Members Present via Zoom:
Paul Slutzky, Chairman
Richard Volpi, Deputy Chairman
Gary Goodrich, Board Member
Harold Goldberg, Board Member-absent
Carl Giangrande, Board Member
Gail Shegerian, Alternate Member
Public Present via Zoom: Mathew Ricke, Chad Lindberg, PE, Samantha Cumming & Andy Didio (representing Scribner’s Catskill Lodge), Greg Lubow, Esq. (representing Scribner Townhomes HOA)
Opening of Regular Meeting:
P. Slutzky opened the meeting at 7:00 PM via Zoom
Review and Approval of Minutes of November 19, 2020:
After review, R. Volpi made MOTION to approve the minutes. MOTION seconded by
C. Giangrande and carried unanimously.
Privilege of the Floor: none requested
New Business: none
Old Business:
- Scribner’s Catskill Lodge—Spa Addition, 13 Scribner Hollow Road, Review of Site Plan Revision—Mathew Ricke, Chad Lindberg, P.E., Andy Didio, Samantha Cumming presenting
P. Slutzky advised he had attended via Zoom the 12/1/20 Town of Hunter Planning Board meeting at which Greg Lubow had enumerated concerns the Scribner Townhomes HOA had in reference to the proposed pathway to connect the proposed Cabins at Scribner project to the Scribner’s Lodge. The HOA requested that the portion of the pathway located in the Village of Hunter be properly signed and lighted to ensure guests from the Cabins did not inadvertently wander onto HOA property. P. Slutzky said that subsequent to the Town meeting, Taconic Engineering forwarded to the Village Planning Board a revised sheet C102 of the proposed site plan that incorporated the requested changes.
P. Slutzky read aloud the Motion for partial approval of the proposed site plan that was passed at the November 19 Planning Board meeting and advised that the Department of Health had issued a letter of approval on November 20 for the proposed modifications to the Whistle Tree water system and a copy of this letter was emailed to the Board and G.
Lubow. He then referenced G. Lubow’s letter of this date which reviewed the Scribner HOA remaining concerns relative to the proposed site plan revisions. He asked A. Didio to comment on the concerns related to the completion and testing of the Whistle Tree water system and the adequacy of post construction water volume to service the HOA buildings. A. Didio and M. Ricke emphasized that water system use at the proposed spa would be minimal and that the cause of the problems with the Whistle Tree system was not a lack of supply volume of water. They advised the issues were caused by a very antiquated distribution and control system that had been poorly maintained over many years prior to the current ownership of Scribner’s Lodge and the NYSDOH approved system modifications would eliminate those problems when constructed.
The Board determined that the revised site plan to show the Village portion of the lighted and signed pathway from the Cabins at Scribner would not create any moderate or significant environmental impacts and therefore the prior SEQR determination of negative declaration did not need to be modified.
After further discussion, P. Slutzky made MOTION to approve all the proposed site plan revisions as shown on Plan Sheets C100-C104, C501, SK-2, SK-3 and last revised 12/9/20 with the condition that no Certificate of Occupancy is to be issued by the Village Building Department for the proposed laundry building until such time as the proposed Whistle Tree water system modifications, including the new HOA distribution lines, are complete and the system is operating. R. Volpi seconded the MOTION which carried unanimously.
- Short Term Rental Committee
R. Volpi said the Harmari and Host Compliance proposals are posted to the file share site for Committee members to access. He is also hopeful of receiving a third proposal and will advise when it has been posted. C. Giangrandi said it may not be necessary to do a physical site inspection of all STR properties that have submitted registration applications if the stated occupancy on the application is consistent with the number of bedrooms as shown of the C of O and/or assessors info and no known other issues exist.
Committee discussed methods that might be employed to insure compliance with a possible STR regulation including enforcement procedures, penalties for non-compliance, etc. It was suggested that any required registration fees should be mandated to be held in a lock box account that is only utilized to pay the Village’s cost of maintaining the STR monitoring and enforcement system.
All members were asked to review in depth the proposals currently on the file share site and be prepared to discuss them in depth at the next Planning Board meeting.
R. Volpi made MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 PM. G. Shegerian seconded the MOTION, which carried unanimously.
Transcribed by:
Paul Slutzky