
The Village of Hunter Board of Trustees Meeting

January 8, 2024 – 7:00PM

Call to Order: Pledge of Allegiance


Privilege of the Floor: Public Comment

New Business:

1. Identify polling place and hours of March 19, 2024, Village General Election — Resolution

2. Appoint Election Inspectors – Resolution

3. The head of each unit must submit an estimate of revenues and expenditures including schedules and statements for the ensuing fiscal year to Mayor Higgins/Budget Officer by March 1, 2024. The estimate should show the sources of all revenue, itemize the character and object of each expenditure, as defined in Village Law § 5-500(7), and contain such additional information as the Mayor may prescribe. If the head of a unit fails to submit an estimate by March 1, 2024, the Mayor will prepare an estimate for such unit.

4. Insurance coverage check-up

Building Department:

1. November and December monthly reports.


Department of Public Works:

Fire Company:

1. Application for Active Membership by Elide Bell
2. Cancer Policy Renewal Review

Parks and Recreation:

Planning Board:

Sewer Department:

1. Discuss Budget to Actual Report

Water Department:

1. Lamont Engineers Groundwater Withdrawal Permit – Identify appropriation account to use for bills due now ($3,532.00) and future billing. If necessary, transfer funds to this account from account _______

Old Business:


Executive Session:



1. General Fund – Actual Report – June 1 – December 31, 2023
2. Sewer Operating Account – Budget to Actual report – June 1 – December 31, 2023
3. Water Operating Account – Actual Report – June 1 – December 31, 2023

