Public Hearings for:
Scribner’s Catskill Lodge
Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC
Slutzky Subdivision
Village of Hunter Planning Board
Regular Meeting Minutes
May 26, 2016
Members Present:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Board Member
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member
Carl Giangrande, Board Member (Absent)
Cheryl Cornelius, Alternate Member
Public Present: Hank Heller, Jack Bond, Diane Markein (Scribner Hollow HOA), Ruben Rivera, Ron DeMartin and Sestilio Botti (4 Seasons L.C.), Marc Chodock, Glennon Travis and Chad Lindberg (Scribner Lodge and Taconic Engineering), Jeff Prince (Mountaintrail), Greg Lubow, Esq. representing the Scribner Hollow HOA, Jozsef Ban(Scribner Hollow HOA), David Glaser.
Opening of Meeting: P. Slutzky opened the public hearings at 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING #1 – Scribner’s Catskill Lodge – 19 Scribner Hollow Road – site plan review-
P. Slutzky opened the Public Hearing 7:00 p.m.
Chad Lindberg, PE with Taconic Engineering, advised that Notices of Public Hearing had been mailed to the designated abutting landowners, but he had neglected to bring them to the meeting. He said he would have the receipts of mailing sent to the Board. He then gave a brief description of what is planned for the
Lodge, which included roads, entrances, and façade renovations, with no planned changes in the footprint of the building. Mr. Lindberg stated the primary changes were the addition of the service road and a new entrance for the restaurant.
Diane Markien from Scribner Condo # D6 stated that 4 trucks have been going thru the
Condo entrance driveway and kicking up a lot of dust and asked if this could be stopped.
Chad Lindberg stated he has no idea why the trucks were going thru there but will look into it and possibly address this issue in the regular meeting.
Greg Lubow, Esq., presented a copy of letter he had written as representative of the Scribner Hollow Homeowner Association listing seven (7) issues the Association is looking for answers on. These issues are:
- The Notice of Public Hearing was only sent to the HOA as a whole and not the individuals;
- Inaccuracy of the Proposal Drawings and Sketches – letter states the property lines are inaccurate and should be looked into;
- The HOA is opposed to any fence that will block access from the HOA road to the Scribner Lodge Parking lot;
- The HOA and its members believe it is necessary and proper to have a second unblocked entrance into the HOA property for fire and other emergency vehicles;
- The HOA is concerned about the number of the parking spots proposed for the upper parking lot.
The HOA feels the total number of parking spots together with the layout and traffic flow design does not provide for snowplowing and storage; - The HOA asks that all light poles be limited in height to no more than 8’ so entire parking lot is not lit up like a truck stop;
- The HOA has two concerns regarding screening the parking lot with vegetation: First, as mentioned above, they believe the proposed planting areas are on HOA property; Second, the proposal to plant 6’ to 8’ tall pine trees along the property line may block the views of the mountains currently enjoyed by the owners in the “E” building.
A few members of the HOA spoke about their concerns, which were the same concerns as listed in Mr. Lubow’s letter.
The letter from Mr. Lubow dated May 26, 2016, will be attached to these minutes.
Chairman Slutzky asked if there were any additional concerns and since there were none, the Public
Hearing for Scribner’s Catskill Lodge was closed at 7:18 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING #2 – Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC—two-lot Minor Subdivision
Chairman Slutzky opened the Public Hearing at 7:20 p.m. Jeff Prince presented mailing receipts as proof of Notice of Public Hearing to the designated abutting landowners. Chairman Slutzky asked if anyone had any questions or concerns to be addressed regarding the proposed two- lot Minor Subdivision. Since there were no concerns brought up, Chairman Slutzky closed the Public Hearing at 7:22 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING #3 – Slutzky two lot Minor Subdivision–19 Division Street –
Chairman Slutzky recused himself from the Board for discussion of this issue as he is an owner involved in this property. Deputy Chairman Volpi took over and opened the Hearing at 7:23 p.m.
P. Slutzky presented the proposed Subdivision map and briefly described the two lots to be created from the existing 5.02 acre lot. He showed how the proposed Lot 1 would contain the existing railroad station house and Lot 2 would contain the barns and vacant lands. P. Slutzky also presented proof of mailing receipts from abutting landowners for Notice of Public Hearing.
Deputy Chairman Volpi asked if anyone had any questions or concerns. Since there were none,
Deputy Chairman Volpi closed the Public Hearing for Slutzky Subdivision at 7:30 p.m.
Review and Approval of Minutes of April 28, 2016:
Motion was made to approve the minutes by H. Goldberg, seconded by R. Volpi and carried unanimously.
Privilege of the Floor:
Steve Botti inquired about the two (2) homes that were erected on corner of Dolans Lane and Main Street. Mr. Botti asked why it was approved and stated he went to the Code Enforcement Officer and was advised there was an error in the approval process and that nothing can be done.
Chairman Slutzky advised that the property owners in question had requested and received approval by the Planning Board for a lot line adjustment between their two lots. He further advised that single family residential construction does not require site plan approval from the Planning Board.
Old Business:
- Scribner’s Catskill Lodge – 19 Scribner Hollow Road–Site Plan Review – Co-owners Glennon Travis and Marc Chodock along with Chad Lindberg, PE, from Taconic Engrg presenting –
Chad Lindberg stated in response to concerns brought up during the Public Hearing and in Mr. Lubow’s letter of 5/26/16, in which he raised various HOA concerns:
- This is the first time he has heard about trucks creating dust and will discuss this tomorrow with the contractors. Chairman Slutzky advised that all the Scribner Hollow homeowners were not notified individually of the Public Hearing as it has been the Board’s practice in the past to notify the HOA which is the listed owner of the abutting common area lands. He said the Board assumed the HOA management would notify their individual homeowners of the public hearing. Mr. Lindberg stated that the proof of mailing receipts for the Notices of Public Hearing were sent out to the Board designated abutting landowners and are on his desk in his office and he will forward them immediately to the Board.
- Mr. Travis, co-owner of Scribner’s, stated that with regard to the issue of the property lines, he had a survey done and there is apparently a difference of opinion on the property lines but he will look into the issue and get back to the Board. Mr. Lindberg stated that last year a survey was done by Brooks and Brooks. Mr. Lubow advised the Board that they would not have to send any additional notification of meetings as representatives of the HOA will be at every meeting until the outstanding issues are resolved.
- The emergency vehicle access concern will be looked into.
- G. Travis stated there are 4 parking spots in front of the gate and the HOA has no deeded ROW through the Scribner’s parking lot.
Mr. Lindberg stated they propose to expand the area of the parking to show they had adequate parking spots for the restaurant. Chairman Slutzky advised that the schedule of off-street parking standards referred to in Mr. Lubow’s letter was not in the Village Zoning Law.
Chairman Slutzky stated the specifications for the exterior lighting should be shown on the site plans. Mr.Travis stated they intend to light the parking lot. Mr. Lindberg stated there are no lights specified yet but they will delineate them and will show them on the plans. R. Volpi advised that lighting locations need to be put on the site plan.
Chairman Slutzky stated he sent all information to the Greene County Planning Board for the 239 review. Mr. Slutzky was advised by the GCPB they did not have a quorum and therefore, they indicated that the final review is up to the Village Planning Board.
Chairman Slutzky advised that the site plan review will continue and be placed on the agenda for next month’s meeting if the applicants are ready.
- Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC – Hunter Drive (Hunter Highlands Condos)
Tax Lot # 164.00-4-21.11 – Final Subdivision Plat review for two-lot Minor Subdivision –
Jeff Prince presenting
Chairman Slutzky stated there were no questions or concerns from abutters offered at the
Public Hearing. He said at last month’s meeting the Board determined there was no zoning district designated for this parcel, which the Village Board had recently annexed into the Village. He then advised that the Village of Hunter Board passed Resolution # 2016-025 on May 9, 2016, designating this parcel to be located in the Residential District.
Jeff Prince presented an Owner’s Authorization Form signed by owner, Les Tanner, authorizing Mr. Prince to serve as his representative for this project.
R. Volpi asked for a copy of the road maintenance agreement to verify that the two lots to be subdivided become part of the Hunter Drive road maintenance agreement. Chairman Slutzky stated the Board has received a copy of the Recordable Easement and Maintenance Agreement for Hunter Drive, supplied by Les Tanner, which includes the entire Mountaintrail parcel as signatory to the agreement. Jeff Prince advised the purchaser of the new house on the 1.7 acre parcel is aware he will have to contribute to the maintenance agreement and this will be attached to the deed.
The Board then resumed the uncoordinated SEQRA review process. J. Prince presented for review a copy of Letter of Design Approval from NYCDEP, dated May 17, 2016, for the Interim Erosion and Sediment Control Plan which was submitted by applicant for the Mountaintrail parcel.
Board then reviewed Part 2-Impact Assessment of the submitted Short EAF. After discussion, MOTION for Negative Declaration under SEQR for the proposed two-lot Minor Subdivision was made by R. Volpi, seconded by C. Cornelius and carried unanimously.
- Jeff Prince advised that Joe Myers from the Village Water Department located and marked the water and sewer lines.
MOTION was made by Chairman Slutzky to approve the Final two-lot Minor Subdivision Plat for Mountaintrail at Hunter, LLC with the condition that any water, sewer or other utility easements affecting the two parcels be included in the deeds for the two parcels, with copies of said deeds furnished to the Planning Board. MOTION seconded by H. Goldberg and carried unanimously.
P. Slutzky reminded J. Prince that $100.00 application fee has not as yet been paid and final approval is contingent on Village receiving said payment.
- Slutzky Subdivision – 19 Division Street – Tax Lot # 164.05-6-8 – Final Subdivision Plat review for two-lot Minor Subdivision
Chairman Slutzky recused himself from the Board. Deputy Chairman Volpi took over meeting. Deputy Chairman stated there were no concerns brought up by neighbors at the Public Hearing but people just want to know what is going on with the property.
P. Slutzky stated the purpose of the two-lot subdivision was to separate the existing house on the parcel from the barns and vacant lands. He said there are no current plans for any development on the rest of property. P. Slutzky stated the property is zoned in the Business District but the Slutzky family has no interest in putting a business on the property.
After review of potential environmental impacts under Par 2 of the Short EAF, MOTION was made by H. Goldberg and seconded by G. Goodrich for Negative Declaration under SEQR for the proposed two-lot Minor Subdivision. MOTION carried unanimously (with P. Slutzky recused).
MOTION by H. Goldberg and seconded by C. Cornelius to approve the Final Subdivision Plat for the two-lot Minor Subdivision. MOTION carried unanimously (with P. Slutzky recused).
Correspondence: None
Motion was made to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. by H. Goldberg, seconded by C. Cornelius, and carried unanimously.
Transcribed by
Carol Ferrara