Village of Hunter
Minutes of Public Hearing held May 9, 2016
Tentative Budgets
Call to Order: 7:45PM. Pledge of Allegiance
Members Present: Mayor William Maley, Trustee Alan Higgins and Trustee Michael Trancredi
Also Present: Larry Gardner, Village Attorney, Charles Sweet, Superintendent of Highways, Kathleen M. Hilbert
Public Present: Harold Goldberg.
Mayor Maley – We are opening up the public hearing for The Village of Hunter General Fund budget and Water budget. We are waiting on information from our Sewer Operator so we will have a special meeting to discuss the Sewer budget.
There is no increase in the Water Rate. The non-metered residential rate for water remains the same at $420 per year. The metered commercial rate remains the same at $8.00 per 1,000 gallons of water.
The real estate tax rate remains the same at $7.21 per thousand.
Privilege of the Floor:
No public comment
A motion was made to adjourn the public hearing at 8:00PM by Trustee Alan Higgins, seconded by Trustee Michael Tancredi.
Transcribed by:
Kathleen M. Hilbert
16-05-09 public hearing tentative minutes