023 reimbursements.

Fire Company:  Status of NY Cancer renewal questionnaire 

Parks and Recreation:  

Planning Board: 

Sewer Department: 

Water Department:  

Old Business: 

  1. Botti Drive and Sewer O&M investments.
  2. Paving update.


  1. October 12, 2023 letter from Coalition of Watershed Towns
  2. October 19, 2023 letter from Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District

Executive Session: 



 10/02/23 Month-End Collateral Statement 

