
The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Special Meeting

May 31, 2024

Call to Order:            10:00AM. Pledge of Allegiance.


Purpose of Special Meeting:  To audit and order payment of end-of-fiscal year claims


New Business:


  1. Clerk/Treasurer seeking approval to open Village funded Contingency Account and transfer the unused contingency amount of $5,000 from Appropriation Account Number A811052 into said account.

Sewer Department:

  1. Creekside at Hunter LLC Lot 1    Address and Tax Map No. to be determined
  2. Creekside at Hunter LLC Lot 2    Address and Tax Map No. to be determined
  3. Creekside at Hunter LLC Lot 3    Address and Tax Map No. to be determined

Water Department:


  1. Creekside at Hunter LLC Lot 1    Address and Tax Map No. to be determined


Old Business:


  1. Salary increases included in the 2024/2025 General Fund Budget.
  2. Clerk/Treasurer – Retirement and reappointment.
  3. Discuss recently submitted old invoices from Delaware Engineering.
  4. Community Fridge



Executive Session:

