Village of Hunter Planning Board Meeting Minutes
December 14, 2023
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Penny Sikalis-Spring, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member
Absent: Ed Kaplan, Board Member
Absent: Rich Volpi, Board Member
Also Present: Christine Lucey, Secretary
Public Present: Jesse Fraine, Trent Poole, Brooke Kasman, Abe Stefansky, Fran Clark, Richard Rock
Open Meeting: Chairman Slutzky opened the regular Board meeting at 7:00 PM
Review and Approval of the Minutes of the Planning Board Meeting of October 26, 2023:
After review, Carl Giangrande made a MOTION to approve the minutes as presented.
Penny Sikalis-Spring seconded the MOTION, which was unanimously approved and carried.
Privilege of the Floor: none requested
Old Business:
- Hunter Peaks Major Residential Subdivision and Site Plan
Chairman Slutzky said that the Board previously approved a request for a 90-day extension of its conditional major subdivision approval, and informed that he had received an email from Walter Kubow requesting an additional 90-day extension. The developer is waiting for the Department of Health to approve the plan submitted, and Mr. Kubow feels that the approval will be made in time for the January Planning Board meeting.
Penny Sikalis-Spring made a MOTION to approve the requested 90-day extension. Carl Giangrande seconded the MOTION, which was unanimously approved and carried.
Chairman Slutzky said the last major item for the Planning Board to review for this project will be a performance bond for the proposed infrastructure work.
- 8294 Main Street—New Accessory Building Site Plan Review
Representative Ron San Fillipo was unable to attend the meeting.
Chairman Slutzky said the Planning Board received a a completed 239 Referral review form from the Greene County Planning Board declaring “no action.” The Planning Board is therefore free to approve the proposed site plan.
After discussion and review, Gail Shegerian made a MOTION to approve the project’s site plan. Penny Sikalis-Spring seconded the MOTION, which was approved unanimously and carried.
- Hunter Retreat LLC – Tax Map Number 164.05-4-3 –Hotel, Spa w/Restaurant & Bar, Free Standing Cottages –Representative Ron San Fillipo was unable to attend the meeting.
New Business:
- Hunter Mountain Ski Bowl Lift Replacement – Site Plan Review (construction of new base terminal for chairlift B)
Jesse Fraine of Delaware Engineering, D.P.C., presented to the Board, along with Trent Poole and Brooke Kasman from Hunter Mountain.
Trent Poole explained the plan to replace the current B lift at Hunter Mountain with a new 6-passenger detachable lift. The lift’s path would be re-aligned to carry the lift further uphill, to meet with F lift.
The current B lift equipment will then be re-purposed to replace the existing E lift, Mr. Poole said.
Chairman Slutzky said that at the last Town of Hunter Planning Board meeting, that Board stated its intention to seek lead agency status in the SEQRA review of this proposal.
Penny Sikalis-Spring said that the Town Planning Board intends to hold a joint public hearing on this matter, with the Village Planning Board, on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, 6:30 PM at the Hunter Town Hall.
Chairman Slutzky said only the proposed new B-lift base terminal lies within the bounds of the Village of Hunter, and suggested that the Board may vote to approve the Town’s findings after the public hearing.
Mr. Poole said that the goal is for construction to begin next summer.
Jesse Fraine said that stormwater runoff reviews by the DEP and DEC are among the environmental hurdles the project must overcome.
After reviewing drawings and holding further discussion, Carl Giangande made a MOTION to defer SEQRA lead agency status for the entire project to the Town of Hunter Planning Board. The MOTION was seconded by Penny Sikalis-Spring, and was unanimously approved and carried.
Gail Shegerian made a MOTION that the Village of Hunter Planning Board participate in the joint public hearing with the Town of Hunter Planning Board on January 2, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the Hunter Town Hall. The MOTION was seconded by Penny Sikalis-Spring, and was unanimously approved and carried.
- 8350 Main Street – Sketch Site Plan – Multiple Family Dwelling
Applicant Abe Stefanski discussed his plan to convert the existing barn on the property into a 2-family residence.
Chairman Slutzky noted that the property lies within the Village’s central business district, and said only architectural review would be needed because 2-family residences within this district are exempt from site plan review.
Mr. Stefanski said the only change to the structure that will be visible from the street would be to the roof line.
Chairman Slutzky asked about exterior lighting at the structure. Mr. Stefanski said all such lights will be down-facing, and said he has no plans yet relating to landscaping.
Carl Giangrande inquired about access points, and Mr. Stefanski said there will be no change from the existing access points.
Mr. Stefanski said he will be demolishing the existing house on the property, because it suffers from ground water issues and its footings are not adequate.
After reviewing the sketch plan and holding further discussion, Carl Giangrande made a MOTION to approve the proposal under the Architectural Review Law. The MOTION was seconded by Penny Sikalis-Spring, and was unanimously approved and carried.
- 7707 – 7709 Main Street – Multiple Family Dwelling – Sketch Site PlanRichard Rock presented to the Board a proposal for modifications to structures located at 7707 and 7709 Main Street.There are three structures on the property currently, Mr. Rock said, and the developer intends to remove one of them to create green space, while expanding the largest current structure into a 3-story, 4-unit residence. One of the units on the first floor would be ADA-compliant and handicapped accessible.This largest structure would be raised in elevation above the 100-year flood plain, and moved 3 feet away from the property’s lot line.A sprinkler fire suppression system would be installed in this structure, Mr. Rock said.The Board engaged Mr. Rock in a discussion about the appropriate number of parking spaces, and about appropriate placement of a trash collection dumpster for residents’ use.
Discussion followed about whether the property lies within the Gateway Business District or the Village Business District, and whether the proposal could be considered an existing non-conforming use. The property was determined to be in the Gateway Business District, which requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet per unit. The lot, therefore, at ½ acre is too small.
Chairman Slutzky said he will discuss these questions with Carl Giangrande in his role as Village of Hunter Code Enforcement Officer, and may also seek an opinion from Village attorney Tal Rappleyea.
Chairman’s Report:
Chairman Slutzky discussed newly-installed down-lights at the Forester Lodge, which he said are very noticeable to properties across the valley. Carl Giangrande said that, although a final walk-through of permitted work at the Lodge was completed some time ago, the final Certificate of Occupancy has not been signed. This would give him an opportunity to look into the matter, and Chairman Slutzky asked him to do so.
Carl Giangrande reported that he looked into the issue of exterior lights at the Hunter Mountain snow grooming shop, and said he saw nothing additional installed, but noted that what was in place seemed brighter than in the past.
Brooke Kasman said the existing lights may have been replaced with newer ones, and the Board suggested that perhaps shades can be placed on them.
Regarding the oversized, non-conforming sign at the Bluebird Hotel, Chairman Slutzky said the top sign-board has been redesigned and made smaller but the bottom sign-board remains unchanged. Penny Sikalis-Spring said that the application for approval may not have mentioned the applicant’s intention to light the sign at night.
Carl Giangrande said he still has open matters relating to fencing and landscaping at the former Sedgwick House. He also mentioned that noise complaints from renters at the property may be seasonal in nature.
Chairman Slutzky reported that discussions continue with Kaaterskill Engineering regarding Les Jardins de Hunter. While water system capacity appears from one point of view to be enough to support the development, a question about capacity during drought conditions must be answered. Lamont Engineers, whom the Village Board of Trustees has hired to assist, will work with Kaaterskill Engineering to come up with a resolution.
There being no further business, Gail Shegerian made a MOTION to adjourn. Penny Sikalis-Spring seconded the MOTION, which was unanimously approved and carried at 8:17 PM.