The Village of Hunter
Minutes of Public Hearing held May 30, 2016
Call to Order: 10:00AM. Pledge of Allegiance
Members Present: Mayor William Maley and Trustee Alan Higgins
Also Present: Kathleen M. Hilbert
Public Present: None
Mayor Maley – We are opening up the public hearing for The Village of Hunter Sewer Operating Budget and the repeal of Local Law No. 1 of 2016. The Sewer Operating Budget was delayed by Delaware Operations and their problems in creating their budget, thus this special public hearing and then subsequently a regular meeting to authorize the adoption of this budget and the enacting of Local Law No. 2. The residential rate increased to $123.08 from $121.02. The commercial rate decreased to $386.24 from $417.50 last year.
Mayor Maley – As no one is in attendance and we waited for more than the required time, I would like to close this meeting and open up the regular meeting for the purpose of adopting The Village of Hunter Sewer Operating Budget and enacting Local Law No. 2. Do I hear a motion?
A motion was made to adjourn the public hearing at 10:28AM by Trustee Alan Higgins, seconded by Mayor William Maley.
Transcribed by:
Kathleen M. Hilbert