Minutes of Public Hearing
The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees
Date and Time: February 12, 2024, 6:45 PM
Location: Hunter Wastewater Treatment Plant Meeting Room

Call to Order:            6:45PM by Mayor Higgins

Members Present:     Mayor Alan Higgins, Trustee Benjamin Sommers and Trustee Jason DiLeo

Also Present:              Kathleen Hilbert, Clerk/Treasurer, Scott Rynard, Department of Public Works and Todd Murphy, Waste Water Treatment Plant

Public Present:          Susan Holm, Trisha Kelaher, Fran Clark, S.J. Capecelatro, Esquire,

6:50PM Gary Slutzky, 6:57PM Paul Slutzky

Purpose:         To hear comment on proposed Local Law:  Tax Levy Limit Override Law

Fran Clark asked if it is anticipated that the taxes are going up because the Town had an 11% increase.  Mayor Higgins stated that The Village has not started its budget process but we do not anticipate any large purchases.

AdjournmentMayor Higgins closed the Public Hearing at 7:00PM


Transcribed by:

Kathleen M. Hilbert
