Members Present:

Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member—after 7:30
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member

Public Present: Andy Didio, Chad Lindberg, Marc Chodock, Ben Sommers, Greg Lubow, Esq., Bruce Gitlin, Carol Schrager, Penny Sikalis, Dennis Spring, Teodora

Opening of Regular Meeting:

P. Slutzky opened the regular meeting at 7:13 PM.

Review and Approval of Minutes of October 22, 2020:

After review, R. Volpi made MOTION to approve minutes. MOTION seconded by G. Shegerian and carried unanimously.

New Business: none

Old Business:

1. Scribner’s Catskill Lodge—Spa Addition, 13 Scribner Hollow Road, Review of Site Plan Revisions—Marc Chodock, Chad Lindberg, PE, Andrew Didio presenting

P. Slutzky advised that he received a response from Greene County Planning on October 23, 2020 to the 239 Review Form for this project that had been initially submitted on October 1, 2020 and that the response advised County Planning was not able to take any formal action on this application as they did not have a quorum of their members in attendance. The response indicated that the nine voting members in attendance had all voted for approval of the project.

Andy Didio reviewed the proposed Whistle Tree water treatment system modifications that Taconic Engineering had submitted to NYS Department of Health. The water system plan was posted on the shared screen and he described the various changes proposed, including, new 20,000 gallon water storage tank, new distribution lines and curb stops, new chlorination and filtration systems and new metering to determine gallonage consumed by each of the system users. He also referenced the submitted Technical Report which detailed the water supply analysis and treatment systems modifications. He noted that the analysis of water demand and sufficiency included the Lodge, the Scribner town homes, 19 Scribner Hollow Road residence, 23 Scribner Hollow Road residence, the proposed new spa at Scribner’s, the proposed new laundry facility at Scribner’s and the proposed “The Cabins at Scribner’s”.

P. Slutzky asked Scribner’s representatives to respond to the various concerns raised by the Scribner Hollow Homeowners Association attorney Greg Lubow in his letter to the Board of 11/19/20. A. Didio, C. Lindberg and M. Chodock then addressed each of the listed concerns and advised the following:

  • Regarding water use:
    • There would be snack food, non-alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages served at the temporary skating rink.
    • Anticipated water use at the snack shed would be minimal as there would be just a sink.
    • There would be future bathrooms at the skating rink but water use would be minimal and would not increase the anticipated use per day per hotel guest.
    • The water use by the laundry facility was included in the calculations given to the NYS DOH.
    • Water use at the outdoor hot tub and pools in the spa would be minimal as the initial filling for the tub and indoor pools would be by trucked in water and evaporation rates would be minimal.
    • There would be bathrooms and showers in the spa but there would be no additional aggregate water use for the additional distribution points in the lodge, given that the number of rooms is fixed.
    • There could be a beverage counter or bar at the spa for special events.
    • There could be beverage service on the deck above the spa for special events, as there is currently, at the existing deck in this location.
  • Regarding temporary skating rink:
    • Speakers utilized for music would be angled away from the Scribner town homes and maintained at minimum necessary volume.
    • The skating rink will be limited to 40 participants at a session during the pandemic and could increase to 60 participants per session post pandemic, although it is designed for higher capacity.
    • It is anticipated that normal operation of the rink would be from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a few exceptions for special events.
    • It is anticipated that the rink would only be utilized for traditional skating, not team sports or broomball.
    • There could be alcohol served at the rink area during temporary events as is currently the case at the event site. It was also mentioned that patrons of the hotel and its restaurant facility are able to bring alcoholic beverages to the site as it is part of their alcohol permit.
    • No permanent lighting is planned at the rink. Temporary lights might be utilized during special events and they would be low to ground and aimed away from town homes.
  • Regarding laundry:
    • P. Slutzky advised the existing shed to be converted to proposed laundry building was previously approved under a site plan revision approved by the Planning Board.
    • Condenser units at laundry building are for heating and cooling of building. They will be small and quiet units. M. Chodock pointed out that Scribner’s does not want noise to bother their hotel guests either. A. Didio advised laundry building will be insulated so there should be no noise emanating from building.
  • Regarding spa:
    • P. Slutzky advised the Village of Hunter Architectural Review Law only applies to elevations of buildings that are visible from Main Street. A. Didio put the renderings of the spa addition on the Zoom screen and advised that the addition is mostly to be built into the ground so that the deck on top of the spa will be at the existing grade and therefore should not present any blockage of viewshed to the townhome buildings.
    • There could be food and beverages served on the deck during special events as is currently the case on the existing deck.
    • The deck will be illuminated with low, downward aimed lighting consistent with current bollard lighting on pathways.
    • There may be music provided on the deck. Hotel rooms are adjacent to the proposed spa deck area which assures that the timing and volume of music will be managed so as not to create a nuisance for hotel guests or townhome owners.
    • Hours of operation of the spa hot tub will be from morning to early evening. It is anticipated that the operating capacity of the hot tub will be set at a lower limit than the limit imposed by Department of Health regulations. Wall at west end of hot tub area and new plantings along outside of west wall of spa building will shield the hot tub area from view from the “A” building.
    • G. Lubow said the site plan references three trees between the “A” building to be relocated and inquired as to where they would be relocated. A. Didio advised that the existing rock lined swale needs to be realigned and this will necessitate moving three of the existing landscape trees a few feet to the north to keep them out of the swale, but they will continue to serve as a visual buffer.
    • G. Lubow asked what more can be done so “A” building will not be looking into large wall area at west end of proposed spa building. A. Didio advised that since spa will be built into the grade, the exposed west wall will go from grade level at north end to one story high at south end and the proposed landscape planting along the west wall should mitigate view of the wall.

The Board then reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 1. P. Slutzky advised that Guy Chirico had questioned whether item #19 was appropriately checked as a no, given that this area had previously been utilized as a septic field for the hotel. C. Lindberg, P.E., advised that this use does not constitute an active or closed solid waste management facility. After review and discussion of Part 2-Impact Assessment, which the Board previously reviewed at the October 22, 2020 meeting, the Board agreed that the proposed project did not present any moderate to large environmental impacts. C. Giangrande made MOTION for negative declaration under SEQR of the proposed project. R. Volpi seconded the MOTION, which carried unanimously.

After further Board discussion of the proposed site plan and the timing of its implementation if approved, with the applicants and G. Lubow, P. Slutzky made MOTION to approve the erection and operation of the temporary skating rink portion of the proposed site plan with approval of the remainder of the site plan revisions held in abeyance until such time as the Department of Health approves the applicant’s submitted application for modifications to the Whistle Tree water system. G. Goodrich seconded the MOTION, which carried unanimously.

Andy Didio advised that the application for Whistle Tree water system modifications has been under review by the Department of Health for a number of months and a decision was expected soon.

P. Slutzky reminded the Board that the December Planning Board meeting would fall on Christmas Eve and in the past this meeting has been cancelled or rescheduled. After discussion, R. Volpi made MOTION to reschedule the December Planning Board meeting to December 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. C. Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which carried unanimously.

2. Short Term Rental Committee Report:

Board discussed progress to date. R. Volpi reviewed the document sharing site he has set up for committee use. He also reviewed the discussions he has had with consultant, Himary and advised they will be sending a detailed list of services offered and costs for each service. H. Goldberg said he will be getting similar proposal from Host Compliance.

Committee members agreed they will continue to research issues dealing with property inspections and enforcement.


H. Goldberg made MOTION to adjourn at 9:41 PM. MOTION seconded by C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.

Transcribed by
P. Slutzky