
The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Meeting  

December 14, 2023  10:00AM

 Call to Order: Pledge of Allegiance


Privilege of the Floor: Public Comment

Approve Minutes: November 13, 2023 Public Hearing

New Business:

1. Waiver of NYS SLA Thirty-Day Advance Notice – Ze Wine Bar at Jagerberg, Ltd.,
7722 Main Street.
2. Catskill Watershed Corporation Firehouse Relocation Grants
3. ARPA Fund Expenditure Attestation – Greene County
4. WWTP – Operation and Maintenance Contract; and
O&M Budget and Reconciliation Services Agreement
Three-year period – February 1, 2024 to January 31, 2027
5. The 2023 Greene County Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan
6. Hydrant Flushing week of December 18 -22, 2023

Building Department:


Department of Public Works:

Fire Company:

Parks and Recreation:

Planning Board:

Sewer Department:

1. Discuss Budget to Actual Report
2. Linda Lane Sewer Main Extension – Praetorius and Conrad inspection
3. Village of Hunter Wastewater Treatment Plant Annual SPDES Inspection Report

Water Department:

1. Transfer $5,200.00 to Appropriation Account F831021 Capital Outlay Plant from _______.

Old Business:


1. November 27, 2023 from Shaun S. Groden – Greene County Countywide Ambulatory System (e-mailed to Board Members)

Executive Session:



Budget v. Actual Report – Sewer Operating Account
Budget v. Actual Report – Water Operating Account

